[ {"text": "Server Commands", "color": "red", "bold": true}, null, "ItsBecuaseYouMakeNoGoodIslandSpawn", null, "Island Tp : /tpisland (name) Can be done by any player.", "Island creation : /createislandfor (player name) Can be done by any player.", null, null, "FTB Utilities", null, "/back Teleports the player to there last death", "/backup manual Allows OP's to do a manual backup of the world.", "/kickme Allows the player to kick themselves if they get stuck in a bed.", null, null, "Home commands", null, "/sethome (name) Allows the normal player to set a home point to teleport to.", "/home (Name of home set) The command to teleport to the set home point.", "/delhome (name) Allows the player to delete a home point.", "/setwarp (name) This allows OP's to set a main warp points. for example you could set a warp to the end so any player can warp to the end by using this command.", "/spawn Allows the player to teleport to spawn", null, null, "Team Commands", null, "/team allies add (Name) Allows the player to add a ally that can have limited access to the claimed chunks (Don't know at this current time if latvian has added the limiting factor to allies)", "/team kick (Name) Allows the owner of the team to kick a team member from the team so they can no longer access the chunks unless added as a ally with limited access.", "/team join (Name) Allows the player to join a team if they have left there current team which gets assigned whena player joins the game the first time.", "/team leave (Name) Allows the player to leave a team they are currently in.", "/team invite (Player Name) Allows the player to invite another player to there team.", "/team transfer_ownership (Name) Allows the owner of a team to transfer ownership to another player.", null, null, "Forge - /forge tps Allows a OP to check the current tps the world and other dimensions.", null, null, "Extra Utilities 2 - /xu_powersharing Allows the player to let other players share there gp and machines from Extra Utilities." ]