/dank/null (by TheRealp455w0rd) AE2 Stuff (by bdew) AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (by TheRealp455w0rd) AI Improvements (by QueenOfMissiles) Actually Additions (by Ellpeck) Advanced Hook Launchers (by EnderLanky) Advanced Rocketry (by zmaster587) AgriCraft (by InfinityRaider) Akashic Tome (by Vazkii) AmbientSounds 5 (by CreativeMD) Ancient Spellcraft (by windanesz) AppleCore (by squeek502) AppleSkin (by squeek502) Applied Energistics 2 (by AlgorithmX2) Arcane World (by Lemonszz) ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version (by darkevilmac) Armory Expansion (by AshuraNoYami) Aroma1997Core (by Aroma1997) AromaBackup (by Aroma1997) Artifacts (by ochotonida) Astral Sorcery (by HellFirePvP) AtomicStryker's Battle Towers (by atomicstrykergrumpy) AttributeFix (by DarkhaxDev) Atum 2: Return to the Sands (by Shadowclaimer) Auto Ore Dictionary Converter (by MattDahEpic) AutoRegLib (by Vazkii) Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded (by Kreezxil) Baubles (by Azanor13) BdLib (by bdew) Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim) BetterFps (by Guichaguri) Bewitchment (Legacy) (by sunconure11) BiblioCraft (by Nuchaz) Biome Staff (by TheRealp455w0rd) BiomeInfo (by bl4ckscor3) Biomes O' Plenty (by Forstride) Block Drops (JEI Addon) (by KidsDontPlay) Blood Magic (by WayofTime) Bookshelf (by DarkhaxDev) Botania (by Vazkii) Bountiful (Forge) (by Ejektaflex) BountifulBaubles (by Cursed1nferno) Broken Wings (by quat1024) Buildcraft (by Covert_Jaguar) Building Gadgets (by Direwolf20) CB Multipart (by covers1624) Capsule (by Lythom) Career Bees (by Forge_User_06804776) Chameleon (by Texelsaur) Champions (by TheIllusiveC4) Chance Cubes (by TurkeyDev) Charm (by svenhjol) Cherished Worlds (Forge) (by TheIllusiveC4) Chisel (by tterrag1098) Chisels & Bits - For Forge (by AlgorithmX2) Chocolate Quest Repoured (by Lordepos) Chunk-Pregenerator (by Speiger) Clumps (by Jaredlll08) CoFH Core (by TeamCoFH) CoFH World (by TeamCoFH) CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+ (by covers1624) Collective (Forge) (by Serilum) ColorUtility (by axeryok) Common Capabilities (by kroeser) Compact Machines (by davenonymous) ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098) Construct's Armory (by TheIllusiveC4) Controlling (by Jaredlll08) Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth) Corail Tombstone (by Corail_31) Cosmetic Armor Reworked (by LainMI) CraftTweaker (by Jaredlll08) Crafting Tweaks (by BlayTheNinth) CreativeCore (by CreativeMD) Crimson Warfare (by Ta6e) Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0) Culinary Construct (by TheIllusiveC4) Custom Main Menu (by Lumien231) Customized Dungeon Loot (by XxRexRaptorxX) Cyclic (by Lothrazar) Cyclops Core (by kroeser) DarknessLib (by Shinoow) DimensionalDoors (by DimensionalDevelopment) Ding (by ohaiiChun) DiscordCraft (by dierke9) DiscordIntegration (by MiraWaNeko) Doggy Talents (by percivalalb) Dungeon Tactics (by PegBeard) Dungeons Mod (by dainxt) Eerie Entities (by DarkhaxDev) Electroblob's Wizardry (by Electroblob) Electroblob's Wizardry: Twilight Forest Spell Pack (by Electroblob) Elenai Dodge 2 (by ElenaiDev) Enchantment Descriptions (by DarkhaxDev) Ender IO (by crazypants_mc_the_second) Ender Storage 1.8.+ (by covers1624) EnderCore (by tterrag1098) Energy Converters (by xalcon) ErebusFix (by Noobanidus) Extra Bit Manipulation (by Phylogeny) Extra Utilities (by Forge_User_06804776) ExtraCells2 (by Forge_User_54797008) FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy) (by FTB) FTB Money (Forge) (by FTB) FTB Quests (Forge) (by FTB) FTB Utilities (Forge) (by FTB) Fairy Lights (by pau101) Farming for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth) FastWorkbench (by Shadows_of_Fire) Fish's Undead Rising (by fish0016054) Flux Networks (by sonar_sonic) Foam​Fix (by asiekierka) Forestry (by mezz) ForgeEndertech (by EnderLanky) Fossils and Archeology: Revival (by _ForgeUser18449974) Frozen Fiend (by UnOriginal_1) Future MC (by thedarkcolour) Gas Conduits (by pupnewfster) Gendustry (by bdew) Ghost's Explosives (by ghostgamingpe) GottschCore (by gottsch) Grue (by Shinoow) Guard Illagers (by Farcr) Guide-API (by TehNut) GunpowderLib (by Jackyy) HT's TreeChop (by hammertater) Hammer Lib (by Zeitheron) Hardcore Darkness (by Lumien231) Hats (by ohaiiChun) Hunter illager (by bagu_chan500) Hwyla (by TehNut) ICBM - Classic (by QueenOfMissiles) Ice and Fire: Dragons (by sbom_xela) Illagers+ (by LiteWolf101) Immersive Cables (by SanAndreaP) Immersive Engineering (by BluSunrize) Immersive Intelligence (by Pabilo8) Immersive Petroleum (by Flaxbeard) Immersive Posts (by TwistedGate) Immersive Technology (by tgstyle0) Improved Backpacks (by DreenDexTwitch) In Control! (by McJty) Industrial Foregoing (by Buuz135) InfinityLib (by InfinityRaider) InstantUnify (by KidsDontPlay) Instrumental Mobs (by Mrbysco) Integrated Dynamics (by kroeser) Integrated Tunnels (by kroeser) Integration Foregoing (by Jackyy) Inventory Pets (by Purplicious_Cow_) Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (by JimeoWan) Iron Chests (by ProgWML6) It's the little things (by Zlepper) Item Filters (by LatvianModder) IvToolkit (by Ivorforce) JAOPCA (by TheLMiffy1111) JEI Bees (by bdew) JourneyMap (by techbrew) Just Enough Calculation (by towdium) Just Enough Energistics (JEE) (by TheRealp455w0rd) Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC) (by mrapplexz) Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz) Just Enough Resources (JER) (by way2muchnoise) LLibrary (by mmdlexiconn) LagGoggles (by Terminator_NL) Large Ore Deposits (by EnderLanky) LemonLib (by Lemonszz) LetsEncryptCraft (by CloudyPSP) Level Up! Reloaded (by BeetoGuy) LibVulpes (by zmaster587) LittleTiles (by CreativeMD) Lods of Emone (by BordListian) Login Shield (by Glasspelican) Loot Capacitor Tooltips (by tfarecnim) Loot Games (by Time_Conqueror) Lootr (Forge) (by Noobanidus) Lost Magic (by Spiteful_Fox) MCMultiPart (by amadornes) ME Capability Adapter (by rfctksSparkle) MPUtils (by GenDeathrow) MTLib (by Jaredlll08) Macaw's Roofs (by sketch_macaw) Magic Bees (by MysteriousAges) MalisisCore (by Ordinastie) MalisisDoors (by Ordinastie) Mantle (by mDiyo) MattDahEpic Core (MDECore) (by MattDahEpic) Max Potion ID Extender (by zabi94) McJtyLib (by McJty) Mekanism (by bradyaidanc) Mekanism Generators (by bradyaidanc) Mekanism Tools (by bradyaidanc) MenuMobs (by SpiesAmice) MixinBooter (by Rongmario) Moar Tinkers (by AshuraNoYami) Mob Grinding Utils (by vadis365) ModTweaker (by Jaredlll08) Modular Powersuits (by machinemuse) More Overlays (by VoidField101) Morpheus (by Quetzi) Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR) Mowzie's Mobs (by bobmowzie) Mystical Agradditions (by BlakeBr0) Mystical Agriculture (by BlakeBr0) Mystical World (by Noobanidus) MysticalLib (by Noobanidus) Nature's Aura (by Ellpeck) Nature's Compass (by Chaosyr) Nether Portal Spread (Forge) (by Serilum) NetherPortalFix (by BlayTheNinth) No Recipe Book (by Seneschal_Luwin) NormalASM (by mirrorcult) NotEnoughIDs (by fewizz_) NuclearCraft (by tomdodd4598) Numina (by machinemuse) OMLib (by Keridos) Obfuscate (by MrCrayfish) OldJavaWarning (by DarkhaxDev) Open Modular Turrets (by Keridos) OpenBlocks (by OpenMods) OpenComputers (by Sangar_) OpenModsLib (by OpenMods) Ore Excavation (by Funwayguy) PackMode (by Sky_Som) PackModeMenu (by IllgiLP) Paintings ++ (by AbsolemJackdaw) Pam's Cookables - Pam's Harvestcraft Addon (by BloodWorkXGaming) Pam's HarvestCraft (by pamharvestcraft) Patchouli (by Vazkii) Phosphor (Forge) (by jellysquid3_) Pigstep (by CommodoreThrawn) Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire) Portal Gun (by ohaiiChun) Potion Core (by Tmtravlr) Practical Logistics 2 (by sonar_sonic) Progressive Bosses (by Insane96MCP) Quark (by Vazkii) Quark Oddities (by Vazkii) RFTools (by McJty) RFTools Dimensions (by McJty) Random Things (by Lumien231) RandomPatches (Forge) (by TheRandomLabs) Rats (by sbom_xela) ReAuth (by TechnicianLP) Reach Fix (by meldexun) Reborn Core (Fork NBT fix) (by crisCKY) Recurrent Complex (by Ivorforce) Redstone Flux (by TeamCoFH) Reliquary Reincarnations (by P3pp3rF1y) Reskillable (by lanse505) Resource Loader (by Lumien231) Roguelike Dungeons -- Fnar's Edition (by FnarDotTv) Roots (by Noobanidus) Save My Stronghold! (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Scannable (by Sangar_) Shadowfacts' Forgelin (by ShadowfactsDev) Signpost (by Gollorum) Simple Storage Network (by Lothrazar) Simply Cats (by Mnesikos) Simply Jetpacks 2 (by Tomson124) Sonar Core (by sonar_sonic) Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (by lordcazsius) Steve's Carts Reborn (by modmuss50) Storage Drawers (by Texelsaur) Storage Drawers Extras (by Texelsaur) Stupid Things (by Furgle) Stygian End: Biome Expansion (by super_fluke) SwingThroughGrass (by exidex) TAIGA (Tinkers alloying addon) (by zkafaceTV) Tech Reborn (by modmuss50) Tesla Core Lib (by face_of_cat) Thaumcraft (by Azanor13) Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed (by Zeitheron) Thaumic Augmentation (by TheCodex6824) Thaumic JEI (by Buuz135) Thaumic Periphery (by cadaverous_queen) The Aurorian (by shiroroku) The Beneath (by Shinoow) The Erebus (by vadis365) The Midnight (by crypticmushroomlive) The Twilight Forest (by Benimatic) Thermal Cultivation (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Dynamics (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Expansion (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Foundation (by TeamCoFH) Thermal Innovation (by TeamCoFH) Time Core (by Time_Conqueror) Tinker's JEI (by possible_triangle) Tinkers Construct (by mDiyo) Tinkers' Tool Leveling (by bonusboni) Tips (by DarkhaxDev) Totemic (by ljfa2) Treasure2! (by gottsch) Treasure2: Wizardry Loot Pack (by gottsch) Tweakers Construct (by RCXcrafter) UniDict (by WanionCane) Vampires Need Umbrellas (by Focamacho) Vampirism - Become a vampire! (by maxanier) Vampirism Integrations (by maxanier) VanillaFix (by Runemoro) Village Names (by AstroTibs) Waila Harvestability (by squeek502) WanionLib (by WanionCane) Waystones (by BlayTheNinth) Wings (by pau101) Wireless Crafting Terminal (by TheRealp455w0rd) Wireless Redstone CBE (by covers1624) Wither Skeleton Tweaks (by Shadows_of_Fire) WorldGen Block Replacer (by The_Fireplace) WrapUp (by TheLMiffy1111) XNet (by McJty) YABBA (by LatvianModder) YNot (by asiekierka) YUNG's Better Caves (Forge) (by YUNGNICKYOUNG) Yoyos (by jozufozu) ZeroCore 2 (by ZeroNoRyouki) [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands (by MrCompost) iChunUtil (by ohaiiChun) p455w0rd's Library (by TheRealp455w0rd) stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Forge_User_08823382) xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (a PlusTiC fork without the evil, and apparently some new bugs idk) (by TeamDman)