#Maximum horizontal distance to look for crystals #Range: 1 ~ 16 maxHorizontalCrystalDistance = 10 #Maximum vertical distance to look for crystals #Range: 1 ~ 16 maxVerticalCrystalDistance = 1 #Startup time before the generator is active #Range: 20 ~ 2000 startupTime = 70 #Shutdown time #Range: 20 ~ 2000 shutdownTime = 70 #Maximum amount of power per generator block #Range: 1000 ~ 100000 powerStoragePerBlock = 50000 #Output power per tick #Range: 10 ~ 100000 powerPerTickOut = 20000 #Maximum number of crystals supported per block #Range: 1 ~ 8 maxCrystalsPerBlock = 2 #Maximum power input per block #Range: 100 ~ 50000 maxPowerInputPerBlock = 10000 [crystals] #The maximum kilo-RF (per 1000, so 1000 = 1milion RF) that a crystal with 100% power can hold #Range: 1 ~ 2000000000 maximumStoredPower = 1000000 #The maximum RF/tick that a crystal with 100% efficiency can give #Range: 1 ~ 20000 maximumPowerTick = 20000 [plate] #Strength of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal. 0 to disable #Range: 0 ~ 100000 radiationStrength = 20000 #Radius of radiation that a plate block gives when it has a redstone signal #Range: 8 ~ 128 radiationRadius = 10 #Amount of ticks that the radiation from a plate block lasts #Range: 20 ~ 72000 radiationTicks = 100 [crystallizer] #How much power/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor #Range: 0 ~ 1000 powerPerTickIn = 200 #How much power this machine consumes per tick while crystalizing #Range: 0 ~ 1000 powerPerTick = 20 #Maximum power that can be stored in this machine #Range: 0 ~ 100000 powerMaximum = 10000 #The amount of RCL that is needed for one crystal #Range: 100 ~ 80000 rclPerCrystal = 6000 #The amount of RCL/t that is consumed during crystalizing #Range: 1 ~ 100000 rclPerTick = 1 [laser] #How much power/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor #Range: > 0 powerPerTickIn = 2000 #Maximum power that can be stored in this machine #Range: > 0 powerMaximum = 100000 #The maximum amount of liquified crystal this machine can hold (this is not RCL!) #Range: > 100 crystalLiquidMaximum = 20000 #The minimum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 0% strength crystal #Range: > 1 minCrystalLiquidPerCrystal = 2000 #The maximum amount of liquified crystal one crystal will yield (this is not RCL!). This value is for a 100% strength crystal #Range: > 1 maxCrystalLiquidPerCrystal = 10000 #How much RF this machine consumes for infusing one catalyst item #Range: > 0 rfUsePerCatalyst = 4000 #How many multiples of 10 ticks are needed to infuse one catalyst item #Range: 0 ~ 100000 ticks10PerCatalyst = 4 #The amount of crystal liquid we consume per catalyst item #Range: > 1 crystalLiquidPerCatalyst = 25 #The amount of crystal liquid we consume per catalyst item #Range: > 1 rclPerCatalyst = 500 [purifier] #Amount of ticks needed to purify one unit of RCL #Range: 1 ~ 10000 ticksPerPurify = 100 #The amount of RCL we purify as one unit #Range: 1 ~ 10000 rclPerPurify = 200 #How much the purifier adds to the purity of a liquid (in %) #Range: 1 ~ 100 addedPurity = 25 #Maximum purity that the purifier can handle (in %) #Range: 1 ~ 100 maxPurity = 85 [smelter] #How much power/t this machine can input from a generator/capacitor #Range: 0 ~ 1000 powerPerTickIn = 200 #How much power/t this machine consumes during smelting ores #Range: 0 ~ 1000 powerPerOreTick = 10 #Maximum power that can be stored in this machine #Range: 0 ~ 100000 powerMaximum = 5000 #The number of ticks to smelt one ore #Range: 10 ~ 1000 processTime = 200 #The amount of lava to smelt one ore #Range: 100 ~ 10000 lavaCost = 200 #The amount of RCL to produce with one ore #Range: 50 ~ 1000 rclPerOre = 200 [valve] #The amount of ticks between a transfer operation #Range: 1 ~ 300 ticksPerOperation = 5 #The amount of RCL to transfer in one operation #Range: 100 ~ 10000 rclPerOperation = 100 [explosion] #This factor increases the radius of radiation on explosion and decreases the strength #Range: 0.0 ~ 1000.0 radiationExplosionFactor = 1.3 #The minimum explosion multiplier #Range: 0.1 ~ 200.0 minimumExplosionMultiplier = 6.0 #The maximum explosion multiplier for a 100%/100% power/strength crystal #Range: 0.1 ~ 200.0 maximumExplosionMultiplier = 17.0 #The maximum explosion multiplier that is possible. Set to 0 to disable all explosions #Range: 0.1 ~ 200.0 absoluteMaximumExplosionMultiplier = 20.0 [radiation] #The minimum radiation radius #Range: 3.0 ~ 16.0 minRadiationRadius = 7.0 #The maximum radiation radius for a 100/100/100 crystal #Range: 16.0 ~ 128.0 maxRadiationRadius = 50.0 #The minimum radiation strength #Range: 500.0 ~ 250000.0 minRadiationStrength = 3000.0 #The maximum radiation strength for a 100/100/100 crystal #Range: 100000.0 ~ 1000000.0 maxRadiationStrength = 600000.0 #Percentage of the maximum strength the radiation increases every tick #Range: 1.0E-4 ~ 0.1 strengthGrowthFactor = 0.002 #How much the radiation strength decreases every tick #Range: 0.1 ~ 50.0 strengthDecreasePerTick = 3.0 #The radiation strength at which point destruction events can happen #Range: 1000.0 ~ 1000000.0 radiationDestructionEventLevel = 300000.0 #Every 10 ticks (half a second) this chance is evaluated to see if there should be a destruction event. 1.0 means it will always occur #Range: 0.0025 ~ 0.1 radiationDestructionEventChance = 0.02 #Below this level no effects occur #Range: 100.0 ~ 10000.0 radiationEffectLevelNone = 2000.0 #Radiation strength level 0 #Range: 1000.0 ~ 100000.0 radiationEffectLevel0 = 20000.0 #Radiation strength level 1 #Range: 2500.0 ~ 250000.0 radiationEffectLevel1 = 50000.0 #Radiation strength level 2 #Range: 5000.0 ~ 500000.0 radiationEffectLevel2 = 100000.0 #Radiation strength level 3 #Range: 10000.0 ~ 1000000.0 radiationEffectLevel3 = 200000.0 #Radiation strength level 4 #Range: 25000.0 ~ 2500000.0 radiationEffectLevel4 = 500000.0 #Radiation strength level 5 #Range: 50000.0 ~ 5000000.0 radiationEffectLevel5 = 1000000.0 #The maximum that a radiation meter can measure #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.7976931348623157E308 maxRadiationMeter = 200000.0 #How much obsidian blocks radiation (0.0 is total block, 1.0 is not block at all) #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 radiationShieldObsidianFactor = 0.20000000298023224 #How much dense obsidian blocks radiation (0.0 is total block, 1.0 is not block at all) #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 radiationShieldDenseObsidianFactor = 0.05000000074505806 #How much dense glass blocks radiation (0.0 is total block, 1.0 is not block at all) #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 radiationShieldDenseGlassFactor = 0.10000000149011612 #How much dense lead blocks radiation (0.0 is total block, 1.0 is not block at all) #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 radiationShieldLeadFactor = 0.10000000149011612 #How much protection you get from radiation with 1 radiation suit piece equipped #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 suitProtection1 = 0.25 #How much protection you get from radiation with 2 radiation suit piece equipped #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 suitProtection2 = 0.5 #How much protection you get from radiation with 3 radiation suit piece equipped #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 suitProtection3 = 0.75 #How much protection you get from radiation with 4 radiation suit piece equipped #Range: 0.0 ~ 3.4028234663852886E38 suitProtection4 = 0.949999988079071