# Configuration file general { common { # Chance to generate a random lock on every new chest during world generation. Set to 0 to disable # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:"Generation Chance"=0.5 # The maximum amount of pins on every generated lock (exclusive) # Min: 1 # Max: 30 I:"Max Generated Lock Length"=7 # The minimum amount of pins on every generated lock (inclusive) # Min: 1 # Max: 30 I:"Min Generated Lock Length"=3 } server { # Open locks can be removed with an empty hand while sneaking B:"Allow Removing Locks"=true # All lock items, which don't have a length nbt value will have this value set as their length. The length of a lock can still be changed by editing its nbt # Min: 1 # Max: 30 I:"Default Lock Length"=7 # All lock pick items which don't have a strength nbt value will have this value set as their strength. The strength of a lock pick can still be changed by edition its nbt # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:"Default Lock Pick Strength"=0.35 B:"Easy Lock"=true # Blocks that can be locked. Syntax is the mod domain followed by the block's registry name. Can include regular expressions S:"Lockable Blocks" < minecraft:.*chest minecraft:dispenser minecraft:dropper minecraft:hopper minecraft:.*door minecraft:.*trapdoor minecraft:.*fence_gate minecraft:.*shulker_box variedcommodities:.*barrel variedcommodities:.*crate defiledlands:.*tenebra_door traverse:.*fir_door > # Maximum amount of blocks that can be locked at once I:"Max Lockable Volume"=6 # Locked blocks cannot be destroyed in survival mode B:"Protect Lockables"=true } client { # Display visual feedback when trying to use a locked block for certain hearing impaired individuals B:"Deaf Mode"=false } }