# Patch to explain how to batch craft
tc.research_page.RESEARCHER1.1=You have become more efficient at performing research.
Whenever you remove an aspect that you placed in a hex, there is a 25% chance that you will regain the research point.
Additionally are also able to see what aspects you need to combine to create an aspect you are hovering over.
Lastly you are skilled enough to perform mass aspect combination by holding ctrl while combining. This way you can combine up to 10 aspects at a time.
tc.research_page.RESEARCHER2.1=You have become even more efficient at performing research.
Whenever you remove an aspect that you placed in a hex, there is a 50% chance that you will regain the research point.
Additionally there is a 10% chance that whenever you place an aspect that it will not cost any research points to do so.
Lastly you are able to derive aspects in the research table by shift-left clicking on the aspect you wish to create. If you have enough of the component aspects they will automatically combined. To perform this in batch hold ctrl.
tc.research_page.RESEARCHDUPE.1=You have discovered a way to copy completed research note.
You can see a copy button in a research table. When you complete research or place a completed research note in the research table and as long as you are carrying paper and ink and have enough aspects available - it will become active.
The more copies are created of that research, the more expensive copying it will become.
# Patch to show new UI, explain about combining and researching using aspect drag & drop or right click while dragging
thaumcraft:textures/research/table/research-table-tutorial-schematic.png:0:0:256:227:.45You should see all the primal aspects (and possibly some compound aspects) listed in the areas marked §l3§r with varying amounts attached to them. When you enter a world for the first time, every player is assigned a small pool of primal aspects to get them started.
If you had done some exploring with
tc.research_page.RESEARCH.7=the thaumometer beforehand then you might have a significant number of primal and compound aspects listed here.
You can now start combining aspects into more complex compound aspects by simply dragging and dropping or by right clicking while dragging one aspect over the other. If successful you should see what was gained in the bottom right and it should appear in areas §l3§r.
The component aspects are consumed even if the combination did not result in valid compound aspect.
tc.research_page.RESEARCH.8=§l §n(3) Primary Research§r
thaumcraft:textures/research/table/research-table-tutorial-filled.png:0:0:256:200:.50You need to be carrying a set of scribing tools and paper for this step.
If you open your Thaumonomicon you will see all the knowledge have and also all the knowledge that you are now able to pursue.
Flashing square or round icons represent primary researches.
tc.research_page.RESEARCH.9=If you can read their title (instead of seeing strange runes) you are simply able to click on them. Paper and ink will be consumed from your inventory and you will gain a research note. You can now take this research note to the table to start researching it by placing it in slot §l2§r.
Section §l4§r will now display a sheet of paper covered in hexagonal tiles with aspect icons around the outer edge. If you see question mark icons it means you do not know that aspect yet and you will need to learn it first.
tc.research_page.RESEARCH.10=To complete your research you simply need to connect and activate all the aspects. You do this by writing an aspect to a hex adjacent to it that is either composed of the target aspect, or can be combined with another aspect to form the target aspect. To write an aspect simply drag and drop or right click while dragging over hex.
thaumcraft:textures/misc/research3.png:0:0:150:80:.65Placing an aspect consumes one research point. If you make a mistake you can click on the aspect to remove it, but you will not regain the research point.
# Hint button on the table
researchtable.usagehint.header=How to use
researchtable.usagehint.description=Drag & drop or drag & right-click aspects to draw and combine
researchtable.usagehint.research_expertise=Hold ctrl while combining to make up to 10 aspects. Works with research mastery.
# In case notes get corrupted
tc.research.notes.corrupted.line.1=Notes corrupted!
tc.research.notes.corrupted.line.2=Try starting from scratch.