# This is the english master file for localizations. It will always be the most # up-to-date version, so other localizations should be based on this one. # Use [nl] to for a line break. # Blocks tile.oc.accessPoint.name=§c액세스 í¬ì¸íŠ¸Â§7 tile.oc.adapter.name=Adapter tile.oc.assembler.name=Electronics Assembler tile.oc.cable.name=Cable tile.oc.capacitor.name=Capacitor tile.oc.carpetedCapacitor.name=Carpeted Capacitor tile.oc.case1.name=Computer Case (Tier 1) tile.oc.case2.name=Computer Case (Tier 2) tile.oc.case3.name=Computer Case (Tier 3) tile.oc.caseCreative.name=Computer Case (Creative) tile.oc.chameliumBlock.name=Block of Chamelium tile.oc.charger.name=Charger tile.oc.disassembler.name=Disassembler tile.oc.diskDrive.name=Disk Drive tile.oc.endstone.name=End Stone tile.oc.geolyzer.name=Geolyzer tile.oc.hologram1.name=Hologram Projector (Tier 1) tile.oc.hologram2.name=Hologram Projector (Tier 2) tile.oc.keyboard.name=키보드 tile.oc.microcontroller.name=Microcontroller tile.oc.motionSensor.name=Motion Sensor tile.oc.netSplitter.name=Net Splitter tile.oc.powerConverter.name=Power Converter tile.oc.powerDistributor.name=Power Distributor tile.oc.print.name=3D Print tile.oc.printer.name=3D Printer tile.oc.raid.name=Raid tile.oc.redstone.name=Redstone I/O tile.oc.relay.name=Relay tile.oc.robot.name=Robot tile.oc.robotAfterimage.name=Robot tile.oc.screen1.name=Screen (Tier 1) tile.oc.screen2.name=Screen (Tier 2) tile.oc.screen3.name=Screen (Tier 3) tile.oc.rack.name=Rack tile.oc.switch.name=§cSwitch§7 tile.oc.transposer.name=Transposer tile.oc.waypoint.name=Waypoint # Items item.oc.AbstractBusCard.name=Abstract Bus Card item.oc.Acid.name=Grog item.oc.ALU.name=Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) item.oc.Analyzer.name=분ì„기 item.oc.APU0.name=Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) (Tier 2) item.oc.APU1.name=Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) (Tier 3) # Deprecated and overwritten # item.oc.APU2.name=Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) (Creative) item.oc.ArrowKeys.name=Arrow Keys item.oc.ButtonGroup.name=Button Group item.oc.CardBase.name=Card Base item.oc.Chamelium.name=Chamelium item.oc.CircuitBoard.name=Circuit Board item.oc.ComponentBus0.name=Component Bus (Tier 1) item.oc.ComponentBus1.name=Component Bus (Tier 2) item.oc.ComponentBus2.name=Component Bus (Tier 3) item.oc.ComponentBus3.name=Component Bus (Creative) item.oc.ControlUnit.name=Control Unit (CU) item.oc.CPU0.name=Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 1) item.oc.CPU1.name=Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 2) item.oc.CPU2.name=Central Processing Unit (CPU) (Tier 3) item.oc.CuttingWire.name=Cutting Wire item.oc.DataCard0.name=Data Card (Tier 1) item.oc.DataCard1.name=Data Card (Tier 2) item.oc.DataCard2.name=Data Card (Tier 3) item.oc.DebugCard.name=Debug Card item.oc.Debugger.name=Network Debugger item.oc.DiamondChip.name=Diamond Chip item.oc.Disk.name=Disk Platter item.oc.DiskDriveMountable.name=Disk Drive item.oc.Drone.name=Drone item.oc.DroneCase0.name=Drone Case (Tier 1) item.oc.DroneCase1.name=Drone Case (Tier 2) # Deprecated and overwritten # item.oc.DroneCase3.name=Drone Case (Creative) item.oc.eeprom.name=EEPROM item.oc.FloppyDisk.name=Floppy Disk item.oc.GraphicsCard0.name=Graphics Card (Tier 1) item.oc.GraphicsCard1.name=Graphics Card (Tier 2) item.oc.GraphicsCard2.name=Graphics Card (Tier 3) item.oc.HardDiskDrive0.name=Hard Disk Drive (Tier 1) item.oc.HardDiskDrive1.name=Hard Disk Drive (Tier 2) item.oc.HardDiskDrive2.name=Hard Disk Drive (Tier 3) item.oc.hoverBoots.name=Hover Boots item.oc.InkCartridge.name=Ink Cartridge item.oc.InkCartridgeEmpty.name=Ink Cartridge (Empty) item.oc.InternetCard.name=Internet Card item.oc.Interweb.name=Interweb item.oc.IronNugget.name=Iron Nugget item.oc.LinkedCard.name=Linked Card item.oc.Manual.name=OpenComputers Manual item.oc.Memory0.name=Memory (Tier 1) item.oc.Memory1.name=Memory (Tier 1.5) item.oc.Memory2.name=Memory (Tier 2) item.oc.Memory3.name=Memory (Tier 2.5) item.oc.Memory4.name=Memory (Tier 3) item.oc.Memory5.name=Memory (Tier 3.5) item.oc.Microchip0.name=Microchip (Tier 1) item.oc.Microchip1.name=Microchip (Tier 2) item.oc.Microchip2.name=Microchip (Tier 3) item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase0.name=Microcontroller Case (Tier 1) item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase1.name=Microcontroller Case (Tier 2) # Deprecated and overwritten # item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase3.name=Microcontroller Case (Creative) item.oc.Nanomachines.name=Nanomachines item.oc.NetworkCard.name=Network Card item.oc.NumPad.name=Numeric Keypad item.oc.Present.name=A little something... item.oc.PrintedCircuitBoard.name=Printed Circuit Board (PCB) item.oc.RawCircuitBoard.name=ì›ì‹œ 회로 ê¸°íŒ item.oc.RedstoneCard0.name=Redstone Card (Tier 1) item.oc.RedstoneCard1.name=Redstone Card (Tier 2) item.oc.Server0.name=Server (Tier 1) item.oc.Server1.name=Server (Tier 2) item.oc.Server2.name=Server (Tier 3) # Deprecated and overwritten # item.oc.Server3.name=Server (Creative) item.oc.Tablet.name=Tablet item.oc.TabletCase0.name=Tablet Case (Tier 1) item.oc.TabletCase1.name=Tablet Case (Tier 2) # Deprecated and overwritten # item.oc.TabletCase3.name=Tablet Case (Creative) item.oc.Terminal.name=Remote Terminal item.oc.TerminalServer.name=Terminal Server item.oc.TexturePicker.name=Texture Picker item.oc.Transistor.name=Transistor item.oc.UpgradeAngel.name=Angel Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeBattery0.name=Battery Upgrade (Tier 1) item.oc.UpgradeBattery1.name=Battery Upgrade (Tier 2) item.oc.UpgradeBattery2.name=Battery Upgrade (Tier 3) item.oc.UpgradeChunkloader.name=Chunkloader Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard0.name=Card Container (Tier 1) item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard1.name=Card Container (Tier 2) item.oc.UpgradeContainerCard2.name=Card Container (Tier 3) item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade0.name=Upgrade Container (Tier 1) item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade1.name=Upgrade Container (Tier 2) item.oc.UpgradeContainerUpgrade2.name=Upgrade Container (Tier 3) item.oc.UpgradeCrafting.name=Crafting Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeDatabase0.name=Database Upgrade (Tier 1) item.oc.UpgradeDatabase1.name=Database Upgrade (Tier 2) item.oc.UpgradeDatabase2.name=Database Upgrade (Tier 3) item.oc.UpgradeExperience.name=Experience Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeGenerator.name=Generator Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeHover0.name=Hover Upgrade (Tier 1) item.oc.UpgradeHover1.name=Hover Upgrade (Tier 2) item.oc.UpgradeInventory.name=Inventory Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeInventoryController.name=Inventory Controller Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeLeash.name=Leash Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeMF.name=MFU item.oc.UpgradeNavigation.name=Navigation Upgrade item.oc.UpgradePiston.name=Piston Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeSign.name=Sign I/O Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeSolarGenerator.name=Solar Generator Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeTank.name=Tank Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeTankController.name=Tank Controller Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeTractorBeam.name=Tractor Beam Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeTrading.name=Trading Upgrade item.oc.WirelessNetworkCard0.name=Wireless Network Card (Tier 1) item.oc.WirelessNetworkCard1.name=Wireless Network Card (Tier 2) item.oc.WorldSensorCard.name=World Sensor Card item.oc.wrench.name=Scrench item.oc.APU2.name=Accelerated Processing Unit (APU) (Tier 3) item.oc.DroneCase3.name=Drone Case (Tier 3) item.oc.MicrocontrollerCase3.name=Microcontroller Case (Tier 3) item.oc.Server3.name=Server (Tier 4) item.oc.TabletCase3.name=Tablet Case (Tier 3) item.oc.UpgradeBeekeeper.name=Beekeeper Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeRITEG.name=RITEG Upgrade item.oc.UpgradeConfigurator.name=Configurator Upgrade item.oc.TpsCard.name=TPS card item.oc.ItemUpgradeAE.name=ME Upgrade # Entities entity.oc.Drone.name=Drone # GUI oc:gui.Analyzer.Address=§6Address§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.AddressCopied=Address copied to clipboard. oc:gui.Analyzer.ChargerSpeed=§6Charge speed§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.ComponentName=§6Component name§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.Components=§6Number of connected components§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.CopyToClipboard=Click to copy to clipboard. oc:gui.Analyzer.LastError=§6Last error§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotName=§6Name§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotOwner=§6Owner§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.RobotXp=§6Experience§f: %s (Level %s) oc:gui.Analyzer.StoredEnergy=§6Stored energy§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.TotalEnergy=§6Total stored energy§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.Users=§6Users§f: %s oc:gui.Analyzer.WirelessStrength=§6Signal strength§f: %s oc:gui.Assembler.Collect=Collect output oc:gui.Assembler.Complexity=Complexity: %s/%s oc:gui.Assembler.InsertCase=Insert a base part oc:gui.Assembler.InsertCPU=Insert a CPU oc:gui.Assembler.InsertRAM=Insert some RAM oc:gui.Assembler.Progress=Progress: %s%% (%s) oc:gui.Assembler.Run=Assemble oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.BIOS=BIOS oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.GraphicsCard=Graphics Card oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Inventory=Inventory Upgrade oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Keyboard=Keyboard oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.OS=Bootable Medium oc:gui.Assembler.Warning.Screen=Screen oc:gui.Assembler.Warnings=§eWarning§7: Recommended components are missing. oc:gui.Chat.NewVersion=A new version is available: %s oc:gui.Chat.TextureName=§7Texture name is §a%s§f. oc:gui.Chat.WarningClassTransformer=There were §cerrors§f running the class transformer. Please report this, together with your (full!) FML §alatest.log§f/§afml-server-latest.log§f logfile, thank you! oc:gui.Chat.WarningFingerprint=§cWARNING§f - fingerprint mismatch! Expected '§a%s§f' but got '§e%s§f'. Unless you are a modder and are running the deobfuscated version of the mod, it is §lstrongly§f recommended to redownload OpenComputers, because the JAR you are using may have been tampered with. oc:gui.Chat.WarningLink=Could not open link: %s oc:gui.Chat.WarningLuaFallback=Native Lua libraries are not available, computers will not be able to persist their state. They will reboot on chunk reloads. oc:gui.Chat.WarningProjectRed=You are using a version of Project: Red that is incompatible with OpenComputers. Try updating your version of Project: Red. oc:gui.Chat.WarningRecipes=There were errors loading one or more recipes. Some items may be uncraftable. Please check your log file for more information. oc:gui.Chat.WarningSimpleComponent=An addon (yours?) using the §aSimpleComponent§f interface did §esomething wrong§f. Component logic could not be injected. Please check your log file for more information. oc:gui.Drive.Managed=Managed oc:gui.Drive.Unmanaged=Unmanaged oc:gui.Drive.ReadOnlyLock=Lock oc:gui.Drive.ReadOnlyLockWarning=§lRead Only§r lock. Cannot be removed unless the drive is wiped. oc:gui.Drive.Warning=§lWarning§r: switching modes will result in a loss of all data currently stored on the disk! oc:gui.Error.ComponentOverflow=Too many components connected to the computer. oc:gui.Error.InternalError=Internal error, please see the log file. This is probably a bug. oc:gui.Error.NoCPU=No CPU is installed in the computer. oc:gui.Error.NoEnergy=Not enough energy. oc:gui.Error.NoRAM=No RAM is installed in the computer. oc:gui.Error.OutOfMemory=Out of memory. oc:gui.Manual.Blocks=OpenComputers Blocks oc:gui.Manual.Home=Home oc:gui.Manual.Items=OpenComputers Items oc:gui.Manual.Warning.BlockMissing=Block unavailable. oc:gui.Manual.Warning.ImageMissing=Image not found. oc:gui.Manual.Warning.ItemMissing=Item unavailable. oc:gui.Manual.Warning.OreDictMissing=Ore dictionary entry unavailable. oc:gui.Raid.Warning=§4Adding a disk wipes it.[nl] Removing a disk wipes the raid. oc:gui.Robot.Power=Energy oc:gui.Robot.TurnOff=Turn off oc:gui.Robot.TurnOn=Turn on[nl]§7Use an Analyzer to troubleshoot errors.§r oc:gui.Rack.Back=Back oc:gui.Rack.Bottom=Bottom oc:gui.Rack.Left=Left oc:gui.Rack.None=None oc:gui.Rack.Right=Right oc:gui.Rack.Enabled=Enabled oc:gui.Rack.Disabled=Disabled oc:gui.Rack.RelayModeTooltip=Relay Mode oc:gui.Rack.Top=Top oc:gui.Switch.PacketsPerCycle=Packets / cycle oc:gui.Switch.QueueSize=Queue size oc:gui.Switch.TransferRate=Cycle rate oc:gui.Terminal.InvalidKey=Invalid key, most likely another terminal has been bound to the server. oc:gui.Terminal.OutOfRange=No signal. # Containers oc:container.AccessPoint=Access Point oc:container.Adapter=Adapter oc:container.Case=Computer oc:container.Charger=Charger oc:container.Disassembler=Disassembler oc:container.DiskDrive=Disk Drive oc:container.Printer=Printer oc:container.Raid=Raid oc:container.Relay=Relay oc:container.Server=Server oc:container.Rack=Rack oc:container.Switch=Switch oc:container.TabletWrapper=Tablet # Keybinds key.clipboardPaste=Paste Clipboard key.materialCosts=Show Material Costs # Item / Block Tooltips oc:tooltip.AccessPoint=Acts like a Switch, but additionally receives wireless packets and relays wired packets wirelessly. oc:tooltip.AbstractBusCard=Allows interacting with §fStargateTech 2§7's abstract bus by sending and receiving LIP packets. oc:tooltip.Acid=A highly toxic pseudo-liquid, usually only consumed by certain pirates. May prove to be useful in other ways, too, however. oc:tooltip.Adapter=Used to control non-component blocks, such as vanilla blocks or blocks from other mods. oc:tooltip.ALU=Adds numbers so you don't have to. It might be better this way. oc:tooltip.Analyzer=Used to display information about blocks, such as their §faddress§7 and §fcomponent name§7.[nl] Also displays the error that caused a computer to crash if it did not shut down normally. oc:tooltip.APU=This is a CPU with an integrated GPU (or IGP), when you just need that extra card slot.[nl] Supported components: §f%s§7[nl] Maximum resolution: §f%sx%s§7[nl] Maximum color depth: §f%s§7[nl] Operations/tick: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.Assembler=Allows constructing robots and other devices from a number of different computer parts. oc:tooltip.Cable=A cheap way of connecting blocks. oc:tooltip.Capacitor=Stores energy for later use. Can be filled and emptied very quickly. oc:tooltip.CarpetedCapacitor=Stores energy for later use. Can be filled and emptied very quickly. Charges when Sheep or Ocelots walk on it oc:tooltip.CardBase=As the name indicates, this is the basic building block for all expansion cards. oc:tooltip.Case=The Computer Case is the basic building block for computers and houses the computer's §fextension cards§7, §fRAM§7 and §fhard disks§7.[nl] Slots: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.Chamelium=Raw material for 3D prints. Do not swallow: may lead to blindness and temporary lack of presence. oc:tooltip.ChameliumBlock=Nice and clean. Handy for tinted shapes in 3D prints, or just for having a clean, colored block to decorate your fancy base with. oc:tooltip.Charger=Transfers energy from capacitors into adjacent robots and drones. The transfer rate depends on the incoming §fredstone signal§7, where no signal means don't charge devices, and maximum strength means charge at full speed. Can also be used to charge tablets and access hard drives in tablets. oc:tooltip.CircuitBoard=Now we're getting somewhere. Can be etched to obtain a printed circuit board. oc:tooltip.ControlUnit=This is the unit that... controls... stuff. You need it to build a CPU. So yeah, totally important. oc:tooltip.ComponentBus=This expansion allows servers to communicate with more components at the same time, similar to how CPUs do.[nl] Supported components: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.CPU=An essential component of all computers. The clock rate is a bit unreliable, but what do you expect when it runs on a pocket sundial?[nl] Supported components: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.CPU.Architecture=Architecture: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.CuttingWire=Used to cut clay blocks into circuit board shape. Breaks after one use, which probably makes it the most inefficient tool ever. oc:tooltip.DataCard0=Provides a couple of advanced algorithms such as hashing and deflate/inflate. oc:tooltip.DataCard1=Provides a couple of advanced algorithms such as hashing, AES encryption and deflate/inflate. oc:tooltip.DataCard2=Provides a couple of advanced algorithms such as hashing, AES encryption, elliptic curve cryptography and deflate/inflate. oc:tooltip.DebugCard=Creative mode item, allows manipulating the world to make testing easier. Use at your own peril. oc:tooltip.Debugger=Can be used to output debug information on OC's internal network grid. Only use if so instructed by a dev. oc:tooltip.DiamondChip=A small piece of a once radiant diamond. It will never be the same again. oc:tooltip.Disassembler=Separates items into their original components. §lWarning§7: returned items have a %s%% chance of breaking in the process! oc:tooltip.Disk=Primitive medium that can be used to build persistent storage devices. oc:tooltip.DiskDrive.CC=ComputerCraft floppies are §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.DiskDrive=Allows reading and writing floppies. Can be installed in robots to allow inserting floppies later on. oc:tooltip.DiskDriveMountable=Provides the same functionality as a normal disk drive, but must be installed in a rack. oc:tooltip.DiskUsage=Disk usage: %s/%s Byte oc:tooltip.DiskLocked=Locked by: %s oc:tooltip.DiskModeManaged=Mode: Managed oc:tooltip.DiskModeUnmanaged=Mode: Unmanaged oc:tooltip.Drone=Drones are light-weight, fast reconnaissance units with limited cargo space. oc:tooltip.DroneCase=This casing is used to build Drones in the assembler. It has room for a small amount of components and provides endstone-powered levitation. oc:tooltip.EEPROM=Small, programmable storage that contains the BIOS computers use to boot. oc:tooltip.FakeEndstone=Almost as good as the real thing, even emulates its floatiness! oc:tooltip.Geolyzer=Allows scanning the surrounding area's blocks' hardness. This information can be useful for generating holograms of the area or for detecting ores. oc:tooltip.GraphicsCard=Used to change what's displayed on screens.[nl] Maximum resolution: §f%sx%s§7[nl] Maximum color depth: §f%s§7[nl] Operations/tick: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.HoverBoots=Jump higher, fall deeper, walk better. This and more, with the new and patented Hover Boots (TM). oc:tooltip.InkCartridge=Used to refill ink in 3D printers. For mysterious reasons it does not have to remain in the printer. oc:tooltip.InkCartridgeEmpty=This ink cartridge has been sucked dry. Refill it using dyes. Or throw it away. See if I care. oc:tooltip.InternetCard=This card allows making HTTP requests and using real TCP sockets. oc:tooltip.Interweb=Congratulations, you win one (1) interweb. You can connect to it using an Internet Card. Beware: don't feed the trolls. oc:tooltip.IronNugget=A nugget made of iron, that's why it's called an Iron Nugget, duh... oc:tooltip.Keyboard=Can be attached to screens to allow typing on them. oc:tooltip.Hologram0=A volumetric display that can be controlled by computers to display arbitrary voxel structures.[nl] Resolution: §f48x32x48§7 [nl] Maximum scale: §f3x§7 [nl] Color depth: §fMonochrome§7 oc:tooltip.Hologram1=A volumetric display that can be controlled by computers to display arbitrary voxel structures.[nl] Resolution: §f48x32x48§7 [nl] Maximum scale: §f4x§7 [nl] Color depth: §fTricolor§7 oc:tooltip.LinkedCard=These are crafted in pairs, and can only communicate with their partner card. However, they can communicate across any distance, and even across dimensions. The energy required to send a message is fairly high, though. oc:tooltip.LinkedCard_Channel=§8Channel: %s§7 oc:tooltip.Manual=All the information you could possibly need about OpenComputers. And more. For the unbelievably low price of... §oplease press R to continue§7. oc:tooltip.MaterialCosts=Hold [§f%s§7] for material costs. oc:tooltip.Materials=Materials: oc:tooltip.Memory=Required to get computers to run. The more you have, the more complex the programs you can run. oc:tooltip.Microchip=The chip formerly known as Integrated Circuit. I have no idea why this works with redstone, but it does. oc:tooltip.Microcontroller=Microcontrollers are computers boiled down to the essentials. They are intended to take care of very specific tasks, running only a single program that is provided on the EEPROM built into them.[nl] §cCan not connect to external components.§7 oc:tooltip.MicrocontrollerCase=Base component for building microcontrollers. Place it into an assembler to add further components and assemble a microcontroller. oc:tooltip.MotionSensor=Can detect movement of nearby living beings. Requires clear line-of-sight. oc:tooltip.Nanomachines=Control unit and a bunch of nanomachines for ingestion, if you dare. oc:tooltip.NetworkCard=Allows distant computers connected by other blocks (such as cable) to communicate by sending messages to each other. oc:tooltip.PowerAcceptor=Energy conversion speed: §f%s/t§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.BuildCraft=§fBuildCraft MJ§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.Factorization=§fFactorization Charge§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.IndustrialCraft2=§fIndustrialCraft² EU§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.Mekanism=§fMekanism Joules§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.ThermalExpansion=§fThermal Expansion RF§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter.ResonantEngine=§fResonant Engine Coulombs§7: §a%s:%s§7 oc:tooltip.PowerConverter=Converts power from other mods to the internal energy type. Conversion rates: oc:tooltip.PowerDistributor=Distributes energy among different networks. This is useful for sharing power fed into your system from one converter among different sub-networks that should remain separate. oc:tooltip.Present=... for your troubles. Open this present for a chance to receive some §kphat lewt§7![nl]§8Craft OpenComputers items when the time is right for a chance to receive a present.§7 oc:tooltip.Print.BeaconBase=§8Works as a beacon base. oc:tooltip.Print.LightValue=§8Light emitted: %s. oc:tooltip.Print.RedstoneLevel=§8Redstone output: %s. oc:tooltip.PrintedCircuitBoard=The basic building block for expansion cards and memory and such. oc:tooltip.Printer=Allows printing blocks of user-defined shapes using Chamelium and Ink Cartridges. Must be configured using a computer. Keep away from small children. Because reasons. oc:tooltip.Raid=Allows combining three hard drives into one larger file system that can be used by all connected computers. oc:tooltip.RawCircuitBoard=Can be hardened in any furnace compatible oven. oc:tooltip.Redstone=Allows reading and emitting redstone signals around the block. Can be controlled by any computer the block is connected to. This is basically like an external redstone card. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.ProjectRed=§fProjectRed§7 is §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedLogic=§fRedLogic§7 is §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.RedNet=§fRedNet§7 is §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.WirelessCBE=§fWireless Redstone (ChickenBones)§7 is §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard.WirelessSV=§fWireless Redstone (SlimeVoid)§7 is §asupported§7. oc:tooltip.RedstoneCard=Allows reading and emitting redstone signals around the computer or robot. oc:tooltip.Relay=Allows connecting different networks to each other. Only network messages will be passed along, components will not be visible through this. Use this to separate networks while still allowing communication using Network Cards, for example. oc:tooltip.Robot=Unlike computers, robots can move around and interact with the world much like a player can.[nl] §cCan not connect to external components.§7 # The underscore makes sure this isn't hidden with the rest of the tooltip. oc:tooltip.Robot_Level=§fLevel§7: §a%s§7 oc:tooltip.Robot_StoredEnergy=§fStored energy§7: §a%s§7 oc:tooltip.Screen=Display text, controlled by a Graphics Card in a Case.[nl] Maximum resolution: §f%sx%s§7[nl] Maximum color depth: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.Server=This is a server, there are many like it, but this one can be upgraded with components much like a computer case can be. It can be run by inserting it into a server rack. oc:tooltip.Server.Components=Installed components: oc:tooltip.Rack=Allows the installation of up to four servers or other rack mountables. oc:tooltip.Switch=Allows connecting different networks to each other. Only network messages will be passed along, components will not be visible through this. Use this to separate networks while still allowing communication using Network Cards, for example. oc:tooltip.Tablet=A tablet computer, for fresh Lua on the go. Can be forced to shut down by sneak-activating it. oc:tooltip.TabletCase=Basic case for tablets. Place it into the assembler to add in components and create a tablet computer. oc:tooltip.Terminal=Allows controlling a server remotely, as long as you are in range of it. Acts like a portable screen and keyboard. Shift-right-click a server in a server rack to bind the terminal to it. oc:tooltip.TerminalServer=Backend to which Remote Terminals can be connected to provide remote control. Houses a virtual screen and keyboard. oc:tooltip.TexturePicker=This tool allows showing a string describing a block's surface, for use in 3D printer shape definitions. Totally not texture names, nope. No sir. oc:tooltip.Tier=§8Tier %s oc:tooltip.NetSplitter=Acts as a dynamic connector. Connectivity of each side can be toggled by hitting it with a wrench. Connectivity of all sides can be inverted by applying a redstone signal. oc:tooltip.TooLong=Hold [§f%s§7] for a detailed tooltip. oc:tooltip.Transistor=A basic element in most other computer parts. It's a bit twisted, but it does the job. oc:tooltip.Transposer=Allows automated transferral of items and fluids between adjacent inventories and fluid containers. oc:tooltip.UpgradeAngel=Allows robots to place blocks in thin air, even if there is no point of reference. oc:tooltip.UpgradeBattery=Increase the amount of energy a device can store, allowing it work longer without having to be recharged. [nl] Capacity: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeChunkloader=If a robot moves in a forest and no one is around to see it, does it really move? This upgrades makes sure it does. It keeps the chunk a device is in loaded, but continually consumes energy while active. oc:tooltip.UpgradeContainerCard=This container upgrade allows dynamically installing and removing a card from an assembled device. [nl] Maximum Tier: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeContainerUpgrade=This container upgrade allows dynamically installing and removing another upgrade from an assembled device. [nl] Maximum Tier: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeCrafting=Enables robots to use the top left area of their inventory for crafting objects. Items have to be aligned as they would be in a crafting table. oc:tooltip.UpgradeDatabase=This upgrade allows storing item stack information for later retrieval and use by other components.[nl] Supported entries: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeExperience=This upgrade allows robots to accumulate experience by performing various operations. The more experience they have, the more energy they can store, the faster they can harvest blocks and the more efficiently they can use tools. oc:tooltip.UpgradeGenerator=Can be used to generate energy from fuel on the go. Burns items to generate energy over time, based on their fuel value.[nl] §fEfficiency§7: §a%s%%§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeHover=This upgrade allows robots to fly higher above the ground without having to climb walls.[nl] Maximum height: §f%s§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeInventory=This upgrade provides inventory space to a robot or drone. Without one of these, they will not be able to store items internally. oc:tooltip.UpgradeInventoryController=This upgrade allows robots and drones more control in how it interact with external inventories, and allows robots to swap their equipped tool with an item in their inventory. oc:tooltip.UpgradeMF=Allows adapters to access blocks they are not adjacent to. oc:tooltip.UpgradeMF.Linked=§fConnection established§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeMF.Unlinked=§fNo connection§7 oc:tooltip.UpgradeLeash=Allows some devices, such as drones, to bind Isaa- excuse me... *chatter* My apologies. I'm just being told this is actually used to put animals on a leash. Multiple animals, even. Odd. oc:tooltip.UpgradeNavigation=Can be used to determine the position and orientation of a device. The position is relative to the center of the map that was used to craft this upgrade. oc:tooltip.UpgradePiston=This upgrade is very pushy. It allows moving blocks, similar to when using a piston. It does §lnot§7 move entities, however. oc:tooltip.UpgradeSign=Allows reading text on and writing text to signs. oc:tooltip.UpgradeSolarGenerator=Can be used to generate energy from sunlight on the go. Requires a clear line of sight to the sky above the device. Generates energy at %s%% of the speed of a Stirling Engine. oc:tooltip.UpgradeTank=This upgrade provides a tank for fluid storage for robots and drones. Without one of these, they will not be able to store fluids internally. oc:tooltip.UpgradeTankController=This upgrade allows robots and drones more control in how they interacts with external tanks, and allows them to transfer fluids into and out of fluid tank items in their inventory. oc:tooltip.UpgradeTractorBeam=Equips a device with extremely advanced technology, nicknamed the "Item Magnet". Allows the device to pick up items anywhere within 3 blocks of its location. oc:tooltip.UpgradeTrading=Allows robots and drones to trade with villagers. oc:tooltip.Waypoint=Provides a point of reference to devices with a navigation upgrade. oc:tooltip.WirelessNetworkCard=Allows wireless sending of network messages in addition to normal ones. You can adjust the §fsignal strength§7 to control how far messages are sent. Higher signal strength results in higher energy consumption. oc:tooltip.WorldSensorCard=Allows reading out information about the world, such as its gravity and whether it has a breathable atmosphere. Use results at own risk. The manufacturer takes no responsibility for bodily or material harm caused by decisions made upon the cards' outputs. We have lawyers. And money. Don't even try. oc:tooltip.Wrench=A hybrid of Screwdriver and Wrench, this tool is easy to learn, but hard to master. oc:tooltip.UpgradeRITEG=Pocket nuke for your microcontrollers and tablets. Generates energy at %s%% of the speed of a Stirling Engine. #Achievements achievement.oc.adapter=Plug In Baby achievement.oc.adapter.desc=Interact with blocks from other mods and even vanilla Minecraft! achievement.oc.assembler=Wonderful achievement.oc.assembler.desc=Time to take over the world! achievement.oc.cable=Not a Dirty Wire achievement.oc.cable.desc=With patented anti-cable-spaghetti technology. achievement.oc.capacitor=Batteries included achievement.oc.capacitor.desc=You cannot stop it. achievement.oc.card=We Accept Cards achievement.oc.card.desc=For your convenience. No ulterior motive, promise. achievement.oc.case=In Case of Trouble achievement.oc.case.desc=Because cuboid towers are the best. achievement.oc.charger=All right, let's do this achievement.oc.charger.desc=Chaaaaaaaaaarg- dang, forgot the redstone signal again. achievement.oc.chip=All the Small Things achievement.oc.chip.desc=Because vacuum tubes are so yesteryear. achievement.oc.cpu=Overclocked achievement.oc.cpu.desc=Time to make good use of those computing cycles. achievement.oc.disassembler=Scratch That achievement.oc.disassembler.desc=In case one of your brilliant ideas turns out to be not that brilliant after all. achievement.oc.diskDrive=Roundabout achievement.oc.diskDrive.desc=Inferior capacity but such delicious sound. achievement.oc.drone=Fly Away achievement.oc.drone.desc=Keep calm and nuke it from orbit. achievement.oc.eeprom=There can be only one achievement.oc.eeprom.desc=Per computer, that is. For deterministic boot order, you know? achievement.oc.floppy=The One Ri- Disk achievement.oc.floppy.desc=Not to be confused with Flappy. achievement.oc.geolyzer=Down to Earth achievement.oc.geolyzer.desc=It has extraordinary qualities. achievement.oc.graphicsCard=LastGen achievement.oc.graphicsCard.desc=The way it's meant to be... uh... rendered. Yeah. That. achievement.oc.hdd=Hot Dog Dealer achievement.oc.hdd.desc=No wait, that's not what that meant. Hang on, almost got it... achievement.oc.hologram=Next Dimension achievement.oc.hologram.desc=Because 2D is boring. Or is it? achievement.oc.keyboard=DirtCatcher3000 achievement.oc.keyboard.desc=It is highly recommended to resist the urge to flip them around and shake them. achievement.oc.microcontroller=Little Sister achievement.oc.microcontroller.desc=The small sibling of computers. achievement.oc.motionSensor=Got the Moves achievement.oc.motionSensor.desc=Like Steve Swagger. achievement.oc.networkCard=Now We're Talking! achievement.oc.networkCard.desc=Keep in touch with those distant relatives via transitive relations. achievement.oc.openOS=Boot achievement.oc.openOS.desc=One OS to - wait, I used that one already? Dang. achievement.oc.powerDistributor=Sharing is Caring achievement.oc.powerDistributor.desc=When you need some help balancing all that power. achievement.oc.rack=Dat Rack achievement.oc.rack.desc=I don't know what you're thinking of, I clearly meant the server rack. achievement.oc.raid=LFG achievement.oc.raid.desc=Heroic plzkthx. achievement.oc.ram=Random Access Memories achievement.oc.ram.desc=Congratulations, you're Doin' It Right. achievement.oc.redstoneCard=Contact achievement.oc.redstoneCard.desc=Time to go analog. achievement.oc.redstoneIO=The Outsider achievement.oc.redstoneIO.desc=Taking redstone signals where you want them. achievement.oc.robot=Beep Boop achievement.oc.robot.desc=EXTERMINATE! achievement.oc.screen=Have you tried turning it off and on again? achievement.oc.screen.desc=No seriously. A redstone pulse can toggle a screen's power, after all. achievement.oc.server=Dedicated achievement.oc.server.desc=Cloud services, here we come. achievement.oc.switch=Complex Topology achievement.oc.switch.desc=Avoid fragile goods due to possibility of dropped packets. achievement.oc.tablet=Do Not Swallow achievement.oc.tablet.desc=Also keep away from small children to avoid unexpected overdrawing of your credit card. achievement.oc.transistor=Tell Red I said "Hi." achievement.oc.transistor.desc=Create a Transistor to get started. Then listen to the soundtrack. No need to thank me. achievement.oc.wirelessNetworkCard=Signals achievement.oc.wirelessNetworkCard.desc=Time to go where no packet has gone before. # Death messages. Note that the number of entries here must match the number # set in the actual damage source in code. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesOverload.1=%s got too greedy. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesOverload.2=%s had a nervous breakdown. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesOverload.3=The nanomachines of %s went out of control. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesHungry.1=%s was eaten by nanomachines. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesHungry.2=%s didn't keep their nanomachines fed. death.attack.oc.nanomachinesHungry.3=%s has been digested. # NEI Integration nei.options.inventory.oredict=Show OreDictionary names nei.options.inventory.oredict.true=True nei.options.inventory.oredict.false=False nei.usage.oc.Manual=Open Manual # Waila Integration option.oc.address=Address option.oc.componentName=Component Name option.oc.energy=Energy