#This file is a translation file for Mobs Info #NEI mobsinfo.mobhandler.normal_drops=Normal drops mobsinfo.mobhandler.rare_drops=Rare drops mobsinfo.mobhandler.additional_drops=Additional drops mobsinfo.mobhandler.infernal_drops=Infernal drops mobsinfo.mobhandler.infernal_cannot=Cannot spawn infernal mobsinfo.mobhandler.infernal_can=Can spawn infernal mobsinfo.mobhandler.infernal_always=Always spawns infernal mobsinfo.mobhandler.mod=Mod: mobsinfo.mobhandler.max_health=Max health: mobsinfo.mobhandler.boss=BOSS mobsinfo.mobhandler.cannot_use_vial=Can't be in soul vial mobsinfo.mobhandler.chance=Chance: %.2f%% mobsinfo.mobhandler.average_reminder=§7§oPlease remember that these are average drops. mobsinfo.mobhandler.lootable=Looting is applied mobsinfo.mobhandler.player_only=§7Hard player-only mobsinfo.mobhandler.peaceful_allowed=Allowed in peaceful mobsinfo.mobhandler.locked=To unlock more information, mobsinfo.mobhandler.locked_1=you have to kill the mob! mobsinfo.mobhandler.unlocked=§6You have unlocked new mob information! mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info=Please remember that drop chances and sizes are mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info_1=average based on all possibilities mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info_2=That means that 100% doesn't always mean that it will always drop! mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info_3=As for example it could mean that there is mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info_4=equal chances to drop 0 or 1 or 2 items, mobsinfo.mobhandler.extended_info_5=which averages at 1 drop every time (100%) mobsinfo.mobhandler.spawns_everywhere=Spawns everywhere mobsinfo.mobhandler.spawns_in=Spawns in %d places... mobsinfo.mobhandler.spawns_not_in=Spawns everywhere but %d places... mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.title=Infernal Mobs - Drop Table mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.format=Format: mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.format_1=Drop table name - x% (y%) mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.format_2=x - Chance to get mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.format_3=y - Chance to get when the mob mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.format_4=always spawns infernal mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.elite=Elite drops - %.2f%% (%.2f%%) mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.ultra=Ultra drops - %.3f%% (%.2f%%) mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.inferno=Inferno drops - %.3f%% (%.3f%%) mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.tooltip_chance=Total chance to get: %.4f%% mobsinfo.mobhandlerinfernal.tooltip_chance_always=Total chance to get when always infernal: %.4f%% #Extras (compatibility) mobsinfo.extras.minecraft_slime=Drops only when the slime is at the smallest size mobsinfo.extras.minecraft_magma_cube=Drops only when the magma cube is NOT at the smallest size mobsinfo.extras.chance=Chance: %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.base_chance=Base chance: %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.variable_chance=Variable chance mobsinfo.extras.drops_only_using=Drops only when killed using %s mobsinfo.extras.drops_only_in_dimension=Drops only in %s dimension mobsinfo.extras.drops_only_with_weakness=Drops only when the mob has weakness potion effect applied mobsinfo.extras.drops_only_with_weakness_2=Drops only when the mob has weakness potion (II or higher) effect applied mobsinfo.extras.drops_only_with_enchant=Drops only when %s enchantment is applied mobsinfo.extras.each_level_of_gives=Each level of %s gives %s mobsinfo.extras.or_biome=Or %.2f%% when on %s biome mobsinfo.extras.or_using=or %.2f%% when killed using %s mobsinfo.extras.avaritia_skull_sword=Drops only when killed using Skull Sword and no other skulls were dropped mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul=BASED ON REAPER ENCHANT LEVEL - AND WEAPON | mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul_1=LEVEL | NONE | I | II | III | IV | V mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul_2=Any/None | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul_3=Wyvern Sword/Bow | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul_4=Draconic Sword/Bow | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.draconic_evolution_mob_soul_5=Draconic Staff of Power | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% | %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.emt_creeper=Drops only when Creeper is powered mobsinfo.extras.forbidden_magic_non_player=Drops only when killed by non player entity mobsinfo.extras.open_blocks_small_chance=Chance: Small mobsinfo.extras.tinkers_construct_beheading=Each level of beheading on your weapon gives additional %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.tinkers_construct_beheading_1=If you are using a Cleaver, it gives another %.2f%% mobsinfo.extras.witchery_vampire_book=Drops only when player has Vampire book mobsinfo.extras.witchery_warewolf=Only when killer is a Warewolf mobsinfo.extras.bloodmagic_demon_shards=Drops only when spawned using Demon Portal or hit with dagger of sacrifice mobsinfo.extras.bloodmagic_demon_placer=Drops only when NOT spawned using Demon Portal and NOT hit with dagger of sacrifice mobsinfo.extras.etfuturum_powered_creeper=Drops only when killed by powered creeper mobsinfo.extras.etfuturum_wither_rose=Dropped or placed* only when killed by the Wither mobsinfo.extras.etfuturum_wither_rose_1=*Placed on the ground (in place of the mob) only if it is possible #Spawn info mobsinfo.spawninfo.biome=Biome: mobsinfo.spawninfo.structure=Structure: mobsinfo.spawninfo.event=Event: #Commands mobsinfo.commandhandler.invalid=§cInvalid use ! The proper use of this command is /%s mobsinfo.commandhandler.cant_find=§cCan't find command option %s mobsinfo.commandhandler.generic_help=§cYou can also use "/mobsinfo help" to get possible commands mobsinfo.commandhandler.usage=