#CodeChickenCore configuration file. checkUpdates=false #set to true to completely deobfuscate mcp names dev.deobfuscate=false #Enabling this setting will make all minecraft classes public at runtime in MCP just as they are in modloader. #You should ONLY use this when you are testing with a mod that relies on runtime publicity and doesn't include access transformers. #Such mods are doing the wrong thing and should be fixed. dev.runtimePublic=false #Configuration options for checking various requirements for a modpack. checks { #If set to true, check RAM available for Minecraft before continuing to load checkRAM=true #Amount of RAM minimum this modpack needs to load minRAM=3GB #Name of the modpack modPack=GTNH #Lower bound of recommended RAM recRAM=4GB #Upper bound of recommended RAM recRAMUpper=6GB #Webpage describing RAM settings wiki=See the Wiki for details. } #Various tweaks that can be applied to game mechanics. tweaks { #If set to true and doFireTick is disabled in the game rules, fire will still dissipate if it's not over a fire source doFireTickOut=true #If set to true, creepers will not destroy landscape. (A version of mobGriefing setting just for creepers) environmentallyFriendlyCreepers=false #If set to true two adjacent water source blocks will not generate a third. finiteWater=true #Set this to true to use the pre1.5 lava textures replaceLavaFX=false #Set this to true to use the pre1.5 water textures replaceWaterFX=false #If set to false, leaves will only replace air when growing softLeafReplace=false }