# Configuration file general { # Should resource hogs be able to dig for truffles? [default: true] B:digTruffles=true # The maximum amount of bacon for a hog to drop. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 3] I:maxBacon=3 # The minimum amount of bacon for a hog to drop. [range: 0 ~ 1024, default: 1] I:minBacon=1 } tcon { # How much of the output fluid should one bacon make? 1 = 1 of the outputs. [range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0, default: 1.0] S:modifierBacon=1.0 # How much of the output fluid should one truffle make? 0.25 = 1/4th of the outputs. [range: 0.0 ~ 1024.0, default: 0.25] S:modifierTruffle=0.25 # Should bacon automatically have smeltery values assigned? [default: true] B:smelteryBacon=false # Should truffles automatically have smeltery values assigned? [default: true] B:smelteryTruffle=false }