#Enable this if you want to get retrogen (generation of ores/crystals) for already existing chunks retrogen = true #Enable this if you want to see in the log where crystals are spawned verboseSpawn = false #Enable this if you want resonating ore in nether biomes generateOreNether = true #Enable this if you want resonating ore in end biomes generateOreEnd = false #Enable this if you want resonating ore in other biomes (if they have stone) generateOreOther = true #Biome blacklist, resonant crystals will not spawn in biomes listed here otherBiomeBlacklist = ["minecraft:the_void"] #Enable this if you want resonating crystals in nether biomes generateCrystalsNether = true #Enable this if you want resonating crystals in other dimensions biomes (if they have stone caves) generateCrystalsOther = true #The chance that a crystal will spawn in a chunk. (0 = never, 1 = every chunk #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 crystalSpawnChance = 0.3 #The number of times that the worldgen will try to spawn a crystal in a chunk before it fails. #Range: 1 ~ 32 crystalSpawnTries = 20 [overworld] #Size of resonant ore veins #Range: > 1 minOreVeinSize = 4 #Chances for the ore to spawn in a chunk #Range: > 1 chancesToSpawn = 7 #Minimum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 minY = -60 #Maximum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 maxY = 32 [nether] #Size of resonant ore veins #Range: > 1 minOreVeinSize = 8 #Chances for the ore to spawn in a chunk #Range: > 1 chancesToSpawn = 12 #Minimum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 minY = 2 #Maximum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 maxY = 32 [end] #Size of resonant ore veins #Range: > 1 minOreVeinSize = 5 #Chances for the ore to spawn in a chunk #Range: > 1 chancesToSpawn = 8 #Minimum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 minY = 2 #Maximum y-level where resonant ore will spawn #Range: -2048 ~ 2048 maxY = 32