# Configuration file general { # The vampire killer arrow can only instant kill NPC vampires that have a max (not actual) health of this I:arrow_vampire_killer_max_health=65 # If the sanguinare effect can be canceled by a milk bucket B:can_cancel_sanguinare=true # Any normal damage dealt by crossbow arrows will be multiplied by this factor. D:crossbow_arrow_damage_mult=2.2 # Drop orchid every n times breaking a leave in the vampire forest I:drop_orchid_from_leaves_chance=25 # If iron golems should attack vampire NPCs if in a non vampire village B:golem_attack_vampire=true # The blood mB to charge percentage of the normal heart seeker vampire sword D:heart_seeker_charging_factor=9.0E-5 # The percentage of stored blood used for every hit with the normal heart seeker vampire sword D:heart_seeker_usage_factor=0.025 # Duration of the blindness effect caused by special holy water I:holy_water_blindness_duration=160 # Duration of the nausea effect caused by enhanced or special holy water I:holy_water_nausea_duration=200 # Damage a normal holy water splash bottle does when directly hitting a vampire I:holy_water_splash_damage=18 # Holy water damage is multiplied with this value for each tier above normal D:holy_water_tier_damage_inc=4.0 # Minecraft will try to generate 1 camp per NxN chunk area. I:hunter_camp_density=12 # Maximum hunter spawns per minecraft day I:hunter_camp_max_spawn=5 I:vampire_forest_weight=10 # If zombies should ignore vampires B:zombie_ignore_vampire=true }