§align:center ##### §nWelcome to Project Intelligence!§n §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} This is an open source project created by §link[projectintelligence:people/brandon3055]{alt_text:"brandon3055"}. The goal of this project is to create a truly universal documentation mod by leveraging the power of the Minecraft community. So, how will this work? Well, for starters, any mod developer can add documentation for their mod to PI. However, there is a problem with that... Most mod devs are busy people, so a lot of them won't have time to write documentation for their mods. That, in my opinion, is a major issue with currently implemented documentation mods. PI aims to solve this problem by making it possible for anyone in the community to contribute documentation for various mods using the relatively simple built-in editor. After they are finished, they can submit their documentation via a pull request, and if it passes review, it will be added to the online repository. Everything PI does is open-source and completely transparent. All documentation is stored in its raw form on github. It is then built by a Jenkins server and uploaded to a web server controlled by §link[projectintelligence:people/covers1624]{alt_text:"covers1624"} where it can be accessed by PI. Everything PI uses comes from this server, including all images used in documentation. No requests are made to any servers outside of pi.brandon3055.com. §rule{colour:0x606060,height:3,width:100%,top_pad:0} §align:left §cThis doc is a work in progress. Oh the irony... I spent so much time writing a documentation mod that I don't have time to document the documentation mod... §align:left §table{width:100%,colour:0x0,render_cells:false}
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