{ "name": "Glitch Infused Metal", "icon": "deepmoblearning:infused_ingot_block", "category": "3_system_malfunction", "sortnum": 2, "pages": [ { "type": "text", "text": "You've found that $(item)Lapis$() is a good stabilization agent for the $(item)Unstable Glitch Fragments$()$(br2)After the fragments are $(item)Stable$() they desparetely seek out a material to latch onto, you think that $(item)Gold$() might be strong enough as a $(item)Host$().$(br2)It's a delicate process, and it needs to be performed in $(item)Water$() or the materials won't bind properly." }, { "type": "fluid_infusion", "title": "Stabilization Process", "input1": "minecraft:dye:4", "input2": "deepmoblearning:glitch_fragment", "input3": "minecraft:gold_ingot", "output": "deepmoblearning:glitch_infused_ingot", "fluid": "deepmoblearning:textures/gui/patchouli/water.png", "fluidTooltip": "Water" } ] }