# Configuration file general { # If you're colorblind, change this to fit your needs. # Available options: # - GREEN_TO_RED # - BLUE_TO_RED # - GREEN_TO_BLUE S:COLORS=GREEN_TO_RED # Define the number of microseconds at which an object is marked with a deep red colour for WORLD lag. I:GRADIENT_MAXED_OUT_AT_MICROSECONDS=25 # Define the number of microseconds at which an object is marked with a deep red colour for FPS lag. I:GRADIENT_MAXED_OUT_AT_NANOSECONDS_FPS=50000 # What is the minimum amount of microseconds required before an object is tracked in the client? # This is only for WORLD lag. # This also affects the analyze results window I:MINIMUM_AMOUNT_OF_MICROSECONDS_THRESHOLD=1 }