#Dimension settings [dimensions] #The maintenance cost of randomized dimlets is multiplied with this value before applying to the dimension #Range: 0.0 ~ 10.0 randomizedDimletCostFactor = 0.1 #The chance of a dimlet hut for a given chunk #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 dimletHutChance = 0.005 #At this maintenance cost thresshold and below the minimum dimension power (dimensionPowerMinimum is used #Range: > 0 minPowerThresshold = 100 #At this maintenance cost thresshold and above the maximum dimension power (dimensionPowerMaximum is used #Range: > 0 maxPowerThresshold = 5000 #Maximum power in a dimension. This is the minimum value used by dimensions that don't consume a lot of power #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 dimensionPowerMinimum = 20000000 #Maximum power in a dimension. This is the maximum value used by dimensions that consume a lot of power #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 dimensionPowerMaximum = 40000000 #Maximum power of a dimension is always a multiple of this value #Range: 1 ~ 9223372036854775807 powerMultiples = 500000 #The zero power percentage at which power warning signs are starting to happen. This is only used for lighting level. No other debuffs occur at this level. #Range: 0 ~ 100 dimensionPowerWarn0 = 12 #The first power percentage at which power warning signs are starting to happen #Range: 0 ~ 100 dimensionPowerWarn1 = 9 #The second power percentage at which power warning signs are starting to become worse #Range: 0 ~ 100 dimensionPowerWarn2 = 2 #The third power percentage at which power warning signs are starting to be very bad #Range: 0 ~ 100 dimensionPowerWarn3 = 1 #Enable dynamic scaling of the Phase Field Generator cost based on world tick cost enableDynamicPhaseCost = false #How much of the tick cost of the world is applied to the PFG cost, as a ratio from 0 to 1 #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 dynamicPhaseCostAmount = 0.05000000074505806 #If true you will get some debufs when the PFG is in use. If false there will be no debufs phasedFieldGeneratorDebuf = true #If true creating dimensions requires an owner dimlet ownerDimletRequired = false #Dimension Builder settings [dimensionbuilder] #Maximum RF storage that the dimension builder can receive per side #Range: > 0 generatorMaxRF = 20000 #Maximum RF storage that the phased field generator item can hold #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 phasedFieldMaxRF = 1000000 #RF per tick that the phased field generator item can receive #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 phasedFieldRFPerTick = 1000 #RF per tick that the phased field generator item will consume #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 phasedFieldConsumePerTick = 100 #Dimension Editor settings [dimensioneditor] #Maximum RF storage that the dimension editor can receive per side #Range: > 0 generatorMaxRF = 20000 #Set to true to allow the dimension editor to destroy dimensions using tnt tntCanDestroyDimension = true #Dimlets settings [dimlets] #This is a list of dimlet packages that will be used. Later dimlet packages can override dimlets defined in earlier packages. You can place these packages in the 'config/rftoolsdim' folder dimletPackages = ["base.json", "vanilla_blocks.json", "vanilla_tags.json", "vanilla_fluids.json", "vanilla_biomes.json", "vanilla_structures.json", "rftools.json", "appliedenergistics2.json", "biggerreactors.json", "bigreactors.json", "botania.json", "immersiveengineering.json", "mekanism.json", "powah.json", "quark.json", "tconstruct.json", "thermal.json", "biomesoplenty.json", "emendatusenigmatica.json", "create.json"] #Dimlet Workbench settings [dimletworkbench] #Maximum amount of power the researcher can store #Range: > 0 researcherMaxPower = 100000 #Amount of RF per tick input (per side) for the researcher #Range: > 0 researcherRFPerTick = 10000 #Amount of RF per tick the researcher uses while operating #Range: > 0 researcherUsePerTick = 200 #How many ticks are needed to research one item #Range: > 0 researcheTime = 400 #Dimension Builder settings [blobs] #Regeneration level of the common blob in case the dimension has power #Range: > 0 commonBlobRegen = 2 #Regeneration level of the rare blob in case the dimension has power #Range: > 0 rareBlobRegen = 3 #Regeneration level of the legendary blob in case the dimension has power #Range: > 0 legendaryBlobRegen = 4 #Below this dimension power the regeneration of the blobs stop #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 blobRegenerationLevel = 1000 #Essence settings [essences] #Amount of blocks needed for a single block dimlet (for the block absorber) #Range: > 1 maxBlockAbsorption = 256 #Amount of fluid blocks needed for a single fluid dimlet (for the fluid absorber) #Range: > 1 maxFluidAbsorption = 256 #Amount of ticks needed for a single biome dimlet (for the biome absorber) #Range: > 1 maxBiomeAbsorption = 5000 #Amount of ticks needed for a single structure dimlet (for the structure absorber) #Range: > 1 maxStructureAbsorption = 5000