[tier-mk1] #Modifies the processing time of taking to process a resource: 0 being no speed modifier and 1 being a single tick per resource #The way this works is by taking the processing time from the soil and crop, then dividing it by the value given here. 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 speedModifier = 0.2 #How much energy the pot will hold #Range: > 0 maxEnergy = 1000000 #Energy consumed per tick #Range: > 0 perTickEnergy = 50000 #Amount of items outputted per operation #Range: 1 ~ 1728 itemsPerOutput = 16 [tier-mk2] #Modifies the processing time of taking to process a resource: 0 being no speed modifier and 1 being a single tick per resource #The way this works is by taking the processing time from the soil and crop, then dividing it by the value given here. 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 speedModifier = 0.4 #How much energy the pot will hold #Range: > 0 maxEnergy = 1000000 #Energy consumed per tick #Range: > 0 perTickEnergy = 115000 #Amount of items outputted per operation #Range: 1 ~ 1728 itemsPerOutput = 32 [tier-mk3] #Modifies the processing time of taking to process a resource: 0 being no speed modifier and 1 being a single tick per resource #The way this works is by taking the processing time from the soil and crop, then dividing it by the value given here. 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 speedModifier = 0.6 #How much energy the pot will hold #Range: > 0 maxEnergy = 2000000 #Energy consumed per tick #Range: > 0 perTickEnergy = 185000 #Amount of items outputted per operation #Range: 1 ~ 1728 itemsPerOutput = 48 [tier-mk4] #Modifies the processing time of taking to process a resource: 0 being no speed modifier and 1 being a single tick per resource #The way this works is by taking the processing time from the soil and crop, then dividing it by the value given here. 0 being 0% and 1 being 100% #Range: 0.0 ~ 1.0 speedModifier = 0.8 #How much energy the pot will hold #Range: > 0 maxEnergy = 2000000 #Energy consumed per tick #Range: > 0 perTickEnergy = 350000 #Amount of items outputted per operation #Range: 1 ~ 1728 itemsPerOutput = 64