IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MODPACK MAKERS!!!! XML recipes are being DEPRECATED soon. This means that recipes registered via the XML for MACHINES will no longer work To avoid issues that may arise from this, please either distribute a RESOURCE PACK with relevant JSON recipes OR user Craft tweaker + Advanced rocketry tweaker (3rd party) IMPORTANT NOTICE TO MODPACK MAKERS!!!! FLUID NAME;SIZE ITEM_NAME;SIZE;META OREDICT_NAME;SIZE FLUID_NAME;SIZE ITEM_NAME;SIZE;META OREDICT_NAME;SIZE Can have Multiple In/Outputs Some Machines can only Accept either Fluids or Items timeRequired="NUMBER" how long a Recipe takes, Unit is in Ticks. power="NUMBER" how much Power the Recipes takes per Tick. Unit is in RF. The "useDefault" attribute will prevent loading of recipes if set to "false" advancedrocketry:alienwood advancedrocketry:planks;6 advancedrocketry:itemcircuitplate;1;1 advancedrocketry:ic;4;2 advancedrocketry:itemcircuitplate advancedrocketry:ic;4 libvulpes:productboule;1;3 advancedrocketry:wafer;4 minecraft:log minecraft:planks;6 minecraft:log;1;1 minecraft:planks;6;1 minecraft:log;1;2 minecraft:planks;6;2 minecraft:log;1;3 minecraft:planks;6;3 minecraft:log2 minecraft:planks;6;4 minecraft:log2;1;1 minecraft:planks;6;5