#Configurations related to materials. [materials] #Should the mod find ingot materials with ores. ingot = true #Should the mod find ingot materials with ores but without raw ores. ingotLegacy = true #Should the mod find gem materials with ores. gem = true #Should the mod find crystal materials with ores. crystal = true #Should the mod find dust materials with ores. dust = true #Should the mod find ingot materials without ores. ingotPlain = true #Should the mod find gem materials without ores. gemPlain = true #Should the mod find crystal materials without ores. crystalPlain = true #Should the mod find dust materials without ores. dustPlain = true #Configurations related to material overrides. [materialOverrides] #List of materials that should be gems. gem = ["diamond", "emerald", "lapis", "prismarine", "quartz"] #List of materials that should be crystals. crystal = [] #List of materials that should be dusts. dust = ["glowstone", "redstone"] #Configurations related to item selection. [itemSelection] #List of mods that are preferred when selecting items in recipes. preferredMods = ["minecraft", "mekanism", "create", "immersiveengineering"] #Configurations related to block tags. [blockTags] #List of block tags that should not be added. blacklist = [] #List of block tags that should be considered as defined. customDefined = [] #Configurations related to item tags. [itemTags] #List of item tags that should not be added. blacklist = [] #List of item tags that should be considered as defined. customDefined = [] #Configurations related to fluid tags. [fluidTags] #List of fluid tags that should not be added. blacklist = [] #List of fluid tags that should be considered as defined. customDefined = [] #Configurations related to entity type tags. [entityTypeTags] #List of entity type tags that should not be added. blacklist = [] #List of entity type tags that should be considered as defined. customDefined = [] #Configurations related to recipes. [recipes] #List of recipes that should not be added. blacklist = [] #List of recipes by regex that should not be added. regexBlacklist = [] #Configurations related to loot tables. [lootTables] #List of loot tables that should not be added. blacklist = [] #Configurations related to advancements. [advancements] #List of advancements that should not be added. blacklist = [] #Configurations related to color generation. [colors] #The gamma value used to blend colors. gammaValue = 2.0 #Should colors of all materials be reset on next startup. resetColors = false #Configurations related to material localization. [materialLocalization] #Should the mod check for material localization updates. checkL10nUpdates = true #The update interval of localization files in days. updateInterval = 3.0 #Configurations related to data modules. [data] #List of data modules that should not be registered. moduleBlacklist = []