{ title: "&5Rift Monitor", x: 31.0d, y: -19.5d, description: "&oVault Overseer&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&5Rift Monitors&7 monitor the state of the nearest &5Flux Rift&7, by default, they will observe the &9Rift's Size&7, &cRedstone Comparators&7 can read their information and output a signal, larger Rifts will equal a higher Signal Strength.", "With a simple &dRight-click&7, they can be swapped to monitor the &aStability&7 of a Rift, the more Unstable the Rift is, the lower the Signal strength.", "Another &dRight-click&7 will swap it back to monitoring &9Size&7.", "", "This could probably be used in tandem with a device that can &dInduce a burst of Stability in Flux Rifts&7 to make sure that one is returned to pristine stability when it becomes too unstable.", "It could also likely be used in tandem with a device that &dForcibly grows Flux Rifts&7 as a safety system, to prevent Rifts from growing too Large or Unstable." ], dependencies: [ "8dafcaf0" ], tasks: [{ uid: "e69d62e2", type: "item", items: [{ item: "thaumicaugmentation:rift_monitor" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "b2e44cc1", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }] }