# Configuration file general { ########################################################################################################## # worldgen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to World Gen ########################################################################################################## worldgen { # If Seagrass Patches should Generate B:enableSeagrassPatches=true coquinaoutcrop { # Coquina Outcrops chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:coquinaOutcropChancePerChunk=3 # Coquina Outcrops tries per chunk to generate. I:coquinaOutcropTriesPerChunk=1 # If Coquina Outcrops should be enabled B:enableCoquinaOutcrops=true } kelpforest { # If Kelp Forests should be enabled B:enableKelpForest=true # The noise scale on the Kelp Forest. Smaller numbers make more interconnected noodles, while larger numbers make seperate clusters. D:kelpConnective=0.2 # The chance for Kelp to be placed in the forest D:kelpDensity=0.2 # Adjusts the cutoff for the noise. Smaller numbers make the Kelp Forest more spread. D:kelpSpread=0.1 } frozenocean { # If Frozen Oceans should be enabled B:enableFrozenOcean=true # If Ice Sheets should be enabled B:enableIceSheet=true # If Icebergs should be enabled B:enableIcebergs=true # Adjusts the cutoff for the noise. Smaller numbers make the Ice Sheets more spread. D:iceSheetSpread=0.3 frozenseafloor { # Blue Ice chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:blueIceChancePerChunk=2 # Blue Ice tries per chunk to generate. I:blueIceTriesPerChunk=8 # Dulse chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:dulseChancePerChunk=3 # Dulse tries per chunk to generate. I:dusleTriesPerChunk=2 # If Granite Chunks on the Frozen Ocean seafloor should be enabled B:enableRockDecor=true # Seastar chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:seastarChancePerChunk=4 # Seastar tries per chunk to generate. I:seastarTriesPerChunk=6 # Tube Sponge chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:tubeSpongeChancePerChunk=3 # Tube Sponge tries per chunk to generate. I:tubeSpongeTriesPerChunk=1 } } warmocean { # If Warm Oceans should be enabled B:enableWarmOcean=true # The Sea Pickles' chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:seaPickleChancePerChunk=6 # The Sea Pickles' tries per chunk to generate. I:seaPickleTriesPerChunk=1 coralreef { # Enable Coral Branch/Claws. The sideways ones. B:enableCoralBranch=true # Enable Coral Bulbs/Mushrooms. The round ones. B:enableCoralBulb=true # If Coral Reefs should be enabled. Requires Warm Oceans. B:enableCoralReef=true # Enable Coral Stalks. The tree ones. B:enableCoralStalk=true } } palmtree { # If Palm Trees should be enabled B:enablePalmTrees=true # The Palm Trees' chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:palmTreeChancePerChunk=8 # If the logs of Palm Trees should be full bark. Not to be confused with the Palm Wood block, they are still logs. B:palmTreeFullBark=true # The Palm Trees' tries per chunk to generate. I:palmTreeTriesPerChunk=3 } monumentpots { # If Prismarine Pots in Ocean Monuments should be enabled B:enableMoumentPots=true } seaoatspatch { # If Sea Oats Patches should Generate B:enableSeaOatsPatch=true # The Sea Oats Patches' chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:seaOatsPatchChancePerChunk=3 # The minimum number of solid sides Tall Sea Oats require to be touching to generate. I:seaOatsPatchMinTallSides=2 # The chance to instead place Short Sea Oats if the spot does not pass the minimum solid sides. 1 / this number, setting to 0 disables the Short Sea Oat generation. I:seaOatsPatchShortChance=3 # The Sea Oats Patches' tries per chunk to generate. I:seaOatsPatchTriesPerChunk=2 } shellpatch { # If Shell Patches should Generate B:enableShellPatch=true # Blocks above Sea Level that Shell Patches can be placed. I:shellPatchAboveSeaLevel=2 # The Shell Patches' chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:shellPatchChancePerChunk=2 # Chance for a Sea Star to be placed atop a generated Shelly Sand. I:shellPatchSeaStarChance=20 # The Shell Patches' tries per chunk to generate. I:shellPatchTriesPerChunk=2 } shipwreck { # Makes Drowned spawn in groups in Shipwrecks when generated. There's 1 group per chest, making more complete shipwrecks more challenging. B:enableShipwreckDrowned=true # If Shipwrecks should be enabled B:enableShipwrecks=true # The Shipwreck's chance to generate, per try. 1 / this number I:shipwreckChancePerChunk=300 } } ########################################################################################################## # block #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to Blocks ########################################################################################################## block { # If the string on Dried Kelp can be removed using Shears B:driedKelpShears=true # If Kelp is enabled B:enableKelp=true # If Sea Pickles are enabled B:enableSeaPickle=true # If Seastars are enabled B:enableSeastar=true # If Shelly Sand is enabled B:enableShellySand=true blueice { # How much Light Blue Ice gives off # Min: 0.0 # Max: 16.0 D:blueIceLight=0.0 # The slipperiness of Blue Ice # Min: 0.6 # Max: 10.0 D:blueIceSlipperiness=0.989 # If Blue Ice is enabled B:enableBlueIce=true } conduit { # Blocks accepted by the Conduit as Frame Blocks. S:conduitFrameBlocks < minecraft:prismarine minecraft:sea_lantern > # How much Light the Conduit emits # Min: 0.0 # Max: 16.0 D:conduitLight=14.0 # The particles used by the Conduit when active or Attacking. (0 = None, 1 = Bedrock Runes, 2 = Java Eyes/Nautilus, 3 = Both, 4 = Yellow Bolt) # Min: 0 # Max: 18 D:conduitParticles=3.0 # Enables the Conduit. Wait, why would you disable this?! It took me forever to make! B:enableConduit=true # Enables the pulsing animation for the Conduit Eye/Heart. B:enableConduitPulse=true } coralblocks { # World Ticks before Coral Blocks die. If set to 0, the coral will never die. I:coralBlockDryTicks=100 # World Ticks before Coral dies. If set to 0, the coral will never die. I:coralDryTicks=100 # World Ticks before Coral Fans die. If set to 0, the coral will never die. I:coralFanDryTicks=100 # Enabled Coral B:enableCoral=true # Enables Coral Blocks B:enableCoralBlock=true # Enables Coral Fans B:enableCoralFan=true } coquina { # If Coquina is enabled B:enableCoquina=true # If Coquina Brick Walls are enabled. Requires Coquina Bricks to be enabled B:enableCoquinaBrickWalls=true # If Coquina Bricks, Coquina Brick Stairs, and Coquina Brick Slabs are enabled B:enableCoquinaBricks=true } coconut { # How many blocks a Coconut must fall to break. (-1 = Disabled entirely) # Min: -1.0 # Max: 9999.0 D:coconutFallBreak=6.0 # How much damage per block added to a falling Coconut. # Min: -1.0 # Max: 9999.0 D:coconutFallDamage=1.0 # How much max damage can a falling coconut deal # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:coconutFallMaxDamage=19 # If coconuts go Clonk when hitting an entity B:coconutHitSound=true # If Coconuts are enabled. This also enables Open Coconuts. B:enableCoconut=true } dulse { # If the string on Dried Kelp can be removed using Shears. B:driedDulseShears=true # If Shears can be used on Dulse to prevent it from growing. Sheared Dulse can be set back using bonemeal. B:dulseShears=true # If Dulse is enabled. This also enables the Dried Dulse item and block. B:enableDulse=true } palmblocks { # If Palm Leaves are enabled. Flowering Palm Leaves require this and Coconuts to both be enabled. B:enablePalmLeaves=true # If Palm Saplings are enabled. B:enablePalmSapling=true # If Stripped Palm Woods are enabled. Note this also disables Palm wood stripping. B:enablePalmStrippedWoods=true # Adds the ability to strip Palm woods by using an Axe on it. B:enablePalmStripping=true # If Palm Woods are enabled. Note this doesn't disable Palm Trees, they will generate using Jungle Wood. B:enablePalmWoods=true } pickledhead { # If Pickled Heads are enabled. B:enablePickledHead=true # If pitch should be used by the Note Block. Requires the Note Block Behavior to be enabled. B:pickledHeadNoteblockPitch=true # If a Pickled Head attached to a Note Block plays the Pickled's ambient sounds. B:pickledHeadNoteblockSounds=true } guardianspike { # If the Guardian Spike is enabled B:enableGuardianSpike=true # How much a Guardian Spike multiplies Fall Damage. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 9999.0 D:guSpiFallMultiplier=2.0 # The percent chance a Guardian drops a spike. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:guardianSpikeDropChance=1.0 # The percent chance an Elder Guardian drops a spike. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:guardianSpikeElderDropChance=100.0 # The percent increase per level of looting to the Elder Guardian. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:guardianSpikeElderLooting=0.0 # The percent increase per level of looting to the Guardian. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:guardianSpikeLooting=0.5 } seagrass { # If Seagrass is enabled B:enableSeagrass=true # If Tall Seagrass is enabled B:enableTallSeagrass=true } seaoats { # If Sea Oats are enabled B:enableSeaOats=true # If Sea Oats can be sheared down to their short version. B:seaOatShears=true } tubesponge { # If Tube Sponges are enabled B:enableTubeSponge=true # If Shears can be used on Tube Sponge to prevent it from growing. B:tubeSpongeShears=true } turtleegg { # Amount of Turtle Eggs broken each time the trampleAI succeeds. # Min: 0 # Max: 4 I:amountOnTrample=1 # If Turtle Eggs are enabled. If disabled, breeding turtles will just create a baby directly, like normal mob breeding. B:enableTurtleEgg=true # If egg shell particles spawn when fallen on. (0 = Never, 1 = By AI, 2 = Always) # Min: 0 # Max: 2 I:particlesOnFall=2 # If puff particles spawn when trampled. (0 = Never, 1 = By AI, 2 = Always) # Min: 0 # Max: 2 I:puffOnTrample=2 # If any mob extending Zombie (Zombie, Husks, Drowned, ect) are given the trampleAI B:zombiesTrample=true } watertorch { # If Underwater Torches are enabled B:enableWaterTorch=true # How much Light the Underwater Torch gives off # Min: 0.0 # Max: 16.0 D:waterTorchLight=14.0 # The particles of the Underwater Torch. (0 = None, 1 = Glow Squid Glow, 2 = Firework Sparks, 3 = Both) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 3.0 D:waterTorchParticles=1.0 } } ########################################################################################################## # item #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to Items, Tools, ect ########################################################################################################## item { # If Nautilus Shells are enabled. This WILL break Shelly Sand if disabled. B:enableNautilusShell=true # If Turtle Scutes are enabled. This WILL break Shelly Sand if disabled. B:enableTurtleScute=true bisque { # If Bisques remove all Potion Effects. This is here because Milk is used to craft Bisque. B:enableBisqueMilkEffect=true # If Crab Bisque is enabled. B:enableCrabBisque=true # If Lobster Bisque is enabled. B:enableLobsterBisque=true } conch { # The default cooldown between uses of the Conch. Can be altered per-conch using the 'Cooldown' NBT tag. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:conchCooldown=60 # Adds description text to the Conch to tell which Horn sound is attached to it. Only for the default horn sounds. B:conchDisplayHorn=true # Adds the attached sound's registry name to the Conch's description. Overridden by 'conchDisplayHorn' if the sound is a horn sound. B:conchDisplayRawSound=true # The attenuation distance of the Conch, how far away it's heard from. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:conchSoundDistance=256 # If Conches are enabled. This WILL break Shelly Sand if disabled. B:enableConch=true } conduitcharm { # The radius that Conduit Power is given to nearby Players. Setting to 0 makes only the holder be affected. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:conduitCharmConduitRange=16 # The durability of the Charm. Each time it applies Conduit Power, the durability goes down by 1, making this a timer for the item. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:conduitCharmDurability=30 # If the Charm is enabled. B:enableConduitCharm=true # If the Charm makes a Conduit Pulse each time it applies the effect. B:enableConduitCharmPulseSound=true } glowitemframe { # If Glow Item Frames are enabled. B:enableGlowItemFrame=true # If Glow Item Frames can be placed on Ceilings and Floors. B:glowItemFrameCeilingsAndFloors=true # If ceilings or floors Glow Item Frames render custom item names at the same spots as Quark. Otherwise uses Vanilla name positions. B:glowItemFrameQuarkNamePosition=true } heavyboots { # If Heavy Boots are enabled B:enableHeavyBoots=true # Heavy Boots have a description. B:heavyBootsDesc=true # How long (in seconds) Descent is given. I:heavyBootsEffectLength=10 } pearl { # If Pearls are enabled B:enablePearl=true # Makes a Pearl turn into an Ender Pearl when held and eating Chorus Fruit. B:enablePearlEndering=true # Adds a Pearl Trade to the Fisherman Villager B:enablePearlTrade=true } spawnbucket { # Mobs that can be bucketed. These will also appear in Creative Tabs. S:bucketableMobs < oe:baby_squid oe:baby_glow_squid oe:cod oe:salmon oe:pufferfish oe:tropical_fish oe:crab oe:lobster > # Makes every possible spawn bucket appear in the creative search tab. Warning, this is equal to every spawn egg, and most won't have proper textures! B:enableAllBucketsCreative=false # Allows empty buckets to be used to bucket mobs. This is true in Bedrock Edition. B:enableSpawnBucketEmptyUsage=false # If buckets of tropical fish add the fish's colors and type to the bucket name (ex 'Bucket of White Kob'). Note this does not override if the fish already has a custom name. B:spawnBucketTropicalFishSpecificNames=true # If buckets of tropical fish add the fish's colors and type in a tooltip. B:spawnBucketTropicalFishTooltips=true } spongechunk { # If the Sponge Chunk is enabled. B:enableSpongeChunk=true # The radius that the Sponge Chunk picks up Water. # Min: 0 # Max: 100 I:spongeChunkAbsorbRadius=5 # The max Saturation(water) a Sponge Chunk can hold. Seeting to 0 Disables water collecting, while -1 makes it infinite! # Min: -1 # Max: 9999 I:spongeChunkMaxSaturation=30 } trident { # If Tridents are enabled B:enableTrident=true # If Tridents can be crafted. Requires Guardian Spikes to also be enabled. B:enableTridentCrafting=true # The style of 3ed person animations the Trident uses. (0 = None, 1 = Vanilla, 2 = Oceanic Expanse) # Min: 0 # Max: 2 I:trident3PsnAnimStyle=2 # The Attack Damage of the Trident I:tridentDamage=9 # The Trident's Durability (note, displays as this -1 in-game, as 0 counts as a point) I:tridentDurability=250 # A safeguard preventing the player from throwing a Trident at 1 durability, as it would break on impact. This safeguard is in Vanilla Minecraft. B:tridentPreventThrowBreak=true # The Attack Speed of the Trident D:tridentSpeed=1.1 # The Attack Damage of the Thrown Trident I:tridentThrowDamage=8 } turtleshell { # If Turtle Shells are enabled B:enableTurtleShell=true # Turtle Shell has a description. B:enableTurtleShellDesc=true # How long (in seconds) Water Breathing is given. I:turtleShellEffectLength=10 } } ########################################################################################################## # entity #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to Entities ########################################################################################################## entity { babysquid { # If Baby Squids should use a custom model and texture. If disabled, they will instead just use a shrunk version of the vanilla Squid model. B:babySquidCustomModel=true # The percent chance for a Baby Squid to spawn along-side an adult squid. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:babySquidSpawnChance=14.3 # If Baby Squids should be enabled B:enableBabySquid=true } babyglowsquid { # If Baby Glow Squids should use a custom model and texture. If disabled, they will instead just use a shrunk version of the vanilla Squid model. B:babyGlowSquidCustomModel=true # The percent chance for a Baby Glow Squid to spawn along-side an adult glow squid. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:babyGlowSquidSpawnChance=14.3 # If Baby Glow Squids should be enabled B:enableBabyGlowSquid=true } clam { # If Clams should be enabled B:enableClam=true } cod { # If Cod should be enabled B:enableCod=true } crab { # Allows a Crab to dig from certain blocks, and the Loot Table they will pull from. S:crabDiggingList < minecraft:gravel=oe:gameplay/crab_dig/gravel minecraft:sand:1=oe:gameplay/crab_dig/red_sand minecraft:sand=oe:gameplay/crab_dig/sand oe:shell_sand=oe:gameplay/crab_dig/shelly_sand minecraft:soul_sand=oe:gameplay/crab_dig/soul_sand > # The number to ticks between the crab's chirps (ambient sound). 0 disables it, if you hate their chirps. I:crabTalkInterval=280 # If Crabs should be enabled B:enableCrab=true # If Crabs can dig. Does not affect the individual crabs that have 'CanDig' set to false. B:enableCrabDigging=true } glowsquid { # Minimum brightness of Glow Squids. 15 is Full Bright I:glowSquidBodyBright=4 # If Glow Squids should have a 2ed layer for brightness B:glowSquidLayer=true # Brightness of a Glow Squids' second layer. 15 is Full Bright I:glowSquidLayerBright=11 # The Maximum spawn height of the Glow Squid I:glowSquidSpawnMaxHeight=40 } lobster { # If Lobster should be enabled B:enableLobster=true # The cooldown between when a Lobster can Molt again. Lowers per tick, so 20:1 second. Default is 3000(2.5 minutes). I:lobsterMoltCooldown=3000 } pickled { # If Pickled should be enabled B:enablePickled=true } pufferfish { # If Pufferfish should be enabled B:enablePufferfish=true # Pufferfish instantly inflate to full when hurt B:enablePufferfishInflateOnHit=true # Mobs that don't scare the Pufferfish. S:pufferfishFriends < minecraft:squid oe:baby_squid oe:baby_glow_squid oe:cod oe:lobster oe:salmon oe:pufferfish oe:tropical_fish oe:turtle oe:glow_squid oe:clam > # The amplifier of the Pufferfish Poison. I:pufferfishPoisonAmplifier=1 # How long the Pufferfish Poison lasts. I:pufferfishPoisonLength=6 } salmon { # If Slamon should be enabled B:enableSalmon=true # When using breeding items on Salmon, they grow in size. This is a joke feature. B:salmonFeedingGrowth=false # If Salmon can spawn in a variety of sizes. B:salmonSizeVarience=true } tropicalfish { # The most likely list of tropical fish variants to spawn S:defaultTropicalFishVariants < 65536 459008 917504 918273 918529 16778497 50660352 50726144 67108865 67110144 67371009 67699456 67764993 101253888 117441025 117441793 117506305 117899265 118161664 185008129 234882305 235340288 > # If Black should be included in the list of possible tropical fish colors. This is not in vanilla Minecraft, as it makes the fish eyes hard to see. B:enableBlackTropicalFish=false # If Tropical Fish should be enabled B:enableTropicalFish=true # If Tropical fish colors should use bedrock names. [Light Blue -> Sky, Pink -> Rose, Light Gray -> Silver, Cyan -> Teal, Purple -> Plum] B:tropicalFishBedrockColors=true # The percent chance a tropical fish is from the default variants list. I:tropicalFishDefaultChance=90 # Assigns unique names for certain Tropical Fish. Accepts Translation Keys or Raw String. S:tropicalFishNameOverrides < 65536=Clownfish 459008=Triggerfish 917504=Tomato Clownfish 918273=Red Snapper 918529=Red Chichlid 16778497=Ornate Butterflyfish 50660352=Queen Angelfish 50726144=Cotton Candy Betta 67108865=Threadfin 67110144=Goatfish 67371009=Yellow Tang 67699456=Yellowtail Parrotfish 67764993=Dottyback 101253888=Parrotfish 117441025=Moorish Idol 117441793=Butterflyfish 117506305=Anemone 117899265=Black Tang 118161664=Cichlid 185008129=Blue Tang 234882305=Emperor Red Snapper 235340288=Red Lipped Blenny > } tropicalslime { # If Tropical Slimes should be enabled B:enableTropicalSlime=true # Allows the player to scoop the Fish out of a medium or small Tropical Slime usong a Bucket. This kills the Slime. B:tropicalSlimeBucketKill=true # If Tropical Slimes can spawn in Jungles. Follows the same rules Slimes do in Swamps. B:tropicalSlimeJungleSpawning=true } turtle { # These mobs will attack baby turtles. If the mob is tamable (such as a wolf or ocelot), they will only attack if they are untamed. S:babyTurtlePredators < minecraft:zombie minecraft:husk minecraft:skeleton minecraft:stray minecraft:wither_skeleton minecraft:wolf minecraft:ocelot oe:drowned oe:pickled > # If Turtles should be enabled B:enableTurtle=true # How many seconds before a Turtle can breed again. For refrence, the Turtle Breeding cooldowns are 90 seconds in Bedrock, 300 (standard 5 minutes) in Java. I:turtleBreedCooldown=90 } drowned { # If Drowned can spawn wearing Armor the same way normal Zombies do. B:drownedArmorSpawning=true # If Drowned should have a 2ed layer for brightness B:drownedGlowLayer=true # The percent chance a Drowned spawns holding a Nautilus Shell in its offhand. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:drownedNautilusSpawnChance=3.0 # The percent chance a Drowned spawns holding a Fishing Rod. Note this will always run after the Trident check, so this will never replace a Trident spawn. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:drownedRodSpawnChance=3.75 # The distance (in blocks) in which a Trident Drowned will use melee rather than ranged attacks. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:drownedTridentMeleeRange=3.0 # The percent chance a Drowned spawns holding a Trident. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:drownedTridentSpawnChance=6.25 # If Drowned should be enabled B:enableDrowned=true # Makes drowned lower their arms if they have an item in their off hand. This is to match Bedrock Edition. B:enableDrownedLowerArms=false # If Drowned keep a full block step-up outside of water. B:enableDrownedStepup=false # Enables unique animations for Drowned in water, inspired by MC Dungeons. B:enableDrownedSwimAnims=true drownedcaptain { # The attenuation distance (how far away it's heard) of the Conch when used by the captain. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:drownedCaptainConchSoundDistance=256 # If drowned spawned by a captain have their normal setup. This allows them to have trident, be babies, or even be MORE CAPTAINS! B:drownedCaptainEquippedSpawns=false # The multiplier on the Drowned Captain's health. This is multiplied by the base drowned health, which is 20 by default. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 9999.0 D:drownedCaptainHealthMultiplier=2.0 # Stops the Drowned Captain from summoning if above this number of drowned are nearby. I:drownedCaptainMaxNearbyForSummon=5 # The chance for a drowned to be a drowned captain. Calculated as '(this x Clamped Regional Difficulty)%' # Min: 0.0 # Max: 100.0 D:drownedCaptainSetChance=5.0 # The time (in seconds) between when the Drowned Captain is allowed to spawn more drowned. Note 0 will not disable this, but make it near instant. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 9999.0 D:drownedCaptainSummonCooldown=10.0 # If Drowned Captains should be enabled. Captains are just altered Drowned, so this just skips the checks. B:enableDrownedCaptain=true # If Drowned Captains should use a unique texture. B:enableDrownedCaptainTexture=true } } } ########################################################################################################## # enchant #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to Enchantments ########################################################################################################## enchant { ########################################################################################################## # channeling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for Channeling ########################################################################################################## channeling { # If the Channeling Enchantment should be enabled. B:enableChannelingEnchant=true # Inverts the Channeling Whitelist into a Blacklist B:invertLightning=false # Prevents Lightning if the target is in Lava B:lavaCheck=true # Blocks that Channeling Tridents strike Lighting on when hit S:lightningRodWhitelist < minecraft:iron_bars > # Prevents Lightning if the target is riding any of these entities S:ridingBlacklist < minecraft:boat minecraft:minecart > # Prevents Lightning if the target is in Water B:waterCheck=true } ########################################################################################################## # impaling #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for Impaling and Water Jet ########################################################################################################## impaling { # Mobs affected by the Impaling enchantment S:aquaticMobs < minecraft:squid minecraft:guardian minecraft:elder_guardian oe:clam oe:cod oe:crab oe:drowned oe:glow_squid oe:lobster oe:pickled oe:pufferfish oe:salmon oe:tropical_fish oe:tropical_slime oe:turtle > # If the Impaling Enchantment should be enabled. B:enableImpalingEnchant=true # Adds the Water Jet enchantment, which functions like Bedrock Edition's Impaling (Bonus damage to wet mobs). (0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled, 2 = Disable, and make Impaling use this behavior instead.) I:enableWaterJet=1 # Increases Impaling damage by this per level D:impalingDamage=2.5 # Increases Water Jet damage by this per level D:waterJetDamage=1.0 } ########################################################################################################## # loyalty #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for Loyalty ########################################################################################################## loyalty { # If the Loyalty Enchantment should be enabled. B:enableLoyaltyEnchant=true # Loyalty Tridents return when in the void B:loyaltyVoidReturn=true # Loyalty Tridents return when below this y-level. (Requires void return to be enabled)) I:loyaltyVoidReturnLevel=-15 } ########################################################################################################## # mobstomp #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for Mob Stomp ########################################################################################################## mobstomp { # Allows Mob Stomp to work when landing atop an Armor Stand. B:enableMobStompArmorStandBoing=true # Makes Mob Stomp deal 1 durability after a successful use. B:enableMobStompDurabilityCost=true # If the Mob Stomp Enchantment should be enabled. B:enableMobStompEnchant=true # Allows Mob Stomp to be placed on any Boots. This enchantment was made to be exclusive to the Heavy Boots, so this breaks the intended balance. B:enableMobStompOnAnyBoots=false } ########################################################################################################## # riptide #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for Riptide ########################################################################################################## riptide { # If the Riptide Enchantment should be enabled. B:enableRiptideEnchant=true # Enables the ability to use Riptide by holding a Bucket in your other hand. I think this really breaks the balance of the Enchantment, but I added it if anyone wants it. B:riptideIBroughtMyOwnWaterThankYou=false # Lets the player throw their Riptide trident by sneaking. The throw speed is multiplied by the Riptide level, making them VERY fast! B:riptideSneakThrowing=false } } ########################################################################################################## # effect #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config related to Potion Effects ########################################################################################################## effect { descent { # How much Descent pulls the player when in water, WITH Aqua Acrobatics installed. Uses a different formula, but will use the original if set to 0. D:descentAqAcWaterPull=0.07 # How much Descent pulls the player when falling. Is multiplied per amplifier, and the current falling speed. D:descentFallPull=0.05 # Fixes an odd bug where slime blocks led to infinite momentum building. I made it a config option because it's funny. B:descentSlimeFix=true # How much Descent pulls the player when in water. Is multiplied per amplifier, and the current sinking speed. D:descentWaterPull=0.05 } } ########################################################################################################## # vanillatweak #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Config for any direct tweaks or changes to Vanilla content ########################################################################################################## vanillatweak { # Allows Squids to flop about on land like fish do. B:squidFlop=true # Allows the Player to shift right-click a Squid to push it a bit. Done as a workaround for players who want to help squids, but can't due to their buggy movement. B:squidPush=true # Prevents buckets from being used on blocks that use the Water Material, but don't extend BlockLiquid. This prevents Water buckets from replacing water plants/animals like Coral and Sea Pickles. Might cause some edge case issues, so it's a config option. B:waterCancelReplace=true # Alters how much light Water and Flowing Water block. Default water is 3. Automatically disabled as not only do I predict some MASSIVE incompatabilities, but this will require every water block to be updated. Every single one. I:waterTweak=3 drownconverting { # A list of which mobs convert into what, when Drown Converting. If multiple entries exist for the same mob, only the first in the list will be used! S:drownConversionsList < minecraft:zombie=oe:drowned minecraft:husk=minecraft:zombie > # Enables Drown Converting. B:enableDrownConverting=true # Adds glowy particles to show when a mob is currently converting. B:enableDrownParticles=true } waterbonemeal { # Enables Underwater Bonemealing. B:enableWaterBonemeal=true # The Coral chance to be placed if it passes the waterBonemealCoralGen check. Else, places Seagrass. 1 / this number. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:waterBonemealCoralChance=5 # Makes Coral generate when using underwater bonemeal near Coral Blocks. (0 = Disable, 1 = Generate only on top, 2 = Generate around any side) # Min: 0 # Max: 2 I:waterBonemealCoralGen=2 } squidinking { # How many particles made each inking, IF the squid is a baby. Baby Squid particles are also smaller. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:babySquidParticleAmount=4 # Enables Squid Inking. B:enableSquidInking=true # How long (in seconds) Blindness caused by Squid Ink is given. Set to 0 to disable ink bliness entierly. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:inkBlindnessLength=5 # The max age of Ink Particles. Use this to make ink stay around longer. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:inkParticleAge=20 # How many particles made each inking. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:squidParticleAmount=60 } watermechanics { # Sets mobs to not have their air run low when underwater. ONLY applies when underwater! S:noDrownList < minecraft:zombie minecraft:zombie_villager minecraft:zombie_horse minecraft:zombie_pigman minecraft:husk minecraft:skeleton minecraft:skeleton_horse minecraft:stray minecraft:wither_skeleton oe:tropical_slime > # Sets mobs that will not swim, but simply sink. This only works for mobs that could have swam before! S:noSwimList < minecraft:zombie minecraft:zombie_villager minecraft:zombie_horse minecraft:zombie_pigman minecraft:husk minecraft:skeleton minecraft:skeleton_horse minecraft:stray minecraft:wither_skeleton oe:tropical_slime > B:noUnderwaterDismount=true } inksquirting { # Enables the ability to squirt out Ink Sacs. B:enableInkSquirting=true # Adds a cooldown between uses of Ink Sacs. # Min: 0 # Max: 9999 I:inkSquirtingCooldown=5 # Enables the ability for Dispensers to spray ink from Ink Sacs. B:inkSquirtingDispense=true # If the player that is squirting the Ink Sac is immune to the effects. Default is false because it is funny. B:inkSquirtingUserImmune=false } } }