# Configuration file anchors { # # change to craftable=false to disable World Anchor crafting, they will still be available via Creative # B:craftable=true # # change to 'delete.anchors=true' to delete every World Anchor or Anchor Cart in the world. # Value resets to false after each session. # To disable Anchors completely, disable the ChunkLoading Module from 'modules.cfg' # B:delete.anchors=false # # change to interact.with.pipes=false to prevent pipes, tubes, or various other things from interacting with Anchors # B:interact.with.pipes=true # # change to passive.craftable=false to disable Passive Anchor crafting, they will still be available via Creative # B:passive.craftable=true # # the number of hours that an item will power a Passive Anchor # this is an approximation only, actual duration is affected by number of chunks loaded and tick rate # if the list is empty, Passive Anchors will not require fuel, default = 12 # Entry Format: :#= # Example: personal.fuel= minecraft:ender_pearl=12, minecraft:coal#0=4 # S:passive.fuel=minecraft:ender_pearl=1, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierI=24, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierII=48, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIII=96, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIV=192, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierV=384 # # change to personal.craftable=false to disable Personal Anchor crafting, they will still be available via Creative # B:personal.craftable=true # # the number of hours that an item will power a Personal Anchor or Personal Anchor Cart # this is an approximation only, actual duration is affected by number of chunks loaded and tick rate # if the list is empty, Personal Anchors will not require fuel, default = 12 # Entry Format: :#= # Example: personal.fuel= minecraft:ender_pearl=12, minecraft:coal#0=4 # S:personal.fuel=EnderZoo:enderFragment=1, minecraft:ender_pearl=4, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierI=48, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierII=96, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIII=192,dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIV=364, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierV=768 # # change to 'print.debug=true' to log debug info for Anchors # B:print.debug=false # # change to print.locations=true to print Anchor locations to the log on startup # B:print.locations=false # # the number of hours that an item will power a World Anchor or World Anchor Cart # this is an approximation only, actual duration is affected by number of chunks loaded and tick rate # if the list is empty, World Anchors will not require fuel, default = 12 # Entry Format: :#= # Example: personal.fuel= minecraft:ender_pearl=12, minecraft:coal#0=4 # S:world.fuel=dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierI=12, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierII=24, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIII=48, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierIV=96, dreamcraft:item.CoinChunkloaderTierV=192 } ########################################################################################################## # carts #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Disable individual carts here. ########################################################################################################## carts { B:cart.anchor=true B:cart.anchor.admin=true B:cart.anchor.personal=true B:cart.bore=true B:cart.cargo=true B:cart.energy.batbox=true B:cart.energy.cesu=true B:cart.energy.mfe=true B:cart.energy.mfsu=true B:cart.gift=true B:cart.loco.creative=true B:cart.loco.electric=true B:cart.loco.steam.solid=true B:cart.pumpkin=true B:cart.redstone.flux=true B:cart.tank=true B:cart.tnt=true B:cart.tnt.wood=true B:cart.track.layer=true B:cart.track.relayer=true B:cart.track.remover=true B:cart.undercutter=true B:cart.work=true } ########################################################################################################## # enchantments #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enchantment ids are defined here. # ########################################################################################################## enchantments { I:ench_destruction=192 I:ench_implosion=191 I:ench_wrecking=190 } ########################################################################################################## # fluids #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # You can control whether Railcraft defines specific Fluids here. # However, be aware that if you disable a Fluid that is not defined by another mod,you may suffer errors and unexpected behavior. ########################################################################################################## fluids { B:creosote=true B:steam=true } general { # # change to 'check.version.online=false' to disable latest version checking # B:check.version.online=false # # change to 'play.sounds=false' to prevent all mod sounds from playing # B:play.sounds=true } ########################################################################################################## # loot #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Loot chances are defined here. # Smaller values are rarer. # Example Loot: # Bread = 100 # Redstone = 50 # Record = 5 # Golden Apple = 1 ########################################################################################################## loot { I:armor.goggles=5 I:armor.overalls=10 I:armor.steel.boots=5 I:armor.steel.helmet=5 I:armor.steel.legs=5 I:armor.steel.plate=5 I:cart.basic=10 I:cart.chest=10 I:cart.hopper=5 I:cart.tnt=5 I:cart.tnt.wood=5 I:cart.work=8 I:creosote.bottle=20 I:fuel.coal=20 I:fuel.coke=20 I:gear.bushing=5 I:rail.part=20 I:steel.block=5 I:steel.ingot=10 I:tie.stone=10 I:tie.wood=20 I:tool.crowbar=10 I:tool.electric.meter=5 I:tool.magnifying.glass=5 I:tool.signal.tuner=5 I:tool.steel.axe=5 I:tool.steel.pickaxe=5 I:tool.steel.shears=5 I:tool.steel.shovel=5 I:tool.steel.sword=5 I:tool.surveyor=5 I:track.basic=30 } ########################################################################################################## # recipes #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # You can add or remove various recipes here ########################################################################################################## recipes { minecraft { furnace { # # change to 'creosote=true' to add smelting recipes for Creosote Oil to the vanilla furnace # B:creosote=false } } railcraft { track { # # change to 'useAltRecipes=true' to use track recipes more similar to vanilla minecraft # B:useAltRecipes=false } rockcrusher { # # change to 'ores=false' to prevent the game from crushing ores into dusts (only available if IC2 installed) # B:ores=true } misc { # # set the output of the coalcoke and stick recipe for torches, setting to 0 will disable' # min=0, default=8, max=32 # I:coalcoke.torches=8 # # set the output of the creosote and woool recipe for torches, setting to 0 will disable' # min=0, default=6, max=16 # I:creosote.torches=2 # # change to 'gunpowder=false' to disable the sulfur, saltpeter, charcoal dust recipe for gunpowder # B:gunpowder=true } cart { # # change to 'bronze=false' to disable the bronze recipe for minecarts # B:bronze=true # # change to 'furnace=true' to enable the Furnace Minecart recipe # B:furnace=false # # change to 'steel=false' to disable the steel recipe for minecarts # B:steel=true } } ic2 { macerator { # # change to 'blaze=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipe for Blaze Powder # B:blaze=true # # change to 'bones=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipe for Bonemeal # B:bones=true # # change to 'charcoal=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipe for Charcoal Dust # B:charcoal=true # # change to 'cobble=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipes for Cobblestone # B:cobble=true # # change to 'dirt=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipe for Dirt # B:dirt=true # # change to 'obsidian=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipes for Cushed Obsidian and Obsidian Dust # B:obsidian=false # # change to 'ores=false' to disable the IC2 Macerator recipes for Ore Dusts # B:ores=true } } forestry { misc { # # change to 'fertilizer=false' to disable the saltpeter recipe for Forestry Fertilizer # B:fertilizer=true } carpenter { # # change to 'creosote.block=false' to disable the Carptenter Creosote Block recipe # B:creosote.block=true # # change to 'ties=false' to disable the Carptenter Tie recipe # B:ties=true # # change to 'torches=false' to disable the Carptenter Creosote Torch recipe # B:torches=true } } } ########################################################################################################## # tweaks #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Here you can change the behavior of various things ########################################################################################################## tweaks { blocks { cartdispenser { # # set the minimum number of seconds between cart dispensing, default=0 # I:delay=0 } irontank { # # Change to 'allow.stacking=false' to disable the stacking of Iron Tanks # B:allow.stacking=true # # Allows you to set the max Iron Tank base dimension, valid values are 3, 5, 7, and 9 # I:maxsize=9 } signals { # # change to 'printDebug=true' to log debug info for Signal Blocks # B:printDebug=false # # measured in tick, smaller numbers update more often, resulting in more sensitive signals, but cost more cpu power, default = 4 # I:update.interval=4 } machines { # # change to 'requirePower=false' to disable the Power Requirements for most machines # B:requirePower=true } boiler { # # adjust the heat value of BioFuel in a Boiler # D:biofuelMultiplier=1.0 # # adjust the heat value of Fuel in a Boiler # D:fuelMultiplier=1.0 } } steam { # # adjust the amount of fuel used to create Steam, min=0.2, default=1.0, max=6.0 # D:fuelPerSteamMultiplier=1.0 } items { goggles { # # Change to 'trackingAura=false' to disable the Tracking Aura # B:trackingAura=true } } tracks { speed { # # add entity names to exclude them from explosions caused by high speed collisions # S:entities.excluded < > # # change 'max.speed' to limit max speed on high speed rails, useful if your computer can't keep up with chunk loading, min=0.6, default=0.8, max=1.2 # D:max.speed=0.800000011920929 } launch { # # change the value to your desired max launch rail force, min=5, default=30, max=50 # I:force.max=50 } } routing { # # change to 'ops.only=true' to limit the editing of Golden Tickets to server admins only # B:ops.only=false } carts { general { # # change to 'breakOnDrop=true' to restore vanilla behavior # B:breakOnDrop=false # # change to 'collideWithItems=true' to restore minecart collisions with dropped items, ignored if 'register.collision.handler=false' # B:collideWithItems=false # # change the value to your desired minecart stack size, vanilla=1, default=3, max=64 # I:maxStackSize=3 # # change to 'printLinkingDebug=true' to log debug info for Cart Linking # B:printLinkingDebug=false # # change to 'register.collision.handler=false' to use a minecart collision handler from a different mod or vanilla behavior # B:register.collision.handler=true # # change to 'solid.carts=false' to return minecarts to vanilla player vs cart collision behavior # in vanilla minecarts are ghost like can be walked through # but making carts solid also makes them hard to push by hand # this setting is ignored if aren't using the Railcraft Collision Handler # B:solid.carts=true } basic { # # change to 'adjustDrag=false' to give basic carts the original vanilla drag values, after changing you may need to replace the carts to see any change in game # B:adjustDrag=true } chest { # # change to 'allowLiquids=true' to allow you put cans/capsules in Chest Carts # B:allowLiquids=false } bore { # # change to 'destroyBlocks=true' to cause the Bore to destroy the blocks it mines instead of dropping them # B:destroyBlocks=false # # change to 'mineAllBlocks=false' to enable mining checks, use true setting with caution, especially on servers # B:mineAllBlocks=true # # add block ids to 'mineableBlocks' in a common seperated list to define non-vanilla blocks mineable by the tunnel bore # ignored if 'tweaks.carts.bore.mineAllBlocks=true' # metadata sensative entries can be defined in the form 'modid:blockname#metadata' # Example:mineableBlocks= { minecraft:stone, minecraft:stonebrick#3 } # S:mineableBlocks={} # # adjust the speed at which the Bore mines blocks, min=0.1, default=1.0, max=50.0 # D:miningSpeed=1.0 } locomotive { # # change to 'damageMobs=false' to disable Locomotive damage on mobs, they will still knockback mobs # B:damageMobs=true # # controls how much power locomotives have and how many carts they can pull # be warned, longer trains have a greater chance for glitches # as such it HIGHLY recommended you do not change this # I:horsepower=15 steam { # # adjust the multiplier used when calculating fuel use, min=0.2, default=3.0, max=12.0 # D:efficiencyMulitplier=3.0 } } tank { # # change the value to your desired Tank Cart capacity in buckets, min=4, default=32, max=64, ignored if 'tweaks.minecarts.tank.useCustomValues=false' # I:capacity=32 # # change the value to your desired Tank Cart fill rate in milli-buckets per tick, min=4, default=32, max=64 # there are 1000 milli-buckets in a bucket, ignored if 'tweaks.minecarts.tank.useCustomValues=false' # I:fillrate=32 # # change to 'useCustomValues=true' to adjust the Tank Cart's capacity and fill rate # B:useCustomValues=false } } } worldgen { ########################################################################################################## # generate #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # You can control which Ores/Features generate in the world here. # If wish to disable world gen entirely it is recommended # that you disable the World Module in 'modules.cfg' instead. ########################################################################################################## generate { B:abyssal=true B:copper=false B:firestone=true B:gold=false B:iron=false B:lead=false B:quarried=true B:saltpeter=false B:sulfur=false B:tin=false B:workshop=true } id { I:workshop=456 } }