# Configuration file general { advanced { # Enable/Disable loading and caching of structure files during startup. B:cacheStructureFiles=false # The maximum amount of files which will be cached. # Min: 1 # Max: 16384 I:cachedStructureFilesMaxAmount=0 # The maximum amount of kilobytes which will be cached. Ram usage will be approximately x * 200 kilobytes. This was the result when caching multiple, differently sized structure files and thus might not be representative for your setup. # Min: 1 # Max: 16384 I:cachedStructureFilesMaxSize=0 # When enabled when starting the game it checks all structure files and tries to update the deprecated ones. B:checkAndUpdateDeprecatedStructureFiles=false B:debugAI=false B:debugDungeonGen=false # If enabled, a faction will consider you as ally when you are on a team with the same name as the faction. B:enableOldFactionMemberTeams=false # When enabled cqr mobs only take 50% damage from IceAndFire mobs and deal 200% damage against IceAndFire mobs. B:enableSpecialFeatures=true D:entityCountGrowPerPlayer=0.25 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1.7976931348623157E308 D:flyingCowardPenaltyDamage=10.0 # When enabled and a flying entity is hit by a cqr lightning it gets extra damage. B:flyingCowardPenaltyEnabled=true # Enable/Disable checking for nearby vanilla structures before spawning a dungeon. In the dungeon configs you can define which structures will prevent a dungeon from generating. B:generationRespectOtherStructures=true # When disable all light updates are delayed until the dungeon is generated which is usually a lot faster. (When Phosphor is installed this has no effect and light updates are processed immediately) B:instantLightUpdates=false # Enable/Disable multithreaded dungeon preparation. When enabled the calculations to prepare a dungeon for generation are done on another thread. B:multithreadedDungeonPreparation=true # When enabled, the number or health of enemies in a dungeon scales up in multiplayer by (player count in dungeon region -1) * entityCountGrowPerPlayer B:scaleEntitiesOnPlayerCount=false # Skip rendering of entities that are behind blocks/not visible. Bosses will be rendered normally. This might cause issues where a mob is partly behind a block and thus does not get rendered but it's usually not really noticable. This setting has no effect when Entity Culling is installed. B:skipHiddenEntityRendering=true # It raytraces from the eyes of the player to the eyes of the mob and the other way around. Then it compares the positions that were hit and only renders the entity when no block was hit or the distance between both points is lower than this setting. This setting has no effect when Entity Culling is installed. # Min: 0.0 # Max: 256.0 D:skipHiddenEntityRenderingDiff=1.0 # Entities which will be exported despite the ignore entities checkbox being checked. S:specialEntities < minecraft:painting minecraft:item_frame minecraft:armor_stand minecraft:minecart minecraft:chest_minecart minecraft:furnace_minecart minecraft:tnt_minecart minecraft:hopper_minecart minecraft:boat > B:structureImportMode=false } bosses { B:antiCowardMode=true I:antiCowardRadius=16 B:armorForTheWalkerKing=true B:blackListBossesFromIaFGorgonHead=true B:boarmageExplosionAreaDestroysTerrain=false B:boarmageExplosionRayDestroysTerrain=false B:calamityBlockEquipParticles=true # WARNING: This WILL affect every player on the server or your lan world! Changing this as a player on a server does not have any effect B:enableBossBars=true B:enableHealthRegen=true B:enableWalkerKingFog=true I:enderCalamityHealingCrystalAbsorbAmount=40 S:enderCalamityLootPool=cqrepoured:chests/treasure # Controls the roundness of the ender-calamity's shield, has a massive impact on performance. The higher, the rounder I:enderCalamityShieldRoundness=32 D:giantSpiderMaxHealByBite=8.0 S:giantTortoiseHardBlocks < minecraft:obsidian minecraft:iron_block minecraft:bedrock > B:hotFireballsDestroyTerrain=true S:netherDragonBreakableBlocks < minecraft:stone minecraft:netherrack minecraft:grass minecraft:dirt minecraft:quartz_ore minecraft:gravel minecraft:soul_sand minecraft:sand minecraft:leaves minecraft:tall_grass minecraft:double_plant minecraft:coal_ore minecraft:iron_ore minecraft:gold_ore minecraft:water minecraft:lava minecraft:magma minecraft:glowstone cqrepoured:phylactery > B:netherDragonDestroysBlocks=false I:netherDragonLength=18 I:netherDragonStageTwoFireballInterval=40 I:netherDragonStageTwoSegmentHP=50 D:pirateCaptainFleeCheckRadius=16.0 B:preventBlockPlacingNearBosses=true B:thrownBlocksDestroyTerrain=true B:thrownBlocksGetPlaced=true } bossdamagecaps { B:enableDamageCapForBosses=true D:maxDamageInPercentOfMaxHP=0.10000000149011612 D:maxUncappedDamage=30.0 } dungeonprotection { # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventBlockBreaking=true # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventBlockPlacing=false # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventEntitySpawning=true # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventExplosionOther=true # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventExplosionTNT=true # This is a global toggle for the options in the individual dungeon configs, enabling this here does not enable it in all dungeons! Please adjust the individual dungeon configs! B:enablePreventFireSpreading=true # Blocks which will be breakable despite being protected by the protection system. S:protectionSystemBreakableBlockWhitelist < minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:torch cqrepoured:unlit_torch cqrepoured:phylactery cqrepoured:force_field_nexus gravestone:gravestone openblocks:grave > # Blocks with a whitelisted material will be breakable despite being protected by the protection system. S:protectionSystemBreakableMaterialWhitelist < WATER LAVA PLANTS VINE FIRE CACTUS CAKE WEB > # This enables the protection system. Set to false to disable it globally. Disabling this does not delete Protected Regions and instead just does not prevent the player from for example placing blocks. B:protectionSystemEnabled=true # Blocks which will be placeable at positions protected by the protection system. S:protectionSystemPlaceableBlockWhitelist < minecraft:torch minecraft:fire cqrepoured:unlit_torch > # Blocks with a whitelisted material will be placeable at positions protected by the protection system. S:protectionSystemPlaceableMaterialWhitelist < > } general { D:damageBlockedByShield=12.0 # Each entry represents one set of mobtypes per "ring" S:defaultInhabitantConfig < SKELETON ZOMBIE,MUMMY ILLAGER SPECTER MINOTAUR > # Min: 0.0 # Max: 10.0 D:densityBehindWallFactor=2.0 # Distance in chunks to the worlds spawn point in which no dungeons can generate. # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:dungeonSpawnDistance=25 # Enable/Disable dungeon generation in super flat worlds. B:dungeonsInFlat=false D:electricFieldEffectSpreadRange=4.0 B:enableAprilFools=true B:enableSpeechBubbles=true S:entityFactionRelation < minecraft:enderman=ENDERMEN minecraft:endermite=ENDERMEN minecraft:villager=VILLAGERS minecraft:villager_golem=VILLAGERS minecraft:vindication_illager=ILLAGERS minecraft:evocation_illager=ILLAGERS minecraft:vex=ILLAGERS minecraft:zombie=UNDEAD minecraft:zombie_villager=UNDEAD minecraft:husk=UNDEAD minecraft:skeleton=UNDEAD minecraft:skeleton_horse=UNDEAD minecraft:stray=UNDEAD minecraft:spider=BEASTS minecraft:cave_spider=BEASTS minecraft:ender_dragon=DRAGONS iceandfire:dragonegg=DRAGONS iceandfire:firedragon=DRAGONS iceandfire:icedragon=DRAGONS > B:hookOnlyPullsSmallerEntities=true # Min: 1 # Max: 27 I:maxItemsPerLootChest=8 # Min: 0 # Max: 27 I:minItemsPerLootChest=2 B:moreDungeonsBehindWall=true B:preventOtherModLoot=false # Copies the default config files from the jar to the config folder (existing files will get replaced). B:reinstallDefaultConfigs=false # Setting this to true allows you to set min and max items per chest B:singleLootPoolPerLootTable=true # Min: 0 # Max: 256 I:spawnerActivationDistance=48 # Min: 0 # Max: 32 I:supportHillWallSize=8 } mobs { # Min: 0 # Max: 128 I:alertRadius=20 B:armorShattersOnMobs=true # Enables the axe & shield mechanic from vanilla for CQR mobs with a shield B:blockCancelledByAxe=true # For every player after the first bosses will receive x percent less damage. bossDamageReduction = (1.0 - x) ^ (playerCount - 1) # Min: 0.0 # Max: 0.5 D:bossDamageReductionPerPlayer=0.25 B:disableFirePanicAI=false # Every X blocks the mobs HP goes up by 10% of it's base health # Min: 1 # Max: 100000 I:distanceDivisor=1000 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:dropDurabilityMaximum=0.5 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:dropDurabilityMinimum=0.1 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:dropDurabilityModalValue=0.25 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:dropDurabilityStandardDeviation=0.05 B:enableDamageCapForNonBossMobs=false B:enableEntityStrafing=false B:enableEntityStrafingBoss=true B:enableHealthChangeOnDistance=false B:enableTradeRestockOverTime=true # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:entityStrafingSpeed=0.5 # Min: 0.0 # Max: 1.0 D:entityStrafingSpeedBoss=0.5 # Min: 0 # Max: 128 I:factionUpdateRadius=100 # Min: 2 # Max: 64 I:looterAIChestSearchRange=1 I:looterAIStealableItems=4 I:maxAutoRestocksOverTime=8 D:maxUncappedDamageForNonBossMobs=50.0 D:maxUncappedDamageInMaxHPPercent=1.0 # Min: 1 # Max: 100000 I:mobTypeChangeDistance=1500 B:offhandPotionsAreSingleUse=true # Measured in ticks) I:tradeRestockTime=72000 } wall { # Min: 0 # Max: 1000 I:distance=500 B:enabled=false S:mob=cqrepoured:spectre B:obsidianCore=true # Min: 80 # Max: 240 I:topY=140 # Min: 0 # Max: 10 I:towerDistance=3 } materials { armormaterials { backpack { I:durability=67 I:enchantability=5 I:reductionAmounts < 1 3 4 1 > D:toughness=0.0 } bull { I:durability=98 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 3 6 8 3 > D:toughness=4.0 } cloud { I:durability=40 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 4 7 9 4 > D:toughness=2.0 } dragon { I:durability=167 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 7 8 9 7 > D:toughness=6.0 } heavydiamond { I:durability=162 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 8 10 12 8 > D:toughness=8.0 } heavyiron { I:durability=144 I:enchantability=9 I:reductionAmounts < 4 7 9 4 > D:toughness=5.0 } inquisition { I:durability=68 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 3 6 8 3 > D:toughness=3.0 } kingcrown { I:durability=162 I:enchantability=25 I:reductionAmounts < 10 10 10 10 > D:toughness=10 } slime { I:durability=68 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 4 5 7 4 > D:toughness=3.0 } spider { I:durability=68 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 3 5 7 3 > D:toughness=3.0 } turtle { I:durability=162 I:enchantability=10 I:reductionAmounts < 7 9 12 7 > D:toughness=7.0 } } toolmaterials { D:daggerAttackDamageBonus=-1.0 D:daggerAttackSpeedBonus=0.4 D:daggerMovementSpeedBonus=0.2 D:greatSwordAttackDamageBonus=20.0 D:greatSwordAttackSpeedBonus=-0.4 D:spearAttackDamageBonus=1.0 D:spearAttackSpeedBonus=-0.1 D:spearReachDistanceBonus=1.0 bull { D:damage=12.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=1561 } monking { D:damage=14.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=1561 } moonlight { D:damage=14.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } ninja { D:damage=12.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } spider { D:damage=10.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } sunshine { D:damage=16.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } turtle { D:damage=16.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } walker { D:damage=10.0 D:efficiency=0.0 I:enchantability=10 I:harvestLevel=0 I:maxUses=2048 } } } basehealths { # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:AbyssWalker=100.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:AbyssWalkerKing=2000.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Boarmage=600.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Boarman=35.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Dummy=1.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Dwarf=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:EnderCalamity=10.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Enderman=60.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Exterminatior=700.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:GiantSpider=500.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:GiantTortoise=1000.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Goblin=25.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Golem=50.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Gremlin=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Human=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Illager=25.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Lich=600.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Mandril=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Minotaur=40.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Mummy=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:NPC=50.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Necromancer=600.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:NetherDragon=4000.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Ogre=45.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Orc=40.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Pirate=35.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:PirateCaptain=600.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Skeleton=30.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Spectre=40.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Triton=40.0 # Min: 1.0 # Max: 1000.0 D:Zombie=35.0 } }