[general] #Sets whether the permission list is a blacklist or whitelist #Allowed Values: BLACKLIST, WHITELIST permissionMode = "BLACKLIST" #List of items by registry name to be blacklisted/whitelisted based on Permission Mode permissionList = [] #Sets how the elytra chestplates will behave #NORMAL: Elytras will exist separately from the chestplate, able to be separated later #UNISON: Elytras will fuse completely with the chestplate, unable to be separated #PERFECT: Elytras will fuse completely with the chestplate and flying will not use durability #Allowed Values: NORMAL, UNISON, PERFECT colytraMode = "NORMAL" #How much energy per second elytra flight uses if Unison mode is active and the chestplate uses energy #Range: > 0 energyUsage = 1000