{ title: "&6The Wonders of Thaumaturgy", x: 25.5d, y: -19.5d, shape: "heart", description: "&7&oUnending Potential&7 *Read Description*", text: [ "&7You may have finished the core progression of &dThaumcraft&7 and &dThaumic Augmentation&7, but there is still much you can with the power of Thaumaturgy.", "", "&dThaumcraft&7 itself offers much room for Automation, especially through &5Golemancy&7, and &dThaumic Augmentation&7 extends that potential a little bit.", "&dAutomating Essentia&7 (without those silly plants :v) is a fun challenge you can try, that's one thing!", "The &dSpellcasting system&7 with Foci can do certain things which other mods simply cannot, and incredibly well at that, but that's for you to experiment with and Discover!", "", "There are quite a number of things this questline does not explore, so why not explore them?", "", "Perhaps you even &dmissed some powerful tools&7 or &duseful notes about tweaks that have been made&7, go back and give them a check!", "", "&5&o&lIf one is to master the art of Thaumaturgy, the reward of Ultimate Knowledge may greet them...", "", "", "&6&oI hope this questline has been a fun little(?) journey, and a good guide for less experienced Thaumaturges, perhaps even one that has brought those previously dissuaded from Thaumaturgy to have a good time, that's really all i'd hope for :D", "~Sincerely, &5&o&lEmperdog" ], hide_dependency_lines: true, dependencies: [ "82dc35de" ], hide: true, tasks: [{ uid: "649e9563", type: "checkmark" }], rewards: [{ uid: "bdeca162", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 2500L }, { uid: "05826414", type: "item", item: { id: "ftbquests:lootcrate", tag: { type: "unclaimed_black_market_container" } } }] }