# Configuration file add_generic { # This adds full 1m cube with a very long list of options in the format: # # ______________________________________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is one of the default materials (determines some things about # the block like footstep sounds and such). The possible values are: # # air, anvil, cactus, cake, carpet, circuits, clay, cloth, coral, craftedSnow, dragonEgg, fire # glass, gourd, grass, ground, ice, iron, lava, leaves, packedIce, piston, plants, portal # redstoneLight, rock, sand, snow, sponge, tnt, vine, water, web, wood # # - If is true, the block will fall like sand. # - If is true, the block can be used for beacon bases. # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. If it is # negative, the block will be unbreakable like bedrock. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how much the block glows, from 0.0 to 1.0. # - The is how slippery the block is, with 0.6 as normal and ice as 0.98. # - The higher the , the faster the block will catch fire (0 for none). # - The higher the , the faster the block will burn and disappear (0 for none). # - The is how opaque the block is, with 0 being transparent, and 255 being almost # totally opaque. If -1, the block will be totally opaque. # # Here are some examples of what default blocks would look like: # # Wood Planks: planks_____Oak Planks_____planks_oak_____wood_____false_____false_____2.0_____5.0_____axe_____-1_____0.0_____0.6_____5_____20_____-1 # Stone: stone_____Stone_____stone_____rock_____false_____false_____1.5_____10.0_____pickaxe_____0_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Iron: iron_block_____Iron Block_____iron_block_____metal_____false_____true_____5.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____1_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Sand: sand_____Sand_____sand_____sand_____true_____false_____0.5_____0.0_____shovel_____-1_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Glowstone: glowstone_____Glowstone_____glowstone_____glass_____false_____false_____0.3_____0.0_____none_____-1_____1.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Packed Ice: packed_ice_____Packed Ice_____ice_packed_____glass_____false_____false_____0.5_____0.0_____pickaxe_____-1_____0.0_____0.98_____0_____0_____-1 # Ice: ice_____Ice_____ice_____glass_____false_____false_____0.5_____0.0_____pickaxe_____-1_____0.0_____0.98_____0_____0_____3 # Obsidian: obsidian_____Obsidian_____obsidian_____rock_____false_____false_____50.0_____2000.0_____pickaxe_____3_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Bedrock: bedrock_____Bedrock_____bedrock_____rock_____false_____false_____-1.0_____6000000.0_____pickaxe_____-1_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # Glass: glass_____Glass_____glass_____glass_____false_____false_____0.3_____0.0_____none_____-1_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____0 # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby ore and resource block for ruby, you could put: # # ruby_ore_____Ruby Ore_____ruby_ore_____rock_____false_____false_____3.0_____5.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # ruby_block_____Ruby Block_____ruby_block_____iron_____false_____true_____5.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 S:generic < > # This adds full 1m pillar-like cube with a very long list of options in the format: # # ______________________________________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will the the texture on the insides of the log/pillar. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will the the texture on the ousides of the log/pillar. # - The is one of the default materials (determines some things about # the block like footstep sounds and such). The possible values are: # # air, anvil, cactus, cake, carpet, circuits, clay, cloth, coral, craftedSnow, dragonEgg, fire # glass, gourd, grass, ground, ice, iron, lava, leaves, packedIce, piston, plants, portal # redstoneLight, rock, sand, snow, sponge, tnt, vine, water, web, wood # # - If is true, the block can be used for beacon bases. # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. If it is # negative, the block will be unbreakable like bedrock. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how much the block glows, from 0.0 to 1.0. # - The is how slippery the block is, with 0.6 as normal and ice as 0.98. # - The higher the , the faster the block will catch fire (0 for none). # - The higher the , the faster the block will burn and disappear (0 for none). # - The is how opaque the block is, with 0 being transparent, and 255 being almost # totally opaque. If -1, the block will be totally opaque. # Here are some examples of what default blocks would look like: # # Oak Logs: log_____Oak Log_____log_oak_top_____log_oak_____wood_____false_____2.0_____0.0_____axe_____-1_____0.0_____0.6_____5_____5_____-1 # Quartz Pillar: quartz_pillar_____Quartz Pillar_____quartz_block_lines_top_____quartz_block_lines_____rock_____false_____0.8_____0.0_____pickaxe_____0_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby pillar, you could put: # # ruby_pillar_____Ruby Pillar_____ruby_pillar_top_____ruby_pillar_side_____iron_____true_____5.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 S:"logs/pillars" < > } adding_decoration { # This adds a fence-like block based on an existing block in the format: # # ____________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby block fence, you could put: # # ruby_fence_____Ruby Fence_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 S:fences < > # This adds a glass-pane-like block based on an existing block in the format: # # _________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will be the texture on the top of the slab. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will be the texture on the sides of the slab. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # # Here are some examples of what default blocks would look like: # # Glass Pane: glass_pane_____Glass Pane_____glass_pane_top_____glass_____minecraft:glass_____0 # Iron Bars: iron_bars_____Iron Bars_____iron_bars_____iron_bars_____minecraft:iron_block_____0 # # For an example, if you wanted to add ruby bars, you could put: # # ruby_bars_____Ruby Bars_____ruby_bars_top_____ruby_bars_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 S:"panes/bars" < > # This adds a 'plant' (single crossed texture) in the format: # # __________________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is one of the default materials (determines some things about # the block like footstep sounds and such). The possible values are: # # air, anvil, cactus, cake, carpet, circuits, clay, cloth, coral, craftedSnow, dragonEgg, fire # glass, gourd, grass, ground, ice, iron, lava, leaves, packedIce, piston, plants, portal # redstoneLight, rock, sand, snow, sponge, tnt, vine, water, web, wood # # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how much the block glows, from 0.0 to 1.0. # - The higher the , the faster the block will catch fire (0 for none). # - The higher the , the faster the block will burn and disappear (0 for none). # # Here are some examples of what a default flower would look like: # # dandelion_____Dandelion_____flower_dandelion_____plants_____0.0_____0.0_____none_____-1_____0.0_____60_____100 # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby ore and resource block for ruby, you could put: # # ruby_flower_____Ruby Flower_____ruby_flower_____plants_____0.0_____0.0_____none_____-1_____0.0_____60_____100 # S:plants < > # This adds a half slab based on an existing block in the format: # # _________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will be the texture on the top of the slab. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png, and will be the texture on the sides of the slab. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # # Here are some examples of what default blocks would look like: # # Wood Slab: wooden_slab_____Oak Slab_____oak_planks_____oak_planks_____minecraft:planks_____0 # Stone Slab: stone_slab_____Stone Slab_____stone_slab_top_____stone_slab_side_____minecraft:stone_____0 # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby slab, you could put: # # ruby_block_slab_____Ruby Block Slab_____ruby_block_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 ruby_pillar_slab_____Ruby Pillar Slab_____ruby_pillar_top_____ruby_pillar_side_____lootplusplus:ruby_pillar_____0 S:slabs < > # This adds stairs based on an existing block: # # _______________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The is the name of the block these stairs should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block these are based on. # # Here are some examples of what default blocks would look like: # # Oak wood stairs: oak_stairs_____Oak Stairs_____minecraft:planks_____0 # Stone Brick Slab: stonebrick_stairs_____Stone Brick Stairs_____minecraft:stonebrick_____0 # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby ore and resource block for ruby, you could put: # # ruby_block_stairs_____Ruby Block Stairs_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 S:stairs < > # This adds a carpet-like block based on an existing block in the format: # # ____________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby block tile, you could put: # # ruby_tile_____Ruby Tile_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 S:"tiles/carpets" < > # This adds a cobblestone wall-like block based on an existing block in the format: # # ____________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby block wall, you could put: # # ruby_wall_____Ruby Wall_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0 S:walls < > } adding_interactable { # This adds a crafting table with options in the format: # # ___________________________________________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The block textures should all be in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is one of the default materials (determines some things about # the block like footstep sounds and such). The possible values are: # # air, anvil, cactus, cake, carpet, circuits, clay, cloth, coral, craftedSnow, dragonEgg, fire # glass, gourd, grass, ground, ice, iron, lava, leaves, packedIce, piston, plants, portal # redstoneLight, rock, sand, snow, sponge, tnt, vine, water, web, wood # # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. If it is # negative, the block will be unbreakable like bedrock. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how much the block glows, from 0.0 to 1.0. # - The is how slippery the block is, with 0.6 as normal and ice as 0.98. # - The higher the , the faster the block will catch fire (0 for none). # - The higher the , the faster the block will burn and disappear (0 for none). # - The is how opaque the block is, with 0 being transparent, and 255 being almost # totally opaque. If -1, the block will be totally opaque. # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby block crafting table, you could put: # # ruby_crafting_table_____Ruby Crafting Table_____ruby_crafting_table_top_____ruby_crafting_table_side_____ruby_crafting_table_front_____ruby_block_____iron_____5.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.0_____0.6_____0_____0_____-1 S:crafting_tables < > # This adds a furnace block in the format: # # _________________________________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The furnace textures should be the names of files in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' # folder in the resource pack without the .png. The top is for the top and bottom, the # side is for the sides and back, and the front ones are for the front. # - The is one of the default materials. (In this case the material is hard # coded to be 'rock', so this will only determine mining/footstep sounds!) The possible values are: # # air, anvil, cactus, cake, carpet, circuits, clay, cloth, coral, craftedSnow, dragonEgg, fire # glass, gourd, grass, ground, ice, iron, lava, leaves, packedIce, piston, plants, portal # redstoneLight, rock, sand, snow, sponge, tnt, vine, water, web, wood # # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how slippery the block is, with 0.6 as normal and ice as 0.98. # - The is how fast the furnace runs, with 1.0 being normal, 2.0 twice as fast, ect. # - The is how opaque the block is, with 0 being transparent, and 255 being almost # totally opaque. If -1, the block will be totally opaque. # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby furnace which is a bit faster, you could put: # # ruby_furnace_____Ruby Furnace_____ruby_furnace_top_____ruby_furnace_side_____ruby_furnace_front_off_____ruby_furnace_front_on_____iron_____3.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.6_____1.5_____-1 # S:furnaces < > # This adds a ladder block in the format: # # _____________________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is a float that determines how long the block takes to break. # - The is a float that represents how resistant the block is to explosions. # - The is a tool type. The default options are 'pickaxe', 'shovel', # 'axe', or 'none'. # - The is what level of tool can harvest the block if the tool type is not # 'none'; the default levels are wood and gold = 0, stone = 1, iron = 2, and diamond = 3. # - The is how much the block glows, from 0.0 to 1.0. # - The higher the , the faster the block will catch fire (0 for none). # - The higher the , the faster the block will burn and disappear (0 for none). # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby ladder, you could put: # # ruby_ladder_____Ruby Ladder_____ruby_ladder_____3.0_____10.0_____pickaxe_____2_____0.0_____0_____0 # S:ladders < > } adding_redstone_interacting { # This adds a fence-like block based on an existing block in the format: # # ______________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # - The is how many ticks the button will stay pressed for. For wood buttons # this is 30, and for stone, 20 (Note there are 20 ticks per second). # - If is true, arrows will set off the button. # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby button, which presses for 2 seconds, you could put: # # ruby_button_____Ruby Button_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0_____40_____false S:buttons < > # This adds a door block based on an existing block in the format: # # ___________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. It will be the texture for the door top. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. It will be the texture for the door bottom. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/items' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. It will be the texture item that represents the door. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # - If is true, the door can only be openned with a redstone signal # # The default doors could be represented with: # # Wooden: wooden_door_____Wooden Door_____door_wood_upper_____door_wood_lower_____door_wood_____minecraft:planks_____0_____false # Iron: iron_door_____Iron Door_____door_iron_upper_____door_iron_lower_____door_iron_____minecraft:iron_block_____0_____true # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby door that only opens with redstone, you could put: # # ruby_door_____Ruby Door_____ruby_door_top_____ruby_door_bottom_____ruby_door_item_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0_____true S:doors < > # This adds a fence gate based on an existing block in the format: # # _________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # - If is true, the door can only be openned with a redstone signal # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby fence gate that only opens with redstone, you could put: # # ruby_fence_gate_____Ruby Fence Gate_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0_____true S:fence_gates < > # This adds a pressure plate block based on an existing block in the format: # # ___________________________________ # # - The is the name the block will be registered with (note that a # 'lootplusplus:' will be added to the front; don't add anything with a colon # yourself!). # - The is what people will see ingame while holding the block. # - The should be one in the 'assets/minecraft/blocks' folder in the resource # pack without the .png. # - The is the name of the block the slab should be based on. # - The is the metadata of the block it is based on. # - The is how many ticks the plate will stay pressed for. For wood buttons # this is 30, and for stone, 20 (Note there are 20 ticks per second). # - The is how many valid entities have to be on the plate for it to output a full # restone signal. # - determines what sets off the pressure plate. The valid options are # # everything, mobs, players # # The default pressure plates could be represented with: # # Wooden: wooden_pressure_plate_____Wooden Pressure Plate_____planks_oak_____minecraft:planks_____0_____20_____1_____everything # Stone: stone_pressure_plate_____Stone Pressure Plate_____stone_____minecraft:stone_____0_____20_____1_____mobs # Iron: iron_pressure_plate_____Iron Pressure Plate_____iron_block_____minecraft:iron_block_____0_____10_____150_____everything # Gold: gold_pressure_plate_____Gold Pressure Plate_____gold_block_____minecraft:gold_block_____0_____10_____15_____everything # # For an example, if you wanted to add a ruby pressure plate that will give a full redstone # signal when 10 players stand on it, and stays pressed for 2 seconds, you could put: # # ruby_pressure_plate_____Ruby Pressure Plate_____ruby_block_____lootplusplus:ruby_block_____0_____40_____10_____players S:pressure_plates < > }