# Configuration file general { # "AuraStrike" Modifier Damage Bonus # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"'AuraStrike' Modifier Damage Bonus"=5 # BedrockDim DimID I:"Bedrock Dimension ID"=19 # Any Enchant ID's in this list can not be added by the Osmotic Enchanter I:"Blacklisted Enchants" < 71 10 > # Does the Osmotic Enchanter use the classic pillar structure B:"Classic Enchanter"=false # Is the dislocation focus enabled? B:"Dislocation Focus Enabled"=true # Change dimensional shard drop rate, The higher the value the higher the drop rate # Min: -1 # Max: 64 D:EndShardDropRate=32.0 # Ichorium ToolPart Base Damage # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 D:"Ichorium Weapon DamageBase"=3.5 # Change dimensional shard drop rate, The higher the value the higher the drop rate # Min: -1 # Max: 64 D:NetherShardDropRate=16.0 # Are Shaders allowed? This effects purely cosmetic visual effects like the transparency for multiblock placeholder B:"Shaders Enabled"=true # This is the amount of times a spellbinding cloth may be used # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Spellbinding Cloth Uses"=10 # This is the amount of uses given to the Talisman of Remedium. # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Talisman of Remedium Uses"=100 # Is the telekenesis focus enabled? B:"Telekenesis Focus Enabled"=true # Can Tinkers Construct tools be repaired in the repairer? B:"Tinkers Construct Compatibility"=true # This is the distance a block can be from a Transvector Dislocator # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Transvector Dislocator Distance"=10 # This is the distance a block can be from a Transvector Interface # Min: 0 # Max: 2147483647 I:"Transvector Interface Distance"=4 }