["General Configs"] #Value of milli-bucket of fluid converted in source by the sourcelink #Example entry: "minecraft:lava=1.6" fluid_to_source = ["starbunclemania:source_fluid=0.9", "minecraft:lava=1.6", "minecraft:milk=0.2", "create:chocolate=0.5", "create:honey=0.2"] #Transfer rate of the fluid starbuncles #Range: > 1 starbucket_ratio = 1000 #Transfer rate of the energy starbuncles #Range: > 1 starbattery_ratio = 100000 #Transfer rate of the gas starbuncles #Range: > 1 starballoon_ratio = 1000 #Threshold of the fluid starbuncles, lower this if you need them to check and fill more often. #Range: > 1 starbucket_threshold = 250 #Threshold rate of the energy starbuncles, lower this if you need them to check and fill more often. #Range: > 1 starbattery_threshold = 1000 #Threshold rate of the gas starbuncles, lower this if you need them to check and fill more often. #Range: > 1 starballoon_threshold = 250 #Source cost to make a bucket of liquid source. #Range: > 1 source_condense_cost = 1000 ["Mekanism Compat"] #How much energy is produced per mB of Gaseous Source #Range: 0 ~ 9223372036854775807 source_gas_energy_density = 200