{ "questIDHigh:4": 0, "preRequisites:9": { "0:10": { "questIDHigh:4": 0, "questIDLow:4": 1513 } }, "questIDLow:4": 1516, "properties:10": { "betterquesting:10": { "snd_complete:8": "random.levelup", "taskLogic:8": "AND", "partySingleReward:1": 0, "visibility:8": "NORMAL", "isMain:1": 0, "simultaneous:1": 0, "icon:10": { "id:8": "MagicBees:frameOblivion", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "snd_update:8": "random.levelup", "repeatTime:3": -1, "globalShare:1": 1, "questLogic:8": "AND", "repeat_relative:1": 1, "name:8": "Bees Buzzing Beyond the Dark", "isGlobal:1": 0, "lockedProgress:1": 0, "autoClaim:1": 0, "isSilent:1": 0, "desc:8": "If even the soul frame takes too long for your taste, the oblivion frame will destroy a bee in a single bee tick (27s). Be careful using more than one, there are rumors it might harm your princesses...\n\n§3You can find them in Stronghold libraries or make them from Dragon Eggs. You can also use a Thaumic Restorer to fix it, and most frames too." } }, "tasks:9": { "0:10": { "partialMatch:1": 1, "autoConsume:1": 0, "groupDetect:1": 0, "ignoreNBT:1": 1, "index:3": 0, "consume:1": 0, "requiredItems:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "MagicBees:frameOblivion", "Count:3": 1, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" } }, "taskID:8": "bq_standard:retrieval" } }, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item", "index:3": 0, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "Forestry:apiculture", "Count:3": 8, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" } } }, "1:10": { "rewardID:8": "bq_standard:item", "index:3": 1, "rewards:9": { "0:10": { "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinBeesII", "Count:3": 2, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "1:10": { "id:8": "dreamcraft:item.CoinDarkWizardII", "Count:3": 2, "Damage:2": 0, "OreDict:8": "" }, "2:10": { "id:8": "enhancedlootbags:lootbag", "Count:3": 1, "tag:10": { "ench:9": { "0:10": { "lvl:4": 3, "id:4": 35 } } }, "Damage:2": 26, "OreDict:8": "" } } } } }