# Configuration file enchantments { I:"Enchantment ID: Backstab"=76 I:"Enchantment ID: Gemstone Brittle"=65 I:"Enchantment ID: Gemstone Potency"=64 I:"Enchantment ID: Invisible Gear"=71 I:"Enchantment ID: Ride Protection"=81 I:"Enchantment ID: Soulbound"=82 I:"Enchantment ID: Stealth"=75 I:"Enchantment ID: Unveiling"=74 B:"Soul Tether handles Baubles inventory"=true B:"Soul Tether handles Galacticraft inventory"=true } modules { B:"Enable Bags"=true B:"Enable Cloak of Voluminous Pockets"=true B:"Enable Cloaks"=true B:"Enable Enderlinked Bag"=true B:"Enable Gemcutting"=true B:"Enable Hungry Bag"=true B:"Enable Kamas and variants"=true B:"Enable Mantle of the Raven"=true B:"Enable Primordial gear and weapons"=true B:"Enable Spectral Mantle"=true B:"Enable Voidlinked Bag"=true B:"Enable Wolven Cloak"=true } "ore/crucible" { B:"Enable clusters"=true B:"Enable transmutations"=true S:"Not Trippling Cluster List" < Infinity Infinity Catalyst Neutronium Indium Iridium Osmium Naquadah Niobium Americium Uranium Uranium 235 Thorium Deep Iron Naquadria Plutonium Plutonium 241 Europium Tungsten Black Plutonium Cosmic Neutronium Titanium Trinium Yttrium Platinum Draconium Oriharukon Samarium Electrum Curium Californium Flerovium Desh Ichorium Infused Gold Palladium Quantium Lutetium Mysterious Crystal Tellurium Barium Lanthanum Cerium Praseodymium Gadolinium Dysprosium Holmium Erbium Thulium Ytterbium Tritanium Promethium Terbium > } other { S:"Valid generation bases: EldritchRing" < minecraft:stone minecraft:sand minecraft:packed_ice minecraft:grass minecraft:gravel minecraft:dirt > S:"Valid generation bases: HilltopStones" < minecraft:stone minecraft:sand minecraft:packed_ice minecraft:grass minecraft:gravel minecraft:dirt > } "other options" { B:"Allow FocusPouch active ability"=true B:"Allow modifications to newly applied PotionEffects"=true S:"Blocks for the WG Blast Furnace" < Railcraft:brick.infernal Railcraft:stair > I:"Cloak Animation Mode"=2 B:"Dis-/enable repairing the Boots of the Traveller with leather"=true B:"Dis-/enable the modification of looting and fortune modifications with the Ring of the Covetous Coin"=true B:"Drop Items from Generators"=false B:"Enable Terraformer"=true S:"Selection Radial Speed"=0.15 I:"Smeltery Result for Clusters"=432 } potions { I:"Potion ID: Cinder Coat"=34 I:"Potion ID: Dissolve"=33 I:"Potion ID: Knockback Resistance"=32 } search { B:"Enables the search function in the Thaumonomicon"=true B:"Limit Thaumonomicon Search to currently active category"=false }