{ title: "Master Miner", x: -6.5d, y: -1.5d, description: "Now you're a real dwarf", text: [ "The highest of high you can now consider yourself. Overlord of the caverns, you showed those ores whose boss." ], dependencies: [ "30651e46" ], tasks: [{ uid: "dcb28c58", type: "advancement", title: "Reach Diamond Miner Rank", icon: { ForgeCaps: { "wizardryutils:summoneditemdata": {} }, id: "minecraft:diamond_pickaxe" }, advancement: "cavern:diamond_miner", criterion: "" }], rewards: [{ uid: "4e8258fd", type: "loot", table: 19 }, { uid: "72c101db", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 50 }, { uid: "154a2eb7", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 250L }] }