{ icon: { id: "ancientspellcraft:duplication_scroll", tag: { "Quark:RuneColor": 6, ench: [{ lvl: 4s, id: 81 }], "Quark:RuneAttached": 1b } }, x: -3.4285714285714306d, y: 5.25d, shape: "square", text: [ "By paying coins, you will receive a Template that already has a build loaded.", "", "To paste a Template, you must load the Template onto a Copy-Paste Gadget using the Template Manager", "Keep in mind that the Copy-Paste Gadget will only paste from the available blocks within your inventory. To be clear, &lit will not paste the build, you must get the materials for it first.&r", "", "Things to Note:", "", "- The paste will NOT override any blocks in the way", "", "- You can paste multiple times", "", "- Pasting takes durability off of the Copy-Paste Gadget. It is best to enchant the Gadget with Unbreaking first." ], size: 2.0d, tasks: [{ uid: "fd11f50e", type: "checkmark", title: "How Builds Work" }, { uid: "cc3ae01c", type: "item", items: [{ id: "buildinggadgets:copypastetool", tag: { mode: "Copy" } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }, { uid: "9b16196e", type: "item", items: [{ item: "buildinggadgets:templatemanager" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "b45628d0", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 25L }] }