{ title: "Starting off with the Stars", x: 8.0d, y: -8.0d, description: "&oCollect these items and return to the Crystal... Set down one of the Crafting Tables and watch as it gains the power of &r&oStarlight&7&o...", dependencies: [ "f4b3ac9b" ], tasks: [{ uid: "03b97057", type: "item", items: [{ item: "minecraft:crafting_table" }], count: 2L }, { uid: "016f4e69", type: "item", icon: "astralsorcery:blockmarble", items: [{ ForgeCaps: { Parent: { data: "stoneMarble", id: "ore" } }, id: "itemfilters:filter", tag: { display: { Name: "Any stoneMarble" } } }], count: 8L }, { uid: "4955ad08", type: "item", items: [{ item: "astralsorcery:blockblackmarble" }] }, { uid: "96da3d1c", type: "item", items: [{ item: "astralsorcery:itemcraftingcomponent" }], count: 2L }, { uid: "a557ff4c", type: "item", items: [{ item: "minecraft:ender_pearl" }] }], rewards: [{ uid: "bf2fd952", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 50L }] }