// This is an edited version of the default Gendustry recipes.cfg file, in order to remove certain recipes from it, as to not conflict with custom ones within the MCE modpack. recipes { // TOOLS D = I:diamond P = I:gendustry:power_module F = I:forestry:grafter S = I:forestry:scoop _DD _FD => I:gendustry:industrial_grafter P__ __S _D_ => I:gendustry:industrial_scoop P__ } recipes { L = I:gendustry:labware S = I:string P = I:paper shapeless: LSP => I:gendustry:pollen_kit } recipes { // CRAFTING ITEMS P = B:glass_pane S = B:piston Z = B:light_weighted_pressure_plate R = I:redstone G = I:gold_ingot g = I:gold_nugget D = I:diamond Q = I:quartz L = I:dye@4 // Lapis T = OD:ingotTin B = OD:ingotBronze A = OD:gearBronze TPT TPT => I:gendustry:mutagen_tank TPT BBB BPB => I:gendustry:bee_receptacle RZR AGA SRS => I:gendustry:power_module AGA TgT R_R => I:gendustry:upgrade_frame TgT BRB BAB => I:gendustry:climate_module BRB P_P P_P => I:gendustry:labware * 16 _D_ if HaveMod "BuildCraft|Silicon" { Y = I:"BuildCraft|Silicon":redstoneChipset @ 4 // Pulsating Z = I:"BuildCraft|Silicon":redstoneChipset @ 2 // Golden DQD QYQ => I:gendustry:genetics_processor DQD DLD LZL => I:gendustry:env_processor DLD // alternative recipe, cheaper but takes a lot of power assembly: id=gendustry_genproc; D*2, Y, Q*2, 100000 mj => I:gendustry:genetics_processor assembly: id=gendustry_envproc; D*2, Z, L*2, 150000 mj => I:gendustry:env_processor } else { Y = I:ender_pearl DQD RYR => I:gendustry:genetics_processor DQD DLD LGL => I:gendustry:env_processor DLD } } recipes { // TEMPLATES T = OD:ingotTin R = I:redstone D = I:diamond s = I:gendustry:gene_sample t = I:gendustry:gene_template _T_ TRT => I:gendustry:gene_sample_blank _T_ RTR TDT => I:gendustry:gene_template RTR smelt: $s => I:gendustry:gene_sample_blank + 10 xp smelt: $t => $t // This will just discard the NBT tag } recipes { // COVERS B = OD:ingotBronze A = OD:gearBronze S = B:piston R = I:redstone Q = I:quartz B_B _S_ => I:gendustry:import_cover _A_ _A_ _S_ => I:gendustry:eject_cover B_B BRB RQR => I:gendustry:error_sensor_cover BRB } recipes { // MACHINES H = B:hopper S = B:piston D = I:diamond L = OD:blockGlass B = OD:ingotBronze A = OD:gearBronze M = I:gendustry:mutagen_tank Z = I:gendustry:genetics_processor T = I:gendustry:bee_receptacle P = I:gendustry:power_module O = I:forestry:sturdy_machine BHB POP => I:gendustry:mutagen_producer AMA AHA ZOZ => I:gendustry:extractor APA AHA SOS => I:gendustry:liquifier APA AZA POP => I:gendustry:replicator AZA ABA ZOZ => I:gendustry:transposer APA TZB POT => I:gendustry:mutatron TMB recipes { M = I:gendustry:mutatron Q = I:quartz AQA ZMZ => I:gendustry:mutatron_advanced APA } AZA TOT => I:gendustry:imprinter APA AZA TOD => I:gendustry:sampler APA LTL LOL => I:gendustry:industrial_apiary ASA } recipes { // MISC mutagen: I:redstone => 100 mb mutagen: B:redstone_block => 900 mb mutagen: I:glowstone_dust => 200 mb mutagen: B:glowstone => 800 mb protein: I:porkchop => 500 mb protein: I:fish => 250 mb protein: I:beef => 450 mb protein: I:chicken => 350 mb dna: I:forestry:sapling => 100 mb dna: I:forestry:pollen_fertile => 400 mb dna: I:forestry:butterfly_ge => 200 mb dna: I:forestry:serum_ge => 800 mb dna: I:forestry:caterpillar_ge => 1000 mb dna: I:forestry:bee_queen_ge => 600 mb dna: I:forestry:bee_drone_ge => 100 mb dna: I:forestry:bee_princess_ge => 500 mb // Add oredict entries regOreDict: I:gendustry:honey_comb => beeComb regOreDict: I:gendustry:honey_drop => dropHoney squeezer: I:gendustry:gene_sample, 1 cycles => liquiddna 50 mb + 90% I:gendustry:gene_sample_blank }