# Configuration file display { # Should I enable colorblind mode? B:colorBlindMode=false # If true then the architect table will correctly hide it's translucent parts behind surrounding terrain. (This looks better) B:enableStencil=true # Guide book detail? B:guideBookEnableDetail=false # Should all fluid values (Buckets, mB, mB/t) be hidden? B:hideFluidValues=false # Should all power values (MJ, MJ/t) be hidden? B:hidePowerValues=false # The rotation that items use when travelling through pipes. Set to 'enabled' for full rotation, 'disabled' for no rotation, or 'horizontals_only' to only rotate items when going horizontally. S:itemRenderRotation=enabled # Fluid pipe border color? B:pipes.fluidColourIsBorder=true # If true then the quarry frame will move with both of its axis rather than just one. B:quarryFrameMoveBoth=false # When false laser beams will not be visible while transmitting power without wearing Goggles B:renderLaserBeams=true # Should localised strings be displayed in terms of seconds (1 MJ/s) or ticks (20 MJ/t) S:timeGap=ticks # Should flowing fluid values be displayed in terms of buckets per second rather than thousandths of a bucket per tick? (B/s vs mB/t) B:useBucketsFlow=false # Should static fluid values be displayed in terms of buckets rather than thousandths of a bucket? (B vs mB) B:useBucketsStatic=false # Should colours be displayed as their own (or a similar) colour in tooltips? B:useColouredLabels=true # Should colours displayed in tooltips use higher-contrast colours? B:useHighContrastColouredLabels=false # Should localised strings be displayed in long or short form (10 mB / t vs 10 milli buckets per tick B:useLongLocalizedName=false # Disable this if you get texture errors with optifine. Disables some texture switching functionality when changing config options such as colour blind mode. B:useSwappableSprites=true } engine { # Setting this to true removes combustion engine recipes B:disableRecipes=false # How much heat should be generated in engines D:heatPerMj=0.0023 } events { # Christmas S:christmas_chocolate=day_only } experimental { # Lossless mode? S:kinesisLossMode=lossless } general { # How much power in rf/t can the auto workbench receive I:autoWorkbenchMaxRfT=40 # Blueprint store threshold - not used I:bptStoreExternalThreshold=20000 # Chunk load level S:chunkLoadLevel=none # How long, in seconds, should items stay on the ground? (Vanilla = 300, default = 60) I:itemLifespan=60 # How far, in minecraft blocks, should markers (volume and path) reach? I:markerMaxDistance=64 # Should BuildCraft miners be allowed to break blocks using player-specific protection? B:miningBreaksPlayerProtectedBlocks=false # How much further down can miners (like the quarry or the mining well) dig? # (Note: values above 256 only have an effect if a mod like cubic chunks is installed). I:miningMaxDepth=512 # How much power should be required for all mining machines? D:miningMultiplier=1.0 # Should oil be sticky and drag entities down? B:oilIsDense=true # Fluid pipe base flow rate I:pipes.baseFluidRate=10 # Item pipe MJ per item I:pipes.mjPerItem=1000000 # Fluid pipe MJ per millibucket I:pipes.mjPerMillibucket=1000 # Should shift right clicking be able to rotate directional pipes? B:pipes.rightClickRotate=false # Should a wrench be able to rotate directional pipes? B:pipes.wrenchRotate=true # How far, in minecraft blocks, should pumps reach in fluids? I:pumpMaxDistance=64 # How much power a pump needs to pump 1 bucket I:pumpRfPerBucket=3200 # Should pumps consume water? Enabling this will disable minor optimisations, but work properly with finite water mods. B:pumpsConsumeWater=true # The minimum height that all quarry frames must be. A value of 1 will look strange when it drills the uppermost layer. I:quarryFrameMinHeight=4 # The maximum number of blocks that the quarry is allowed to mine each second. # A value of 0 means no limit, and a value of 0.5 will mine up to half a block per second. D:quarryMaxBlockMineRate=2.0 # The maximum number of blocks that a quarry is allowed to move, per second. # A value of 0 means no limit. D:quarryMaxFrameSpeed=3.0 # The maximum number of tasks that the quarry will do per tick. # (Where a task is either breaking a block, or moving the frame) I:quarryMaxTasksPerTick=4 # 1 divided by this value is added to the power cost for each additional task done per tick. # A value of 0 disables this behaviour. I:quarryPowerDivisor=1 # How many rf = 1 mj I:rfPerMj=20 # How often, in ticks, should network update packets be sent? Increasing this might help network performance. I:updateFactor=10 } internal { # Use display.enableStencil instead of this! B:force_disable_stencil=false } modules { # Enable compat for crafttweaker? B:crafttweaker=true # Enable compat for forestry? B:forestry=true # Enable compat for ic2? B:ic2=true # Enable compat for theoneprobe? B:theoneprobe=true } performance { # Disable this if you get sub-standard framerates due to buildcraft's ~60 sprites animating every frame. B:enableAnimatedSprites=true # The maximum number of items that the guide book will index. I:guideItemSearchLimit=10000 # The maximum number of search results to display in the guide book. I:maxGuideSearchResults=1200 } worldgen { # Should BuildCraft generate anything in the world? B:enable=true # Should BuildCraft generate water springs? B:generateWaterSprings=true oil { # Can oil blocks burn? B:can_burn=true # Should any oil sprouts or lakes be generated at all? B:enable=true # Biome registry names (e.g. 'minecraft:ocean','minecraft:plains') of biomes that should have GREATLY increased oil generation rates. S:excessiveBiomes < buildcraftenergy:oil_desert buildcraftenergy:oil_ocean > # Biome registry names (e.g. 'minecraft:hell','minecraft:jungle') of biomes that should never generate oil. S:excludedBiomes < minecraft:hell minecraft:sky > # If true then the excluded biomes list will be treated as a blacklist, otherwise it will be treated as a whitelist. B:excludedBiomesIsBlacklist=true # Dimension ID's (e.g. '-1' for the nether,'1' for the end) of dimensions that should never generate oil. I:excludedDimensions < 0 > # If true then the excluded dimenstions list will be treated as a blacklist, otherwise it will be treated as a whitelist. B:excludedDimensionsIsBlacklist=false # The rate of occurrence of oil wells. D:generationRate=0.8 # Should Oil Desert biomes generate at all? B:oil_desert_biome=true # Should Oil Ocean biomes generate at all? B:oil_ocean_biome=true # Biome registry names (e.g. 'minecraft:ocean','minecraft:hills') of biomes that should have slightly increased oil generation rates. S:surfaceDepositBiomes < > spawn_probability { # The percentage probability of a large oil spawn D:large=0.03 # The percentage probability of a medium oil spawn D:medium=0.08 # The percentage probability of a small oil spawn D:small=1.5 } spouts { # Whether oil spouts are generated or not. The oil spring at the bottom of large lakes will still exist. B:enable=true # The maximum height for large oil spouts I:large_max_height=20 # The minimum height for large oil spouts I:large_min_height=10 # The maximum height for small oil spouts I:small_max_height=12 # The minimum height for small oil spouts I:small_min_height=6 } } }