# Configuration file blueprints { # Location for the client blueprint database (used by the Electronic Library). S:clientDatabaseDirectory="$MINECRAFT\blueprints" # blocks that should be excluded from the builder. S:excludedBlocks < > # mods that should be excluded from the builder. S:excludedMods < > # DEPRECATED - USED ONLY FOR COMPATIBILITY S:serverDatabaseDirectory="$MINECRAFT\config\buildcraft\blueprints\server" } builders { # Should the builder and filler drop the cleared blocks? B:dropBrokenBlocks=false } debug { B:printBlueprintSchematicList=false # Print a list of all registered facades. B:printFacadeList=false } display { # Should I enable colorblind mode? B:colorBlindMode=false # Should all fluid values (mB, mB/t) be hidden? B:hideFluidValues=false # Should all power values (RF, RF/t) be hidden? B:hidePowerValues=false } experimental { # Should kinesis pipes lose power over distance (think IC2 or BC pre-3.7)? B:kinesisPowerLossOnTravel=true } general { # Blacklisted robots boards S:boards.blacklist < buildcraft:boardRobotBomber > # Lower this number if BuildCraft builders/fillers are causing TPS lag. Raise it if you think they are being too slow. I:builderMaxIterationsPerItemFactor=1024 # Should engines explode upon overheat? B:canEnginesExplode=true # adjust energy value of Fuel in Combustion Engines D:fuel.fuel.combustion=1.0 # adjust output energy by Fuel in Combustion Engines I:fuel.fuel.combustion.energyOutput=60 # adjust energy value of Oil in Combustion Engines D:fuel.oil.combustion=1.0 # adjust output energy by Oil in Combustion Engines I:fuel.oil.combustion.energyOutput=30 # How long, in seconds, should items stay on the ground? (Vanilla = 300, default = 60) I:itemLifespan=600 # Set the maximum marker range. I:markerRange=64 # Should BuildCraft miners be allowed to break blocks using player-specific protection? B:miningBreaksPlayerProtectedBlocks=false # Should the mining well only be usable once after placing? I:miningDepth=256 # Should oil burn when lit on fire? B:oilCanBurn=true # Should oil be dense and drag entities down? B:oilIsDense=true # Allows admins to whitelist or blacklist pumping of specific fluids in specific dimensions. # Eg. "-/-1/Lava" will disable lava in the nether. "-/*/Lava" will disable lava in any dimension. "+/0/*" will enable any fluid in the overworld. # Entries are comma seperated, banned fluids have precedence over allowed ones.Default is "+/*/*,+/-1/Lava" - the second redundant entry ("+/-1/lava") is there to show the format. S:pumpDimensionControl=+/*/*,+/-1/lava # Should pumps consume water? Enabling this might cause performance issues! B:pumpsConsumeWater=true # Do pumps need real (non-redstone) power? B:pumpsNeedRealPower=true # Should I check the BuildCraft version on startup? B:updateCheck=false # Allows BuildCraft to use the integrated server's data on the client on singleplayer worlds. Disable if you're getting the odd crash caused by it. B:useServerDataOnClient=true S:version=7.1.23 quarry { # Should the quarry keep the chunks it is working on loaded? B:doChunkLoading=true # Should the quarry only be usable once after placing? B:oneTimeUse=false } pipes { # What should the base flow rate of a fluid pipe be? I:baseFluidRate=10 # What block types should be blacklisted from being a facade? S:facadeBlacklist < minecraft:end_portal_frame minecraft:grass minecraft:leaves minecraft:leaves2 minecraft:lit_pumpkin minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp minecraft:mob_spawner minecraft:monster_egg minecraft:redstone_lamp minecraft:double_stone_slab minecraft:double_wooden_slab minecraft:sponge > # Should the blacklist be treated as a whitelist instead? B:facadeBlacklistAsWhitelist=false # Should non-laser (crafting table) facade recipes be forced? B:facadeNoLaserRecipe=false # Should all BC facades be shown in Creative/NEI, or just a few carefully chosen ones? B:facadeShowAllInCreative=true # How hard to break should a pipe be? D:hardness=5.00 # Should I enable an alternate Waterproof recipe, based on slimeballs? B:slimeballWaterproofRecipe=false } } network { # How often, in ticks, should full network sync packets be sent? Increasing this might help network performance. I:longUpdateFactor=40 # How often, in ticks, should network update packets be sent? Increasing this might help network performance. I:updateFactor=10 } power { # The cost multiplier for Chipsets D:chipsetCostMultiplier=1.0 # What should be the multiplier of all gate power costs? D:gateCostMultiplier=1.0 # What should the multiplier of all mining-related power usage be? D:miningUsageMultiplier=1.0 } vars { S:version.seen=7.1.18 } worldgen { # Should BuildCraft generate anything in the world? B:enable=true # Should BuildCraft generate water springs? B:generateWaterSprings=false # How high should be the probability of an oil well generating? D:oilWellGenerationRate=0 # Should I spawn oil springs? B:spawnOilSprings=false biomes { # The id for the Oil Desert biome I:biomeOilDesert=127 # The id for the Oil Ocean biome I:biomeOilOcean=126 # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that should have GREATLY increased oil generation rates. S:excessiveOilIDs < SANDY > # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that are excluded from generating oil. S:excludeOilIDs < Sky Hell > # IDs or Biome Types (e.g. SANDY,OCEAN) of biomes that should have increased oil generation rates. S:increasedOilIDs < SANDY Taiga > } }