{ title: "Twilight Lich in a Twilight Ditch", icon: "twilightforest:trophy 1 1", x: 1.0d, y: 1.5d, description: "Too morbid?", text: [ "Slay The Twilight Lich in his mighty tower." ], dependencies: [ "9e4d5180" ], size: 1.5d, tasks: [{ uid: "e5f9f3ba", type: "kill", title: "Slay The Twilight Lich", entity: "twilightforest:lich", value: 1L }], rewards: [{ uid: "27d9bc67", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 50L }, { uid: "d6f6dfd3", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 10 }, { uid: "d1ed6697", type: "item", item: "aquaculture:loot 1 5" }, { uid: "14954e5c", type: "item", item: "megaloot:weaponcase_epic" }] }