[general] "Max Distance" = 24 "Render with Interface Disabled (F1)" = false "Height Above Mob" = 0.6 "Draw Background" = true "Background Padding" = 2 "Background Height" = 6 "Health Bar Height" = 4 "Plate Size" = 25 "Plate Size (Boss)" = 50 "Show Attributes" = true "Show Armor" = true "Group Armor (condense 5 iron icons into 1 diamond icon)" = true "Color Health Bar by Type (instead of health percentage)" = false "HP Text Height" = 14 "Show Max HP" = true "Show Current HP" = true "Show HP Percentage" = true "Display on Players" = true "Display on Bosses" = true "Only show the health bar for the entity looked at" = false "Show entities with full health" = true "Show Debug Info with F3" = true #Blacklist uses entity IDs, not their display names. Use F3 to see them in the Neat bar. Blacklist = ["minecraft:shulker", "minecraft:armor_stand", "minecraft:cod", "minecraft:salmon", "minecraft:pufferfish", "minecraft:tropical_fish"]