# Configuration file Entity { # If true, using a portaspawner on an empty minecart will make it into a spawner cart B:EnableSpawnerCarts=true I:ID.Zoologist=330 } Machine { AutoSpawner { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=60 # A list of entity IDs (e.g.: CaveSpider or VillagerGolem or Forestry.butterflyGE) to blacklist from the AutoSpawner. The Debugger item will display an entity's ID when used. S:Blacklist < VillagerGolem > B:Recipe.Enabled=true Cost { # The multiplier for work required to generate a mob in exact mode. I:Exact=5 # The multiplier for work required to generate a mob in standard (non-exact) mode. I:Standard=1 ########################################################################################################## # Custom #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Custom base XP costs for entities. format: I: = #. e.g.: # I:VillagerGolem = 25 # I:Slime = 50 ########################################################################################################## Custom { } } } Conveyor { # If false, conveyors will not grab non-item entities. Breaks conveyor mob grinders but makes them safe for golems, etc. B:CaptureNonItems=true # If true, conveyors will NEVER capture players regardless of other settings. B:NeverCapturePlayers=false # If true, conveyors will NEVER capture ThaumCraft golems regardless of other settings. B:NeverCaptureTCGolems=false } ChunkLoader { # If true, the Chunk Loader will use the activation energy config in this section. WARNING: this makes it much more expensive at lower values. (non-configurable is exponential) B:EnableConfigurableActivationEnergy=false # If true, the Chunk Loader will ignore forgeChunkLoading.cfg. B:IgnoreChunkLimit=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true # If true, the Chunk Loader will require that the player who placed it be online to function B:RequiresOwnerOnline=false } LaserDrill { B:Recipe.Enabled=true # The work required by the drill to generate a single ore. I:Work=300 } Unifier { # A list of ore dictionary entrys to disable unifying for. By default, MFR will not attempt to unify anything with more than one oredict name. S:Blacklist < dyeBlue dyeWhite dyeBrown dyeBlack listAllwater listAllmilk > B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Breeder { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=64 B:Recipe.Enabled=true # If the number of entities in the breeder's target area exceeds this value, the breeder will cease operating. This is provided to control server lag. I:ShutdownThreshold=50 } Fertilizer { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=96 # If true, the fertilizer will use bonemeal as well as MFR fertilizer. Provided for those who want a less work-intensive farm. B:EnableBonemeal=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true } AutoDisenchanter { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 # If true, the disenchanter will use essence to disenchant items. Provided for those who want a more work-intensive enchanting system. B:EnableEssence=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true } SteamBoiler { # If true, the steam boiler will explode if it's hot and dry when you try to pump water into it. B:Explodes=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Planter { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Fisher { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=2 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Harvester { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=24 B:Recipe.Enabled=true # If true, the harvester will skip scanning some bocks when filled with sludge B:SkipWork=false } Rancher { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Vet { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } ItemCollector { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } BlockBreaker { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=96 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } WeatherCollector { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } SludgeBoiler { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=3 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Sewer { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Composter { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=4 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Grinder { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=320 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } AutoEnchanter { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Chronotyper { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=128 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Ejector { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } ItemRouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } LiquidRouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } DeepStorageUnit { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } LiquiCrafter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } LavaFabricator { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=20 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } AutoJukebox { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } BioReactor { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } BioFuelGenerator { # The amount of energy generated by this machine in one tick, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Slaughterhouse { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=100 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } MeatPacker { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=2 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } EnchantmentRouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } LaserDrillPrecharger { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=500 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } AutoAnvil { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } BlockSmasher { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } RedNote { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } AutoBrewer { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=4 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } FruitPicker { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } BlockPlacer { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } MobCounter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } SteamTurbine { # The amount of energy generated by this machine in one tick, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } Fountain { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=8 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } MobRouter { # The energy cost for this machine to complete one work cycle, in units of 10 RF (i.e., 2 DaRF = 20 RF) I:ActivationCostDaRF=256 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } } RecipeSets { # If true, MFR will register its EnderIO-based recipes. B:EnderIO=false # If true, MFR will register its Thermal Expansion-based recipes. B:ThermalExpansion=true # If true, MFR will register its standard (vanilla-item-only) recipes. B:Vanilla=false } entity { B:EnableSpawnerCarts=true I:ID.Zoologist=330 } general { # Set to false to disable various sounds and particle effects, such as when a block is harvested. B:PlaySounds=true # A list of entity IDs (e.g.: CaveSpider or VillagerGolem or Forestry.butterflyGE) to blacklist from being captured by the SafariNet. The Debugger item will display an entity's ID when used. S:SafariNetBlacklist < > # If true, when you have no empty slots in your inventory, you will continue filling buckets from tanks and drop them on the ground. B:Tanks.FillWithoutEmptySlots=true searchdistance { I:FruitTree.MaxHoriztonal=5 I:FruitTree.MaxVertical=20 I:PassengerRail.MaxHorizontal=3 I:PassengerRail.MaxVertical=2 I:StackingBlock.MaxVertical=5 I:Tree.MaxHorizontal=512 I:Tree.MaxVertical=256 } rednet { S:ConnectionBlackList < > B:Debug=false } worldgen { I:Dimension.Blacklist < > rubbertrees { S:Biome.Blacklist < > S:Biome.Whitelist < > B:Enable=true B:SacredRubberSapling=false } lakes { B:Enable=true sludge { S:BiomeList < > B:BiomeList.Mode=false I:Rarity=32 } sewage { S:BiomeList < > B:BiomeList.Mode=false I:Rarity=32 } } retrogen { B:RubberTrees=false B:SewageLakes=false B:SludgeLakes=false } } WorldGen { # A list of dimension IDs to disable MFR worldgen in. I:Dimension.Blacklist < > ########################################################################################################## # RetroGen #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Enable or disable specific retrogen items. # Only has an effect if retroactive geneneration is enabled in CoFHCore. ########################################################################################################## RetroGen { B:RubberTrees=true B:SewageLakes=false B:SludgeLakes=false } RubberTrees { # A list of biomes to disallow rubber trees to spawn in. Overrides any other biomes added. S:Biome.Blacklist < > # A list of biomes to allow rubber trees to spawn in. Does nothing if rubber tree worldgen is disabled. S:Biome.Whitelist < > # Whether or not to generate MFR rubber trees during map generation B:Enable=true # If true, enable adding Enchanted Sacred Rubber Saplings to stronghold library loot. B:SacredRubberSapling=false } Lakes { # Whether or not to generate MFR lakes during map generation. By default, MFR will not attempt lake worldgen in dimensions where the player cannot respawn. B:Enable=true Sludge { # A list of biomes to allow/disallow Sludge lakes to spawn in. Does nothing if lake worldgen is disabled. S:BiomeList < > # If false, the biome list is a blacklist. If true, the biome list is a whitelist. B:BiomeList.Mode=false # Higher numbers make sludge lakes rarer. A value of one will be approximately one per chunk. 0 will disable. I:Rarity=32 } Sewage { # A list of biomes to allow/disallow Sewage lakes to spawn in. Does nothing if lake worldgen is disabled. S:BiomeList < > # If false, the biome list is a blacklist. If true, the biome list is a whitelist. B:BiomeList.Mode=false # Higher numbers make Sewage lakes rarer. A value of one will be approximately one per chunk. 0 will disable. I:Rarity=32 } } } SearchDistance { # When searching for parts of a fruit tree, how far out to the sides (radius) to search I:FruitTree.MaxHoriztonal=5 # When searching for parts of a fruit tree, how far up to search I:FruitTree.MaxVertical=20 # When searching for players or dropoff locations, how far out to the sides (radius) to search I:PassengerRail.MaxHorizontal=3 # When searching for players or dropoff locations, how far up to search I:PassengerRail.MaxVertical=2 # How far upward to search for members of "stacking" blocks, like cactus and sugarcane I:StackingBlock.MaxVertical=5 # When searching for parts of a tree, how far out to the sides (radius) to search I:Tree.MaxHorizontal=512 # When searching for parts of a tree, how far up to search I:Tree.MaxVertical=256 } RedNet { # If true, placed rednet cable will default to cable-only connections. B:CableOnly=false # A list of block IDs to prevent RedNet cables from connecting to. (e.g., minecraft:torch) S:ConnectionBlackList < > # If true, RedNet cables will dump a massive amount of data to the log file. You should probably only use this if PC tells you to. B:Debug=false } } item { # If true, biofuel will explode when in the nether. B:Biofuel.Exploding=true # The rate at which fish are dropped from the fishing rod. The drop rate is 1 / this number. Must be greater than 0. I:FishDropRate=5 # If true, only pink slimes larger than tiny will drop pink slimeballs. Provided for those who want a more work-intensive laser drill. (slimes can only be made larger through the slime embiggening syringe) B:LargeSlimeDrop=false # If true, Empty Syringes will be able to contain liquids and inject players. B:LiquidSyringes=true # If true, meat will be worth steak saturation instead of cookie saturation. B:Meat.IncreasedSaturation=false # If true, SPAMRs will explode when they run out of fuel. B:SPAMR.Exploding=true vanillaoverride { B:GlassPanes=true B:Ice=true B:MilkBucket=true } recipe { B:CheaperChunkLoader=false B:CheaperDSU=false B:Guns=true B:MossyCobble=true B:NetLauncher=true B:PortaSpawner=true B:SingleDSU=true B:SmoothSlab=true B:Syringes=true } VanillaOverride { # If true, replaces the vanilla milk bucket so milk can be placed in the world. B:MilkBucket=true } Recipe { # If true, the ChunkLoader can be built out of cheaper materials. Does nothing if the recipe is disabled. B:CheaperChunkLoader=false # If true, the DSU can be built out of chests instead of ender pearls. Does nothing if the recipe is disabled. B:CheaperDSU=false # If true, the reusable safarinet will require a portaspawner to craft. The portaspawner must be enabled for the safarinet to be craftable. B:ExpensiveSafariNet=false # If true, the golden jailer safarinet will be craftable. It causes released mobs to always render their nametag, like a player would. B:GoldenJailerSafariNet=true # If true, the Guns will be craftable. B:Guns=true # If true, mossy cobble can be crafted. B:MossyCobble=true # If true, the safarinet launcher will be craftable. B:NetLauncher=true # If true, the PortaSpawner will be craftable. B:PortaSpawner=true # DSU recipes will always craft one DSU. Does nothing for recipes that already only craft one DSU (cheap mode, etc). B:SingleDSU=true # If true, smooth double stone slabs can be craftable. B:SmoothSlab=true # If true, the Syringes will be craftable. B:Syringes=true } } machine { conveyor { B:CaptureNonItems=true B:NeverCapturePlayers=false B:NeverCaptureTCGolems=false } chunkloader { B:IgnoreChunkLimit=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true B:RequiresOwnerOnline=false } autospawner { I:ActivationCostDaRF=60 S:Blacklist < VillagerGolem > B:Recipe.Enabled=true I:Work.Exact=50 I:Work.Standard=15 cost { I:Exact=5 I:Standard=1 } } laserdrill { B:Recipe.Enabled=true I:Work=300 } unifier { S:Blacklist < dyeBlue dyeWhite dyeBrown dyeBlack listAllwater listAllmilk > B:Recipe.Enabled=true } breeder { I:ActivationCostDaRF=64 B:Recipe.Enabled=true I:ShutdownThreshold=50 } fertilizer { I:ActivationCostDaRF=96 B:EnableBonemeal=false B:Recipe.Enabled=true } planter { I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } fisher { I:ActivationCostDaRF=2 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } harvester { I:ActivationCostDaRF=24 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } rancher { I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } vet { I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } itemcollector { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } blockbreaker { I:ActivationCostDaRF=96 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } weathercollector { I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } sludgeboiler { I:ActivationCostDaRF=3 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } sewer { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } composter { I:ActivationCostDaRF=4 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } grinder { I:ActivationCostDaRF=320 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } autoenchanter { I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } chronotyper { I:ActivationCostDaRF=128 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } ejector { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } itemrouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } liquidrouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } deepstorageunit { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } liquicrafter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } lavafabricator { I:ActivationCostDaRF=20 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } steamboiler { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } autojukebox { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } bioreactor { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } biofuelgenerator { I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } autodisenchanter { I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } slaughterhouse { I:ActivationCostDaRF=100 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } meatpacker { I:ActivationCostDaRF=2 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } enchantmentrouter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } laserdrillprecharger { I:ActivationCostDaRF=500 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } autoanvil { I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } blocksmasher { I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } rednote { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } autobrewer { I:ActivationCostDaRF=4 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } fruitpicker { I:ActivationCostDaRF=32 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } blockplacer { I:ActivationCostDaRF=1 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } mobcounter { B:Recipe.Enabled=true } steamturbine { I:ActivationCostDaRF=16 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } fountain { I:ActivationCostDaRF=8 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } mobrouter { I:ActivationCostDaRF=256 B:Recipe.Enabled=true } } recipesets { B:ThermalExpansion=true B:Vanilla=false }