# Configuration file loot { # When true TechReborn will add ingots, machine frames and circuits to The End loot chests. [Default=true] B:enableEndLoot=false # When true TechReborn will add ingots, machine frames and circuits to Nether loot chests. [Default=true] B:enableNetherLoot=false # When true TechReborn will add ingots, machine frames and circuits to OverWorld loot chests. [Default=true] B:enableOverworldLoot=false } oil_lakes { # Enable the generation of underground oil lakes [Default=true] B:enable=false # Max height of underground lakes [Default=48] I:maxHeight=48 # The chance to spawn in a chunk, smaller is more common [Default=30] I:rareity=30 } village { # When true TechReborn will add Rubber tree farm to villages. [Default=true] B:enableRubberTreePlantation=false }