# Configuration file block { kami { } } enchantments { I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:ascentBoost"=220 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:autoSmelt"=222 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:desintegrate"=223 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:dispersedStrike"=166 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:finalStrike"=168 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:focusedStrike"=169 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:pounce"=170 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:quickDraw"=224 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:shatter"=167 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:shockwave"=171 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:slowFall"=221 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:tunnel"=172 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:valiance"=173 I:"id_enchant.ttinkerer:vampirism"=225 } general { # The number of vertical veins of ore per chunk. Default: 1 [range: 0 ~ 1023, default: 1] I:"Bedrock Dimension ore density"=1 # These blocks will be disallowed for Focus of Dislocation [default: [avaritiaddons:CompressedChest], [avaritiaddons:InfinityChest]] S:"Focus of Dislocation Blacklist" < avaritiaddons:CompressedChest avaritiaddons:InfinityChest Thaumcraft:blockAiry EnderIO:blockConduitBundle ExtraUtilities:filing extracells:hardmedrive appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockDrive appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockMatrixFrame appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockCableBus appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockIOPort appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockSpatialIOPort appliedenergistics2:tile.BlockSecurity ThaumicHorizons:vortexTH HardcoreEnderExpansion:transport_beacon minecraft:end_portal minecraft:end_portal_frame Thaumcraft:blockPortalEldritch Thaumcraft:blockEldritchNothing kekztech:kekztech_ichorjar_block kekztech:kekztech_thaumiumreinforcedjar_block > # Disallow Bottomless Pouch inventory for certain dimension ID's [default: []] S:"Forbidden Dimensions" < 55 > # Allows crops to be grown using bonemeal. Useful for debug purposes. [default: false] B:cropsAllowBonemeal.enabled=false # Set to true to enable debugging commands. [default: false] B:debugCommands.enabled=false # Set to false to disable imbued fire making cake. For those people who don't like cake [default: true] B:imbuedFire.cake.enabled=true # Set to false to disable imbued fire. [default: true] B:imbuedFire.enabled=true # Set to false to disable imbued fire spreading/acting mechanism. [default: true] B:imbuedFireSpread.enabled=false # Set to true to enable all KAMI stuff [default: true] B:kami.forceenabled=true # Set to true to enable flight in this mod. [default: true] B:modFlight.enabled=true # Set to false to disable usage of ore dictionary metals (tin and copper). [default: true] B:oreDictMetal.enabled=true # Can Thaumic Tinkerer repair Tinkers Construct tools. [default: false] B:repairTconTools.enabled=false B:research.easymode.enabled=false # Set to false to disable the crafting recipe for the Tome of Research Sharing. [default: true] B:shareTome.survival.enabled=true # The height of the Soul Heart bar. You can change this if you have a mod that adds a bar in that spot. [range: 0 ~ 256, default: 49] I:soulHeart.height=49 # Set to false to disable the [TT] tooltips in the thauminomicon. [default: true] B:tooltipIndicators.enabled=true ########################################################################################################## # kami #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # These will only be used if KAMI is enabled. ########################################################################################################## kami { # Set to the dimension id wished for bedrock dimension, or 0 to disable [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: -19] I:"Bedrock dimension id"=60 # These ores will not be spawned in the bedrock dimension [default: [oreFirestone]] S:"Bedrock dimension ore Blacklist" < oreFirestone > # The Dimension ID for the End, leave at 1 if you don't modify it with another mod/plugin. [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: 1] I:dimension.end.id=1 # The Dimension ID for the Nether, leave at -1 if you don't modify it with another mod/plugin. [range: -1023 ~ 1023, default: -1] I:dimension.nether.id=-1 # Set to false to remove the phantom blocks displayed by the Worldshaper's Seeing Glass. [default: true] B:placementMirror.blocks.show=true } } item { kami { } } potions { # Set to the potion id for air potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 86] I:"Air Potion id"=90 # Set to the potion id for earth potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 87] I:"Earth Potion id"=89 # Set to the potion id for fire potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 88] I:"Fire Potion id"=86 # Set to the potion id for water potion [range: 30 ~ 1023, default: 89] I:"Water Potion id"=87 } balance { shadowbeam { # vis cost for the aer aspect, 1/100th in-game [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 15] I:"aer vis cost"=300 # vis cost for the ordo aspect, 1/100th in-game [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"ordo vis cost"=500 # vis cost for the perditio aspect, 1/100th in-game [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 25] I:"perditio vis cost"=500 # base damage of the shadowbeam focus [range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647, default: 8] I:"shadowbeam base damage"=100 } }