{ title: "&5&lA Word of Warning", x: 24.0d, y: 2.0d, shape: "hexagon", description: "&oCalling all Novice Thaumaturges!&7 *READ DESCRIPTION, please*", text: [ "&7If you are new to the art of &5Thaumaturgy&7, consider doing it &daway from your main base&7, as if you are not cautious, you are likely to cause undesired Damage to your base, and nobody really wants that..." ], dependencies: [ "5ff4f44c" ], tasks: [{ uid: "76c5de80", type: "checkmark" }], rewards: [{ uid: "e0251def", type: "item", item: { id: "minecraft:paper", tag: { display: { Lore: [ "You did, right?", "Please do if you didn't, you're only harming yourself..." ], Name: "§6Certifice of \"§5I Read the Warning§6\"" } } } }] }