# Configuration file ~CONFIG_VERSION: 1.2.0 crafting { # Enables the crafting recipe for bronze. [default: true] B:bronze=false stamps { # Disables the crafting recipe for certain stamps. [default: [20n, 50n, 100n]] [valid: [1n, 2n, 5n, 10n, 20n, 50n, 100n]] S:disabled < > # Enables the crafting recipe for stamps. Disable to use stamps as a currency. [default: true] B:enabled=true } } debug { # Enable Debug mode (only useful to developers). [default: false] B:enabled=false } difficulty { # Set to your preferred game mode. Mismatch with the server may cause visual glitches with recipes. [default: EASY] [valid: [OP, EASY, NORMAL, HARD]] S:game.mode=HARD # Makes dungeon loot generated by forestry rarer. [default: false] B:loot.rare=false # Forces recreation of the game mode definitions in config/forestry/gamemodes. [default: true] B:recreate.definitions=false } genetics { # Clears chromosomes which contain invalid alleles. Might rescue your save if it is crashing after the removal of a bee addon. [default: false] B:clear.invalid.chromosomes=true # Allow bees, butterflies, and players to pollinate vanilla tree leaves. When disabled, vanilla trees must be analyzed before they can be pollinated. [default: true] B:pollinate.vanilla.trees=false research { boost { # The maximum percentage boost that can be applied by researching a mutation in the Escritoire. [range: 0.0 ~ 100.0, default: 5.0] S:max.percent=5.0 # Multiplies the chance of a mutation when it has been discovered in the Escritoire. [range: 1.0 ~ 1000.0, default: 1.5] S:multiplier=1.5 } } } mobs { # [default: false] B:disable.butterfly=false } optimization { # [default: true] B:cache.worktable.recipes=true # [range: 50 ~ 2000, default: 200] I:crafting.timeout=200 # [default: true] B:enable.crafting.timeout=true # [default: true] B:promote.worktable.recipes=false } performance { # Enable backpack resupply. You may want to set this to false on busy servers. [default: true] B:backpacks.resupply=true # Enables particle effects. Note that Forestry respects Minecraft's reduced particle video settings. [default: true] B:particleFX=true } structures { # List specific structures to disable them. [default: []] [valid: [alveary3x3, farm3x3, farm3x4, farm3x5, farm4x4, farm5x5]] S:disabled < > } tweaks { # Enables access restrictions on forestry machines. [default: true] B:permissions=true gui { mail { alert { # Enables the new mail alert box. [default: true] B:enabled=true # Horizontal Position of the mail alert box on the screen. [default: LEFT] [valid: [LEFT, RIGHT]] S:xPosition=LEFT # Vertical Position of the mail alert box on the screen. [default: TOP] [valid: [TOP, BOTTOM]] S:yPosition=TOP } } tabs { # Display the energy statistics tab on energy consumers. [default: true] B:energy=true # Enables the hints tab on machine and engine guis. [default: true] B:hints=true # Set the speed at which the gui side tabs open and close. [range: 1 ~ 50, default: 8] I:speed=8 } } farms { # Enables farm support for ExtraUtilities Ender-lily seeds. [default: true] B:enderlily=true # Enables farm support for Magical Crops. [default: true] B:magicalcrops=true # Sets the size multiplier of the farmland. [range: 1 ~ 3, default: 2] I:size=2 # Makes farms use a square layout instead of a diamond one. [default: false] B:square=false } } world { generate { # Generates forestry villagers and their houses. [default: true] B:villagers=true retrogen { # Creates Forestry world generation in all chunks, even if they were generated there before. [default: false] B:forced=false # Creates Forestry world generation in chunks that were created before the mod was added. [default: false] B:normal=false } beehives { # Sets how many beehives spawn in the world. [range: 0.0 ~ 10.0, default: 1.0] S:amount=1.0 # Force Forestry to generate a beehive at every possible location. (This will break your world. Only useful to developers) [default: false] B:debug=false } ore { # Generates apatite ore blocks in the world. [default: true] B:apatite=false # Generates copper ore blocks in the world. [default: true] B:copper=false # Generates tin ore blocks in the world. [default: true] B:tin=false } } }