#General settings [general] #Dimensions where hostile mobs will not spawn. Ex: ["minecraft:overworld", "undergarden:undergarden"]. . Run /forge dimensions for a list. dimensionBlacklist = [] #Spawn Mana Berry Bushes in the world genBerries = true #Spawn a book in the players inventory on login spawnBook = false #How often Carbuncles spawn #Range: 0 ~ 100 carbuncleWeight = 5 #How often Whirlisprigs spawn #Range: 0 ~ 100 sylphWeight = 5 #How often Drygmys spawn #Range: 0 ~ 100 drygmyWeight = 3 #How much mana whirlisprigs consume per generation #Range: 0 ~ 10000 sylphManaCost = 250 #How often Wilden Guardians spawn #Range: 0 ~ 200 wguardianWeight = 50 #How often Wilden Stalkers spawn #Range: 0 ~ 200 wstalkerWeight = 50 #How often Wilden Hunter spawn #Range: 0 ~ 200 whunterWeight = 50 #Should the Wilden Hunter attack animals? hunterHuntsAnimals = true #Should the Wilden Stalker attack animals? stalkerHuntsAnimals = false #Should the Wilden Defender attack animals? defenderHuntsAnimals = false #Rate of tree spawn per chunk #Range: > 0 treeWeight = 100 #How much progress whirlisprigs must accumulate before creating resources #Range: 0 ~ 10000 whirlisprigProgress = 250 [drygmy_production] #How much source drygmys consume per generation #Range: 0 ~ 10000 drygmyManaCost = 1000 #How many channels must occur before a drygmy produces loot #Range: 0 ~ 300 drygmyMaxProgress = 20 #Bonus number of items a drygmy produces per unique mob #Range: 0 ~ 300 drygmyUniqueBonus = 2 #Base number of items a drygmy produces per cycle before bonuses. #Range: > -2147483648 drygmyBaseItems = 1 #Max Bonus number of items a drygmy produces from nearby entities. Each entity equals 1 item. #Range: 0 ~ 300 drygmyQuantityCap = 5 #Mana [mana] #Base mana regen in seconds #Range: > 0 baseRegen = 5 #Base max mana #Range: > 0 baseMax = 100 #How often max and regen will be calculated, in ticks. NOTE: Having the base mana regen AT LEAST this value is recommended. #Range: 1 ~ 20 updateInterval = 5 #Max mana bonus per glyph #Range: > 0 glyphmax = 15 #Max mana bonus for tier of book #Range: > 0 tierMax = 50 #Mana Boost value per level #Range: > 0 manaBoost = 25 #(enchantment) Mana regen per second per level #Range: > 0 manaRegenEnchantment = 2 #Regen bonus per glyph #Range: 0.0 ~ 2.147483647E9 glyphRegen = 0.33 #Regen bonus per potion level #Range: > 0 potionRegen = 10 #Range: > 0 noviceArmorManaBoost = 25 #Range: > 0 noviceArmorManaRegenBonus = 2 #Range: > 0 apprenticeArmorManaBoost = 40 #Range: > 0 apprenticeArmorManaRegenBonus = 4 #Range: > 0 masterArmorManaBoost = 80 #Range: > 0 masterArmorManaRegenBonus = 6 #Range: > 0 discountRingManaBoost = 10 #Range: > 0 discountRingManaRegenBonus = 1 #Range: > 0 amuletOfManaBoostBoostAmount = 50 #Range: > 0 amuletOfManaRegenRegenBonus = 3 [Spells] #Enforce augment cap on casting? Turn this off if you are a pack maker and want to create more powerful items than players. enforceCapOnCast = true #Enforce glyph per spell limit on casting? Turn this off if you are a pack maker and want to create more powerful items than players. enforceGlyphLimitOnCast = true #Items [Spells.item] #Cost per glyph in a codex #Range: > 0 codexCost = 10 #Spawn Caster Tomes in Dungeon Loot? spawnTomes = true