# Configuration file balance { # This config is a multiplier that allows you to modify the cost of EU per UUMatter. Needs to be synced between client & server else progress issues come up. Default: 1, range: min: 0.01 - max: 1900 D:EUPerUU=1.0 # This config defines how much RF you get per EU. Default = 8 I:RFPerEU=8 # This config sets the massfabricator to require amplifier to produce UUMatter. The cheapining Rules apply still. +5Progress per Amplifier B:UUNeedsScrap=false # Defines the Difficulty Level of Crops. 0 = Very Easy, 1 = Easy, 2 = Normal, 3 = Hard. This effects CropGrowth, Breeding, And StatBreeding I:cropDifficulty=2 # Sets the Absorbtion Ratio of Electric Armor D:electricSuitAbsorbtionScale=1.0 # Modifies the Energy Cost per damage D:electricSuitEnergyCostModifier=1.0 # Base energy generation values - increase those for higher energy yield I:energyGeneratorBase=10 I:energyGeneratorGeo=20 I:energyGeneratorLiquid=100 I:energyGeneratorNuclear=15 I:energyGeneratorOcean=100 D:energyGeneratorScrap=12.5 I:energyGeneratorSolar=100 I:energyGeneratorSolarHV=100 I:energyGeneratorSolarLV=100 I:energyGeneratorSolarMV=100 I:energyGeneratorSolarTurbine=100 D:energyGeneratorSteamReactor=2.0 I:energyGeneratorThermal=25 D:energyGeneratorThermalPassive=1.0 I:energyGeneratorWater=100 I:energyGeneratorWaterHV=100 I:energyGeneratorWaterLV=100 I:energyGeneratorWaterMV=100 I:energyGeneratorWave=100 I:energyGeneratorWind=100 } client { # Custom Config to ensure a CropRendering mode, 0 = Fancy, 1 = MCRenderSettings, 2 = Fast. IC2Classic does not change anything there at the moment. But if a addon changes crop Renderring that is here to control it I:cropRenderMode=1 # Enable IC2 Keybinding Detection is active even if a gui is Open B:enableKeysInGuis=true } crafting { # Disable the Recipes From Bronze Tools and Armors B:disableBronzeTools=false # Enable crafting of buckets out of tin B:enableCraftingBucket=true # Enable crafting of glowstone dust out of dusts B:enableCraftingGlowstoneDust=false # Enable crafting of gunpowder out of dusts B:enableCraftingGunpowder=true # Enable crafting of ITNT B:enableCraftingITnt=true # Enable crafting of nukes B:enableCraftingNuke=true # Enable crafting of Piston out of bronze or silver B:enableCraftingPiston=true # Enable crafting of rails out of bronze B:enableCraftingRail=true # Enable that Furnace Recipes that get added by the IC2 api get automaticly applied to Vanilla B:enableFurnaceRecipeVanillaShare=false # Enable hiding of secret recipes in CraftGuide/NEI/Jei B:enableSecretRecipeHiding=false # Enable that Refined Iron gets replaced with Steel in Recipes B:enableSteelRecipes=false # List of blocks and items which should not be turned into scrap by the recycler. Comma separated, format is id(Block/ItemName)-metadata or use ore:oreID to exclude OreDictionary Entries S:recyclerBlacklist=minecraft:glass_pane, minecraft:stick, minecraft:snowball, IC2:scaffold } features { # Enables that beacons have a surprise if you use uranium as base. Checkt client & server side. So every player has control over it B:enableBeaconJoke=true # Enable burning of scrap in a generator B:enableBurningScrap=true # Enable that you can upgrade Chargepads from any side B:enableChargePadUpgradeAnySide=false # Enables for the Player to be Effected by the WindEffect B:enableElytraPlayerEffect=false # Enables on the ServerSide that Wind Can Effect EytraFlight B:enableElytraWindEffect=false # Enables that whenever a cable burns or a machine explodes a fire can spawn. Range: 0-1. 0 = Dissabled (0%) 1 = 100% D:enableEnergyBurn=0.0 # Enables Greg Villager Trades. (Disabling can not revert already existing greg trades) B:enableGreg=true # Enable Harder Enriched Uranium Processing. Making it not so easy to create B:enableHardEnrichedUran=false # Enable IC2 easy mode dissables explosions of Machines and melting of cables B:enableIC2EasyMode=false # Enables that the 1 Block Pumps produce infinite Lava in the nether B:enableInfiniteNetherLava=false # Enable usage of lapotron crystals on miners B:enableMinerLapotron=true # Enable activation of the quantum leggings' speed boost when sprinting instead of holding the boost key B:enableQuantumSpeedOnSprint=true # Enables the feature that electric armor absorbs Electric Damage B:enableSpecialElectricArmor=true # Enable calculation of inventory weight when going through a teleporter B:enableTeleporterInventory=true # Enables IC2Classic Villager Trades. If disabled they still spawn but have no trades B:enableVillagers=true # Sets the Render Limit for the Enet Renderer. Increasing can cause more lag when activly used default: 5 I:enetRenderLimit=5 # Registers IC2Classic Ingots as IC2Exps Plate Entries if there is no other entries. This is basically the override to force the entries in even so there are other entries present B:forcePlateEntries=false # Sets the max tick per tick config in the ReactorPlanner I:reactorPlannerMaxTicks=1000 } plugins { B:buildcraft=true B:forestry=true B:gravisuit_override=true B:jei=true B:telecompat=true } sounds { # Master Volume for all Backpack Items that play Sounds from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Backpack Sound Volume"=1.0 # Master Volume for all Items that play Sounds in your Hand from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Equippet Item Sound Volume"=1.0 # Master Volume that you can change ingame. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Master Sound Volume"=1.0 # Master Volume for all Machines from IC2. Please do not change it. If you really want to then do a number between 0-1 D:"Tile Sound Volume"=1.0 B:enableSounds=true } world { # Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4 D:explosionPowerNuke=100.0 # Maximum explosion power of a nuclear reactor, where TNT is 4 D:explosionPowerReactorMax=128.0 # Sets the Maxium Time for the WindSimulator to Update. I:maxWindChangeDelay=6000 # change how many wind streams exist, nr between 1-20 I:maxWindStreams=5 # enables the Realistic Wind Simulator. Makes the Classic Windmills anywhere efficent but less worth B:useRealisticWind=false } worldgen { # Enable generation of copper in the world B:enableWorldGenOreCopper=true # Enable generation of silver in the world B:enableWorldGenOreSilver=true # Enable generation of tin in the world B:enableWorldGenOreTin=true # Enable generation of uranium in the world B:enableWorldGenOreUranium=true # Enable generation of rubber trees in the world B:enableWorldGenTreeRubber=true # Factor to adjust the ore generation rate D:oreDensityFactor=0.949999988079071 }