# Configuration file blockdrops { # Drained shards have a 1 in X chance to drop. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 196] I:chanceToDropDrainedShard=196 # Fluorite Ore has a 1 in X chance to drop from Limestone and a 1 in X*20 from Sandstone.. [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 32] I:chanceToDropFluoriteOre=32 } configurables { # How much RF is a single unit of EU worth? (Most mods use 4:1 ratio) [range: 1 ~ 1000, default: 4] I:rfUsedPerEUForUniversalBatteries=4 } debug { # Enables all sorts of debug logging. (Don't use unless told to, breaks other things.) [default: false] B:debugMode=false # Disables EnderIO Integration. [default: false] B:disableEnderIO=false # Disables EnderIO Ingot Tooltips. These apparently may cause issues for a very small number of users. [default: false] B:disableEnderIOIngotTooltips=false # Dumps all GT++ and Toxic Everglade Data to en_US.lang in the config folder. This config option can be used by foreign players to generate blank .lang files, which they can populate with their language of choice. [default: false] B:dumpItemAndBlockData=false # Makes many machines display lots of debug logging. [default: false] B:enableMachineInfoLogging=false # Stops mod checking for updates. [default: true] B:enableUpdateChecker=false B:machineInfo=false # Makes all items hidden from NEI display. [default: false] B:showHiddenNEIItems=false } features { # Disables Zombie Reinforcement on hard difficutly. [default: false] B:disableZombieReinforcement=false B:enableCustomAlvearyBlocks=false # Enables Custom GT++ Cape. [default: true] B:enableSupporterCape=false # Set to a value greater than 0 to reduce the ticks taken to delay between BGM tracks. Acceptable Values are 1-32767, where 0 is disabled. Vanilla Uses 12,000 & 24,000. 200 is 10s. [range: 0 ~ 32767, default: 0] I:enableWatchdogBGM=0 } gregtech { # The Canonical Class-Names of TileEntities that should be ignored by the WorldAccelerator [default: [com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.TileEntityEnderQuarry]] S:BlacklistedTileEntiyClassNames < com.rwtema.extrautils.tileentity.enderquarry.TileEntityEnderQuarry > # Gives GT Gas/Steam turbines animated textures while running. [default: true] B:enableAnimatedTurbines=true # These construct machine components. [default: true] B:enableComponentAssemblers=false # Adds custom circuits to expand past the Master Tier. Only really recommended to enable if enableOldGTcircuits is enabled. [default: false] B:enableCustomCircuits=false # Adds Custom GT Cables. [default: true] B:enableCustom_Cables=true # Adds Custom GT Fluid Pipes. [default: true] B:enableCustom_Pipes=true # Makes LuV+ Casings and Hulls more difficult to craft. [default: false] B:enableHarderRecipesForHighTierCasings=false # These dehydrate stuff. [default: true] B:enableMachineDehydrators=true # Portable fluid tanks. [default: true] B:enableMachineFluidTanks=true # These may be overpowered, Consult a local geologist. [default: true] B:enableMachineGeothermalEngines=true # Pollution Detector & Scrubbers. [default: true] B:enableMachinePollution=true # Converts RF to GTEU. Requires COFH-Core to be installed. [default: true] B:enableMachineRFConvetor=false # Diesel egines with different internals, they consume less fuel overall. [default: true] B:enableMachineRocketEngines=true # These protect your goodies/rare stuff. [default: true] B:enableMachineSafes=true # Very basic automated cauldron for dust washing. [default: true] B:enableMachineSimpleWasher=true # Converts IC2 steam -> Railcraft steam. [default: true] B:enableMachineSteamConverter=true # Tesseracts for wireless item/fluid movement. [default: true] B:enableMachineTesseracts=true # Thermal Boiler from GT4. Can Filter Lava for resources. [default: true] B:enableMachineThermalBoiler=true # These allow boosting Block/TileEntity Tick times [OP]. [default: true] B:enableMachineWorldAccelerators=true # Adds Custom GT Shovels and Pickaxes which mine in a 3x3 style. One of each whill be generated for each Gregtech Material which has Dense Plates and Long Rods available. [default: true] B:enableMultiSizeTools=false # Required to smelt most high tier materials from GT++. Also smelts everything else to molten metal. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockAlloyBlastSmelter=true # Spin, Spin, Spiiiin. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialCentrifuge=true # Pyro Oven Alternative, older, more realistic, better. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialCokeOven=true # Electrolyzes things with extra bling factor. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialElectrolyzer=true # A hyper efficient maceration tower, nets more bonus outputs. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialMacerationStack=true # Industrial bendering machine thingo. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialPlatePress=true # Produces fine wire and exotic cables. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIndustrialWireMill=true # Skip the Bronze age, very slowly. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockIronBlastFurnace=false # For supplying large power grids. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockLiquidFluorideThoriumReactor=true # ?FAB?RIC?ATE MA?TT?ER. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockMatterFabricator=true # Tall tanks, each layer adds extra fluid storage. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockMultiTank=true # For managing large power grids. [default: true] B:enableMultiblockPowerSubstation=true # COMET - Scientific Cyclotron. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_Cyclotron=true # Very fast and efficient Cutting Machine. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialCuttingMachine=true # Very fast and efficient Extruding Machine. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialExtrudingMachine=true # Fish the seas, except on land. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialFishingPort=true # Can run recipes for 9 different types of machines. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialMultiMachine=true # Large scale sifting. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialSifter=true # Your warm spin for the ore thing. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialThermalCentrifuge=true # Used to wash the dirt, riiiiight offff.. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_IndustrialWashPlant=true # Can Assemble, Disassemble and Craft Project data from Data Sticks. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_LargeAutoCrafter=true # Refines molten chemicals into nuclear fuels. [default: true] B:enableMultiblock_NuclearFuelRefinery=true # Restores the old Nitro-Diesel recipes. [default: false] B:enableNitroFix=false # Restores circuits and their recipes from Pre-5.09.28 times. [default: false] B:enableOldGTcircuits=false # Adds Custom GT Tools, called Skookum Choochers, functioning as a hard hammer and a wrench. [default: true] B:enableSkookumChoochers=true # These may be overpowered, Consult a local electrician. [default: false] B:enableSolarGenerators=false # Adds GT6 recipes for Sulfuric Acid. Should remove all pre-existing recipes. [default: false] B:enableSulfuricAcidFix=false # Rotors below this durability will be removed, prevents NEI clutter. Minimum Durability is N * x, where N is the new value set and x is the turbine size, where 1 is Tiny and 4 is Huge. Set to 0 to disable. [range: 0 ~ 2147483647, default: 75000] I:turbineCutoffBase=25500 } machines { # Sets the steam per second value in LV,MV,HV boilers (respectively 1x,2x,3x this number for the tiers) [range: 0 ~ 10000, default: 750] I:boilerSteamPerSecond=750 # Alkaluscraft Related - Removes IC2 Cables Except glass fibre. Few other Misc Tweaks. [default: false] B:disableIC2Recipes=false # Adds a non-Antimony using Battery Alloy. Not Balanced at all.. [default: false] B:enableAlternativeBatteryAlloy=false # Utilizes Neutronium instead. [default: false] B:enableAlternativeDivisionSigilRecipe=false # Allows the use of TC shards across many recipes by oreDicting them into a common group. [default: false] B:enableThaumcraftShardUnification=false # Multiblocks Require Control Cores [default: true] B:requireControlCores=true } pollution { # maximum base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the single block rocket engines I:baseMaxPollutionPerSecondRocketFuelGenerator=2000 # minimum base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the single block rocket engines I:baseMinPollutionPerSecondRocketFuelGenerator=250 # base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the single block boilers I:basePollutionPerSecondBoiler=35 # base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the geothermal engines I:basePollutionPerSecondGeothermalGenerator=100 # base pollution rate in gibbl/s for the single block semi fluid generators I:basePollutionPerSecondSemiFluidGenerator=40 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Alloy blast furnace I:pollutionPerSecondMultiABS=200 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Dangote distillus in distillation tower mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAdvDistillationTower_ModeDT=480 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Dangote distillus in distillery mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAdvDistillationTower_ModeDistillery=240 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Volcanus I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAdvEBF=500 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Density^2 I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAdvImplosion=5000 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Algae farm I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAlgaePond=0 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large-Scale auto assembler v1.01 I:pollutionPerSecondMultiAutoCrafter=500 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Cyclotron I:pollutionPerSecondMultiCyclotron=200 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Flotation cell regulator I:pollutionPerSecondMultiFrothFlotationCell=0 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Alloy blast smelter I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialAlloySmelter=300 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the High current arc furnace I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialArcFurnace=2400 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial centrifuge I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialCentrifuge=300 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial coke oven I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialCokeOven=80 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Cutting factory I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialCuttingMachine=160 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Utupu-Tanuri I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialDehydrator=500 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial electrolyzer I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialElectrolyzer=300 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial extrusion machine I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialExtruder=1000 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Zuhai - fishing port I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialFishingPond=20 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Maceration stack I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMacerator=400 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial mixing machine I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMixer=800 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large processing factory in fluid mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeFluid=400 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large processing factory in metal mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMetal=400 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large processing factory in misc mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialMultiMachine_ModeMisc=600 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial material press in bending mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeBending=480 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Industrial material press in forming mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialPlatePress_ModeForming=240 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large Sifter I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialSifter=40 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large thermal refinery I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialThermalCentrifuge=1000 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Cryogenic freezer I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialVacuumFreezer=500 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Ore washing plant in chemical bath mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialWashPlant_ModeChemBath=400 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Ore washing plant in ore washer mode I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialWashPlant_ModeWasher=100 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Wire factory I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIndustrialWireMill=100 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the IsaMill grinding machine I:pollutionPerSecondMultiIsaMill=1280 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Large semifluid burner I:pollutionPerSecondMultiLargeSemiFluidGenerator=1280 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Matter fabrication CPU I:pollutionPerSecondMultiMassFabricator=40 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Thorium reactor when boosted I:pollutionPerSecondMultiNuclearReactor_ModeBoosted=160 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Thorium reactor I:pollutionPerSecondMultiNuclearReactor_ModeNormal=80 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Amazon warehousing depot I:pollutionPerSecondMultiPackager=40 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Reactor fuel processing plant I:pollutionPerSecondMultiRefinery=4000 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Thermal boiler I:pollutionPerSecondMultiThermalBoiler=700 # pollution rate in gibbl/s for the Tree growth simulator I:pollutionPerSecondMultiTreeFarm=100 # coefficient applied to the base rate of the single block semi fluid generators based on its tier (first is tier 0 aka ULV) D:pollutionReleasedByTierBoiler < 0.0 1.0 1.43 1.86 > # coefficient applied to the base rate of the single block geothermal engines based on its tier (first is tier 0 aka ULV) D:pollutionReleasedByTierGeothermalGenerator < 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 > # coefficient applied to the base rate of the single block rocket engines based on its tier (first is tier 0 aka ULV) D:pollutionReleasedByTierRocketFuelGenerator < 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 > # coefficient applied to the base rate of the single block semi fluid generators based on its tier (first is tier 0 aka ULV) D:pollutionReleasedByTierSemiFluidGenerator < 0.0 2.0 4.0 8.0 > } worldgen { # The biome within the Dark Dimension. [range: 1 ~ 254, default: 238] I:darkbiome_ID=199 # The ID of the Dark Dimension. [range: 1 ~ 254, default: 227] I:darkworld_ID=227 }