// --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- Created by DreamMasterXXL --- // --- Imports import mods.gregtech.Assembler; import mods.gregtech.ChemicalBath; import mods.gregtech.ChemicalReactor; import mods.gregtech.Mixer; // --- Variables --- val Glider = ; val GliderWing = ; val Luggage = ; val ClearGlass = ; val EnchantTable = ; val Anvil = ; val IronBars = ; val CobbleSlab = ; val TinRotor = ; val MVMotor = ; val Hopper = ; val StainlessPipe = ; val IronRod = ; val SteelRod = ; val DiamondRod = ; val EnderEyePlate = ; val NStarRod = ; val ObsidianChest = ; val Illuminator = ; val IronPlate = ; val RedAlloyRod = ; val AlRod = ; val SteelGear = ; val SSteelGear = ; val DiamondLens = ; val Piston = ; val DiamondGrindingHead = ; val Obsidian = ; val Stone = ; val Leather = ; val BGuide = ; val BlockPlacer = ; val BlockBreaker = ; val ItemDropper = ; val Wool = ; val TannedLeather = ; val Carpet = ; // --- Removing Recipes --- // --- Glider recipes.remove(Glider); // --- Glider Wing recipes.remove(GliderWing); // --- Luggage recipes.remove(Luggage); // --- Auto-Enchantment Table recipes.remove(); // --- Auto-Anvil recipes.remove(); // --- XP Drain recipes.remove(); // --- Path recipes.remove(); // --- Fan recipes.remove(); // --- Elevator recipes.remove(); // --- Rotating Elevator recipes.remove(); // --- Vacuum Hopper recipes.remove(); // --- Sprinkler recipes.remove(); // --- Building Guide recipes.remove(BGuide); // --- Enhanced Builder Guide recipes.remove(); // --- Block Placer recipes.remove(BlockPlacer); // --- Block Breaker recipes.remove(BlockBreaker); // --- Item Dropper recipes.remove(ItemDropper); // --- Sleeping Back recipes.remove(); // --- Rope Ladder recipes.remove(); // --- Jaded Ladder recipes.remove(); // --- Bear Trap recipes.remove(); // --- Item Canon recipes.remove(); // --- Sponge recipes.remove(); // --- Golden Egg recipes.remove(); // --- Village Highlighter recipes.remove(); // --- Sky Block recipes.remove(); // --- Inverted Sky Block recipes.remove(); // --- Hight Map Projector recipes.remove(); // --- Paint Mixer recipes.remove(); // --- Canvas recipes.remove(); // --- Xp Bottler recipes.remove(); // --- Unprepared Stencil recipes.remove(); // --- Pencil recipes.remove(); // --- Drawing Table recipes.remove(); // --- Magic Pencil recipes.remove(); // --- Magic Crayons recipes.remove(); // --- XP Shower recipes.remove(); // --- Scaffolding recipes.remove(); // --- Crane Control recipes.remove(); // --- Beam recipes.remove(); // --- Crane Engine recipes.remove(); // ---Crane Magnet recipes.remove(); // --- Line recipes.remove(); // --- Crane Backpack recipes.remove(); // --- Map Controller Module recipes.remove(); // --- Map Memory Module recipes.remove(); // --- Empty Map recipes.remove(); // --- Assistant Base recipes.remove(); // --- Catographer recipes.remove(); // --- Slime Alyzer recipes.remove(); // --- Paint Brush recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Sonic Glasses recipes.remove(); // --- Dev/Null recipes.remove(); // --- Pedometer recipes.remove(); // --- Tasty Clay recipes.remove(); // --- Golden Eye recipes.removeShaped(); // --- Cursor recipes.remove(); // --- Adding Back Recipes --- // --- Glider recipes.addShaped(Glider, [ [, , ], [GliderWing, , GliderWing], [, , ]]); // --- Glider Wing recipes.addShaped(GliderWing, [ [, SteelRod, Leather], [SteelRod, TannedLeather, Leather], [Leather, Leather, Leather]]); // --- Auto-Anvil recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- XP Drain recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, IronBars, ], [, , ]]); // --- Path recipes.addShaped( * 4, [ [CobbleSlab, null, CobbleSlab], [null, CobbleSlab, null], [CobbleSlab, null, CobbleSlab]]); // --- Fan recipes.addShaped(, [ [IronBars, TinRotor, IronBars], [, , ], [, MVMotor, ]]); // --- Elevator recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Rotating Elevator recipes.addShaped(, [ [null, , null], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [null, , null]]); // --- Vacuum Hopper recipes.addShaped(, [ [, Hopper, ], [Hopper, , Hopper], [, Hopper, ]]); // --- Sprinkler recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Building Guide recipes.addShaped(BGuide, [ [Obsidian, Illuminator, Obsidian], [Illuminator, DiamondLens, Illuminator], [Obsidian, Illuminator, Obsidian]]); // --- Block Placer recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Block Breaker recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Item Dropper recipes.addShaped(ItemDropper, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Bear Trap recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Item Canon recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Village Highlighter recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Sky Block recipes.addShaped( * 6, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // - recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Hight Map Projector recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Canvas recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Drawing Table recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- XP Shower recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Scaffolding recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Assistant Base recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Slime Alyzer recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, , ], [, , ]]); // --- Paint Brush recipes.addShapeless(, []); // --- Sonic Glasses recipes.addShaped(, [ [, , ], [, * 1, ], [, , ]]); // --- Assembler Recipes // --- Rope Ladder Assembler.addRecipe( * 64, * 64, * 64, 600, 8); // --- Jaded Ladder Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 200, 30); // --- Inverted Sky Block Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 0, * 144, 200, 16); // --- Paint Mixer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 4, 600, 30); // --- Xp Bottler Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 4, 600, 30); // --- Unprepared Stencil Assembler.addRecipe(, , , 200, 16); // --- Pencil Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 100, 8); // --- Magic Pencil Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float}), , , 100, 16); // --- Map Controller Module Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 300, 30); // --- Map Memory Module Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 144, 400, 30); // --- Empty Map 1:1 Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Scale: 0 as byte}), , * 4, 600, 30); // --- Empty Map 1:2 Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Scale: 1 as byte}), .withTag({Scale: 0 as byte}), , * 144, 600, 30); // --- Empty Map 1:4 Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Scale: 2 as byte}), .withTag({Scale: 1 as byte}), * 2, * 144, 800, 30); // --- Empty Map 1:8 Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Scale: 3 as byte}), .withTag({Scale: 2 as byte}), * 2, * 144, 1000, 30); // --- Empty Map 1:16 Assembler.addRecipe(.withTag({Scale: 4 as byte}), .withTag({Scale: 3 as byte}), * 2, * 144, 1200, 30); // --- Catographer Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 1000, 600, 120); // --- Pedometer Assembler.addRecipe(, , * 2, * 144, 200, 30); // --- Enhanced Builder Guide Assembler.addRecipe(, , , * 288, 300, 64); // --- Chemical Bath Recipes // --- Black Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Red Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Green Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Brown Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Blue Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Purple Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Cyan Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Light Grey Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Dark Grey Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Pink Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Lime Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Yellow Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Light Blue Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magenta Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Orange Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- White Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Black Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Red Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Green Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Brown Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Blue Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Purple Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Cyan Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Light Grey Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Dark Grey Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Pink Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Lime Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Yellow Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Light Blue Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magenta Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Orange Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- White Rotating Elevator ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Black ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 1973019})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Red ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 11743532})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Green ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 3887386})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Brown ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 5320730})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Blue ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 2437522})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Purple ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 8073150})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Cyan ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 2651799})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Light Grey ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 11250603})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Dark Grey ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 4408131})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Pink ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 14188952})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Lime ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 4312372})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Yellow ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 14602026})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Light Blue ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 6719955})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Magenta ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 12801229})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon Orange ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 15435844})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Magical Crayon White ChemicalBath.addRecipe([.withTag({Uses: 10.0 as float, Color: 15790320})], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Golden Eye ChemicalBath.addRecipe([], , * 144, [10000], 200, 20); // --- Chemical Reactor Recipes --- // --- Sponge ChemicalReactor.addRecipe(, null, , , * 1000, 200, 30); // --- Mixer Recipes // --- Tasty Clay Mixer.addRecipe(, null, [, ], * 500, 100, 8); // --- Thaumcraft Stuff --- // --- Golden Egg mods.thaumcraft.Research.addResearch("GOLDENEGG", "MAGICBEES", "alienis 15, bestia 12, victus 9, humanus 6", -4 as int, 5, 4, ); game.setLocalization("tc.research_name.GOLDENEGG", "Golden Egg"); game.setLocalization("tc.research_text.GOLDENEGG", "[OB] Make A MiniMe"); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPrereq("GOLDENEGG", "MB_DimensionalSingularity", false); mods.thaumcraft.Research.setConcealed("GOLDENEGG", true); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addPage("GOLDENEGG", "OpenBlocks.research_page.GOLDENEGG"); game.setLocalization("OpenBlocks.research_page.GOLDENEGG", "The Golden Egg is a block from the OpenBlocks mod. This block is used to summon the Baby Mini Me. Before it hatches, it will begin to slowly spin in circles. After many spins, it will grow and emit large amounts of light. It will then float into the air, and explode. The explosion is minor, and should only break a single layer of standard resistance blocks. Right before it explodes, it will lift surrounding blocks into the air, then drop them back into place. Pictures of the hatching process can be found below."); mods.thaumcraft.Infusion.addRecipe("GOLDENEGG",, [, , , , , ], "alienis 75, bestia 50, victus 50, humanus 25", , 2); mods.thaumcraft.Research.addInfusionPage("GOLDENEGG", ); mods.thaumcraft.Warp.addToResearch("GOLDENEGG", 2);