# Configuration file general { ########################################################################################################## # gameplay #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All configuration related to gameplay ########################################################################################################## gameplay { # Should a player be allowed to have a colony in every world at the same time? [Default: false] B:allowColoniesInDifferentWorlds=true # Should players be allowed to change names? -1 for false, 0 for specific groups, 1 for true. [Default: 1] I:allowGlobalNameChanges=1 # Should players be allowed to abandon their colony to create a new one easily? [Default: false] B:allowInfiniteColonies=false # Should players be able to place an infinite amount of supplychests? [Default: false] B:allowInfiniteSupplyChests=false # Should colonies in other dimensions be allowed? [Default: false] B:allowOtherDimColonies=true # Should player made schematics be allowed [Default: false] B:allowPlayerSchematics=false # Should citizen name tags be rendered? [Default: true] B:alwaysRenderNameTag=true # Sets the amount of hours until a colony will be deleted after not seeing it's mayor, set to zero to disable. [Default: 0] I:autoDeleteColoniesInHours=0 # Sets weither or not Colony structures are destroyed automatically. [Default: true] B:autoDestroyColonyBlocks=true # The average amount of nights between raids. [Default: 3] I:averageNumberOfNightsBetweenRaids=4 # The difficulty setting for barbarians. [Default: 5] # Min: 0 # Max: 10 I:barbarianHordeDifficulty=8 # Delay modifier to mine a block (Decreasing it, decreases the delay) [Default: 500] I:blockMiningDelayModifier=500 # Delay after each block placement (Increasing it, increases the delay) [Default: 15] # Min: 1 # Max: 500 I:builderBuildBlockDelay=10 # Should builder and miner build without resources? (this also turns off what they produce). [Default: false] B:builderInfiniteResources=false # Should builder place construction tape? [Default: true] B:builderPlaceConstructionTape=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc citizens respawn' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerRespawnCitizensCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony addOfficer' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseAddOfficerCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc backup' command? [Default: false] B:canPlayerUseBackupCommand=false # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc citizens info' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseCitizenInfoCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony teleport' command? [Default: false] B:canPlayerUseColonyTPCommand=false # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony delete' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseDeleteColonyCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc home' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseHomeTPCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc citizens kill' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseKillCitizensCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc citizens list' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseListCitizensCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc rtp' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseRTPCommand=true # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony refresh' command? [Default: false] B:canPlayerUseRefreshColonyCommand=false # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony info' command? [Default: true] B:canPlayerUseShowColonyInfoCommand=true # Chat frequency of worker requests. [Default: 30] I:chatFrequency=30 # Should Citizens call guards for help when attacked? default:true B:citizenCallForHelp=true # Average citizen respawn interval (in seconds). [Default: 60] # Min: 10 # Max: 600 I:citizenRespawnInterval=60 # List of items the Students in the library can use. # Format: itemname;SkillIncreasePCT[100-1000];BreakPCT[0-100] # Example: minecraft:paper;400;100 # Which adds minecraft Paper with a 400%(4x) increased chance to skillup and a 100% chance to be used up during the try to skillup S:configListStudyItems < minecraft:paper;400;100 > # What the crusher can produce at the cost of 2:1 S:crusherProduction < minecraft:cobblestone!minecraft:gravel minecraft:gravel!minecraft:sand minecraft:sand!minecraft:clay > # Days until the pirate ships despawn again. [Default: 3] I:daysUntilPirateshipsDespawn=3 # Quantity of dirt per Compost filling. [Default: 1] I:dirtFromCompost=1 # Disable citizen voices. [Default: false] B:disableCitizenVoices=false # Whether or not to barbarians can break, scale, bridge obstacles. [Default: true] B:doBarbariansBreakThroughWalls=true # Whether or not to spawn barbarians. [Default: true] B:doBarbariansSpawn=true # Should the colony protection be enabled? [Default: true] B:enableColonyProtection=false # Should the colony have a fixed radius or should it be dynamic. [Default: false] B:enableDynamicColonySizes=false # Should in development features be enabled (might be buggy). [Default: false] B:enableInDevelopmentFeatures=false # Experience multiplier of the enchanter (how much more experience does he get from a citizen than he drains) [Default: 2.0] D:enchanterExperienceMultiplier=2.0 # The possible enchantments the enchanter worker can generate S:enchantments < 1,minecraft:aqua_affinity,1,50 1,minecraft:bane_of_arthropods,1,50 1,minecraft:blast_protection,1,50 1,minecraft:depth_strider,1,50 1,minecraft:feather_falling,1,50 1,minecraft:fire_aspect,1,50 1,minecraft:fire_protection,1,50 1,minecraft:flame,1,50 1,minecraft:frost_walker,1,50 1,minecraft:knockback,1,50 1,minecraft:looting,1,50 1,minecraft:power,1,50 1,minecraft:projectile_protection,1,50 1,minecraft:protection,1,50 1,minecraft:punch,1,50 1,minecraft:respiration,1,50 1,minecraft:sharpness,1,50 1,minecraft:smite,1,50 1,minecraft:sweeping_edge,1,50 1,minecraft:unbreaking,1,50 2,minecraft:aqua_affinity,2,25 2,minecraft:bane_of_arthropods,2,25 2,minecraft:blast_protection,2,25 2,minecraft:depth_strider,2,25 2,minecraft:feather_falling,2,25 2,minecraft:fire_aspect,2,25 2,minecraft:fire_protection,2,25 2,minecraft:flame,2,25 2,minecraft:frost_walker,2,25 2,minecraft:knockback,2,25 2,minecraft:looting,2,25 2,minecraft:power,2,25 2,minecraft:projectile_protection,2,25 2,minecraft:protection,2,25 2,minecraft:punch,2,25 2,minecraft:respiration,2,25 2,minecraft:sharpness,2,25 2,minecraft:smite,2,25 2,minecraft:sweeping_edge,2,25 2,minecraft:unbreaking,2,25 3,minecraft:aqua_affinity,3,15 3,minecraft:bane_of_arthropods,3,15 3,minecraft:blast_protection,3,15 3,minecraft:depth_strider,3,15 3,minecraft:feather_falling,3,15 3,minecraft:fire_aspect,3,15 3,minecraft:fire_protection,3,15 3,minecraft:flame,3,15 3,minecraft:frost_walker,3,15 3,minecraft:knockback,3,15 3,minecraft:looting,3,15 3,minecraft:power,3,15 3,minecraft:projectile_protection,3,15 3,minecraft:protection,3,15 3,minecraft:punch,3,15 3,minecraft:respiration,3,15 3,minecraft:sharpness,3,15 3,minecraft:smite,3,15 3,minecraft:sweeping_edge,3,15 3,minecraft:unbreaking,3,15 4,minecraft:aqua_affinity,4,5 4,minecraft:bane_of_arthropods,4,5 4,minecraft:blast_protection,4,5 4,minecraft:depth_strider,4,5 4,minecraft:feather_falling,4,5 4,minecraft:fire_aspect,4,5 4,minecraft:fire_protection,4,5 4,minecraft:flame,4,5 4,minecraft:frost_walker,4,5 4,minecraft:infinity,1,5 4,minecraft:knockback,4,5 4,minecraft:looting,4,5 4,minecraft:power,4,5 4,minecraft:projectile_protection,4,5 4,minecraft:protection,4,5 4,minecraft:punch,4,5 4,minecraft:respiration,4,5 4,minecraft:sharpness,4,5 4,minecraft:smite,4,5 4,minecraft:sweeping_edge,4,5 4,minecraft:unbreaking,4,5 5,minecraft:aqua_affinity,5,1 5,minecraft:bane_of_arthropods,5,1 5,minecraft:blast_protection,5,1 5,minecraft:depth_strider,5,1 5,minecraft:feather_falling,5,1 5,minecraft:fire_aspect,5,1 5,minecraft:fire_protection,5,1 5,minecraft:flame,5,1 5,minecraft:frost_walker,5,1 5,minecraft:infinity,1,1 5,minecraft:knockback,5,1 5,minecraft:looting,5,1 5,minecraft:mending,1,1 5,minecraft:power,5,1 5,minecraft:projectile_protection,5,1 5,minecraft:protection,5,1 5,minecraft:punch,5,1 5,minecraft:respiration,5,1 5,minecraft:sharpness,5,1 5,minecraft:smite,5,1 5,minecraft:sweeping_edge,5,1 5,minecraft:unbreaking,5,1 > # Ores for the miner to mine that aren't autodetected S:extraOres < minestuck:ore_cruxite minestuck:ore_uranium > # Chance to get a sponge drop for the fisherman starting at level 4. [Default: 0.1] D:fisherSpongeChance=0.1 # Automatically fix orphaned chunks which were caused by chunk loading and saving issues. [Default: false] B:fixOrphanedChunks=false # Food consumption modifier (Min: 1.0). [Default: 1.0] D:foodModifier=1.0 # Blocks players should be able to interact with in any colony (Ex vending machines) S:freeToInteractBlocks < block:dirt 0 0 0 > # Child growth modifier, default on avg they take about 60min to grow (at 1.0x modifier). Setting to 5 = 5x as fast. [Default: 1] D:growthModifier=1.0 # Health multiplier for all Guards. [Default: 1.0] D:guardHealthMult=16.0 # ResourceLocations for extra entities for the GuardHut's list. # once done you'll need to recalculate the list.EntityMob's already calculated in list. S:guardResourceLocations < minecraft:slime tconstruct:blueslime > # Should special holiday content be displayed? [Default: true] B:holidayFeatures=true # Amount of initial citizens. [Default: 4] I:initialCitizenAmount=4 # Damage multiplier for Knight Guards. [Default: 1.0] D:knightDamageMult=22.0 # Should there be at max 1 warehouse per colony?. [Default: true] B:limitToOneWareHousePerColony=true # The items and item-tags that the composter can use to produce compost. S:listOfCompostableItems < minecraft:rotten_flesh minecraft:tallgrass minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower minecraft:brown_mushroom minecraft:red_mushroom minecraft:double_plant minecraft:feather food seed treeSapling > # The items and item-tags that the florist can plant. S:listOfPlantables < minecraft:tallgrass minecraft:yellow_flower minecraft:red_flower minecraft:double_plant minecraft:cactus minecraft:reeds > # Chance to get a lucky block in percent. [Default: 1] I:luckyBlockChance=1 # The blocks where the miner has a chance to get a random ore. S:luckyBlocks < minecraft:stone minecraft:cobblestone > # The random ores the miner can get separated by ! for rarity S:luckyOres < minecraft:coal_ore!64 minecraft:iron_ore!32 minecraft:gold_ore!16 minecraft:redstone_ore!8 minecraft:lapis_ore!4 minecraft:diamond_ore!2 minecraft:emerald_ore!1 > # The max size of a barbarian horde. [Default: 60] # Min: 6 # Max: 40 I:maxBarbarianSize=20 # Amount of blocks the builder checks (to decrease lag by builder). [Default: 1000] I:maxBlocksCheckedByBuilder=1000 # Max citizens in one colony. [Default: 50] I:maxCitizenPerColony=50 # Max distance from world spawn. [Default: 8000] I:maxDistanceFromWorldSpawn=8000 # Max Y level for Barbarians to spawn. [Default: 200] I:maxYForBarbarians=200 # Min distance from world spawn. [Default: 512] I:minDistanceFromWorldSpawn=512 # The minimum level a townhall has to have to allow teleportation to other colonies. [Default: 3] I:minThLevelToTeleport=3 # The minimum distances between town halls for dynamic colony sizes (used as default initial claim too). [Default: 3] I:minTownHallPadding=3 # The minimum number of nights between raids. [Default: 1] I:minimumNumberOfNightsBetweenRaids=1 # Should Mobs attack citizens? [Default: false B:mobAttackCitizens=false # Amount of attempts to find a save rtp. [Default: 4] I:numberOfAttemptsForSafeTP=4 # Should colony officers also receive advancements? B:officersReceiveAdvancements=false # Which level counts as op level on the server. [Default: 3] I:opLevelForServer=3 # Should Operators be silent when entering or leaving a colony. [Default: false] B:operatorVisitsColoniesSilently=false # Should player get one guidebook on first join to a new world? [Default: true] B:playerGetsGuidebookOnFirstJoin=true # Should players be allowed to build their colonies over existing villages? [Default: false] B:protectVillages=false # Turn on Minecolonies pvp mode, attention (colonies can be destroyed and can be griefed under certain conditions). [Default: false] B:pvp_mode=false # Damage multiplier for Ranger Guards. [Default: 1.0] D:rangerDamageMult=16.0 # Should Guard Rangers benefit from Power/Smite/Bane of Arthropods enchants? [Default: true] B:rangerEnchants=true # If the builder should be slower underground or as fast as anywhere else. [Default: true] B:restrictBuilderUnderground=false # Should the min/max distance from spawn also affect colony placement? [Default: false] B:restrictColonyPlacement=false # Seconds between permission messages. [Default: 30] I:secondsBetweenPermissionMessages=30 # Should Players be sent entering/leaving colony notifications? [Default: true] B:sendEnteringLeavingMessages=true # The blocks which can be sifted for items S:siftableBlocks < minecraft:dirt minecraft:sand minecraft:gravel minecraft:soul_sand > # The possible drops from sifting - keyBlock, keyMesh, item, probability S:sifterDrops < 0,0,minecraft:wheat_seeds,25 0,0,minecraft:sapling:0,1 0,0,minecraft:sapling:1,1 0,0,minecraft:sapling:2,1 0,0,minecraft:sapling:3,1 0,1,minecraft:wheat_seeds,50 0,1,minecraft:sapling:0,5 0,1,minecraft:sapling:1,5 0,1,minecraft:sapling:2,5 0,1,minecraft:sapling:3,5 0,1,minecraft:carrot:0,1 0,1,minecraft:potato:0,1 0,2,minecraft:wheat_seeds,50 0,2,minecraft:sapling:0,10 0,2,minecraft:sapling:1,10 0,2,minecraft:sapling:2,10 0,2,minecraft:sapling:3,10 0,2,minecraft:pumpkin_seeds:0,1 0,2,minecraft:melon_seeds:0,1 0,2,minecraft:beetroot_seeds:0,1 0,2,minecraft:carrot:0,1 0,2,minecraft:potato:0,1 0,2,minecraft:sapling:4,1 0,2,minecraft:sapling:5,1 0,3,minecraft:wheat_seeds,25 0,3,minecraft:sapling:0,10 0,3,minecraft:sapling:1,10 0,3,minecraft:sapling:2,10 0,3,minecraft:sapling:3,10 0,3,minecraft:pumpkin_seeds:0,5 0,3,minecraft:melon_seeds:0,5 0,3,minecraft:beetroot_seeds:0,5 0,3,minecraft:carrot:0,5 0,3,minecraft:potato:0,5 0,3,minecraft:sapling:4,5 0,3,minecraft:sapling:5,5 1,0,minecraft:cactus,2.5 1,0,minecraft:reeds,2.5 1,1,minecraft:cactus,5 1,1,minecraft:reeds,5 1,1,minecraft:gold_nugget,5 1,2,minecraft:cactus,10 1,2,minecraft:reeds,10 1,2,minecraft:dye:3,10 1,2,minecraft:gold_nugget,10 1,3,minecraft:cactus,15 1,3,minecraft:reeds,15 1,3,minecraft:dye:3,15 1,3,minecraft:gold_nugget,15 2,0,minecraft:iron_nugget,5 2,0,minecraft:flint,5 2,0,minecraft:coal,5 2,1,minecraft:redstone,10 2,1,minecraft:iron_nugget,10 2,1,minecraft:flint,10 2,1,minecraft:coal,10 2,2,minecraft:redstone,15 2,2,minecraft:iron_nugget,15 2,2,minecraft:coal,15 2,2,minecraft:dye:4,5 2,2,minecraft:iron_ingot,1 2,2,minecraft:gold_ingot,1 2,2,minecraft:emerald,1 2,2,minecraft:diamond,1 2,3,minecraft:redstone,20 2,3,minecraft:coal,20 2,3,minecraft:dye:4,10 2,3,minecraft:iron_ingot,2.5 2,3,minecraft:gold_ingot,2.5 2,3,minecraft:emerald,2.5 2,3,minecraft:diamond,2.5 3,0,minecraft:nether_wart,5 3,0,minecraft:quartz,5 3,1,minecraft:nether_wart,10 3,1,minecraft:quartz,10 3,1,minecraft:glowstone_dust,5 3,2,minecraft:nether_wart,10 3,2,minecraft:quartz,10 3,2,minecraft:glowstone_dust,10 3,2,minecraft:blaze_powder,1 3,2,minecraft:magma_cream,1 3,3,minecraft:nether_wart,15 3,3,minecraft:quartz,15 3,3,minecraft:glowstone_dust,15 3,3,minecraft:blaze_powder,5 3,3,minecraft:magma_cream,5 3,3,minecraft:skull:3,5 > # The different meshes which can be bought in the building with durability S:sifterMeshes < minecraft:string,0 minecraft:flint,0.1 minecraft:iron_ingot,0.1 minecraft:diamond,0.1 > # The spawn size of a barbarian horde. [Default: 5] # Min: 1 # Max: 10 I:spawnBarbarianSize=5 # Players who have special permission (Patreons for example) S:specialPermGroup < _Raycoms_ > # Suggest build tool usage when trying to place a building without build tool. [Default: true] B:suggestBuildToolPlacement=true # Should supply chests be craftable on this server? [Default: true] B:supplyChests=true # Time until a next teleport can be executed (in seconds). [Default: 120] I:teleportBuffer=120 # Padding between colonies - deprecated, don't use. [Default: 20] I:townHallPadding=20 # Padding between colonies in chunks. [Default: 1] I:townHallPaddingChunk=1 # Independent from the colony protection, should explosions be turned off? [Default: true] B:turnOffExplosionsInColonies=true # AI Update rate, increase to improve performance. [Default: 1] # Min: 1 # Max: 10000 I:updateRate=1 # Should workers work during the rain? [Default: false] B:workersAlwaysWorkInRain=true # Max distance a colony can claim a chunk from the center, 0 if disable maximum. [Default: 0] I:workingRangeTownHall=0 # Colony size (radius in chunks around central colony chunk). Only for the static mode. [Default: 8] I:workingRangeTownHallChunks=8 } ########################################################################################################## # compatibility #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All configuration related to mod compatibility ########################################################################################################## compatibility { # Harvest trunk-size for dynamic trees:1-8. [Default: 5] I:dynamicTreeHarvestSize=5 } ########################################################################################################## # pathfinding #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All configurations related to pathfinding ########################################################################################################## pathfinding { # Draw pathfinding paths (might be laggy). [Default: false] B:pathfindingDebugDraw=false # Verbosity of pathfinding. [Default: 0] I:pathfindingDebugVerbosity=0 # Max amount of Nodes(positions) to map during pathfinding. Lowering increases performance, but might lead to pathing glitches. [Default: 5000] I:pathfindingMaxNodes=5000 # Amount of additional threads to be used for pathfinding. [Default: 2] I:pathfindingMaxThreadCount=2 } ########################################################################################################## # requestsystem #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # All configurations related to the request system ########################################################################################################## requestsystem { # Should the player be allowed to use the '/mc colony rs reset' command? [Default: false] B:canPlayerUseResetCommand=false # Should the request system creatively resolve (if possible) when the player is required to resolve a request. [Default: false] B:creativeResolve=false # The amount of ticks between retries of the request system for retryable requests. Lower increases server load. [Default: 1200] I:delayBetweenRetries=1200 # Should the request system print out debug information? Useful in case of malfunctioning of set system. [Default: false] B:enableDebugLogging=false # The maximal amount of buildings the Delivery Man should try to gather before attempting a drop off at the warehouse. [Default: 6] I:maximalBuildingsToGather=6 # The maximal amount of tries that the request system will perform for retryable requests. Higher increases server load. [Default: 3] I:maximalRetries=3 # The minimal amount of buildings the Delivery Man should try to gather before attempting a drop off at the warehouse. [Default: 3] I:minimalBuildingsToGather=3 } }