{ title: "The Forgotten Evoker", x: -1.5d, y: -1.0d, description: "The dead are easy to forget", text: [ "A decayed evoker whose joined the undead forces.", "", "It uses it's dark magic to shield undead and curse any adventurer foolish enough to crass its path." ], tasks: [{ uid: "aa953f54", type: "kill", title: "Slay Some Zealots", entity: "ancientbeasts:zealot", value: 5L }], rewards: [{ uid: "9cda5b63", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 100L }, { uid: "abac7376", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 15 }, { uid: "68ea6acf", type: "random", table: 12 }] }