{ title: "Sixteen Tons", x: -7.5d, y: 2.0d, description: "Raise your pick and raise your voice!", text: [ "A real miner needs no shield just a pickaxe and this emblem to make all blocks fear them." ], tasks: [{ uid: "5432029c", type: "item", items: [{ ForgeCaps: { "wizardryutils:summoneditemdata": {} }, id: "uniquecrops:emblem.powerfist", tag: { Quality: { Slots: [ "baubles_trinket", "offhand" ], Color: "dark_gray", AttributeModifiers: [{ UUIDMost: 7406887851237330700L, UUIDLeast: -8987497959929253034L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "potioncore.projectileDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: -5523697705277962755L, UUIDLeast: -4704695603846294177L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "generic.attackDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }, { UUIDMost: 3435612829165372063L, UUIDLeast: -9084573500816912145L, Amount: -0.05000000074505806d, AttributeName: "potioncore.magicDamage", Operation: 2, Name: "qualitytools" }], Name: "quality.horrible.name" } } }], ignore_damage: true, ignore_nbt: 1b }], rewards: [{ uid: "736af073", type: "ftbmoney:money", ftb_money: 125L }, { uid: "04af89cf", type: "xp_levels", xp_levels: 30 }, { uid: "49217ad0", type: "random", table: 19 }] }