{ "mod": "minecraft", "spawn": { // Array of all categories this mod has spawns for "categories": { "water_creature": { // Set the limit per mob within this category "spawns": { "dolphin": { // Do not edit this name "name": "dolphin", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "squid": { // Do not edit this name "name": "squid", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 } } }, "ambient": { // Set the limit per mob within this category "spawns": { "bat": { // Do not edit this name "name": "bat", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 } } }, "creature": { // Set the limit per mob within this category "spawns": { "zombie_horse": { // Do not edit this name "name": "zombie_horse", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "chicken": { // Do not edit this name "name": "chicken", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "panda": { // Do not edit this name "name": "panda", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "bee": { // Do not edit this name "name": "bee", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "turtle": { // Do not edit this name "name": "turtle", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "wolf": { // Do not edit this name "name": "wolf", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "skeleton_horse": { // Do not edit this name "name": "skeleton_horse", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "trader_llama": { // Do not edit this name "name": "trader_llama", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "donkey": { // Do not edit this name "name": "donkey", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "wandering_trader": { // Do not edit this name "name": "wandering_trader", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "cow": { // Do not edit this name "name": "cow", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "ocelot": { // Do not edit this name "name": "ocelot", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "fox": { // Do not edit this name "name": "fox", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "pig": { // Do not edit this name "name": "pig", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "polar_bear": { // Do not edit this name "name": "polar_bear", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "strider": { // Do not edit this name "name": "strider", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "horse": { // Do not edit this name "name": "horse", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "llama": { // Do not edit this name "name": "llama", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "mule": { // Do not edit this name "name": "mule", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "cat": { // Do not edit this name "name": "cat", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "rabbit": { // Do not edit this name "name": "rabbit", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "mooshroom": { // Do not edit this name "name": "mooshroom", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "parrot": { // Do not edit this name "name": "parrot", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 }, "sheep": { // Do not edit this name "name": "sheep", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 8 } } }, "water_ambient": { // Set the limit per mob within this category "spawns": { "pufferfish": { // Do not edit this name "name": "pufferfish", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 5 }, "salmon": { // Do not edit this name "name": "salmon", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 5 }, "cod": { // Do not edit this name "name": "cod", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 5 }, "tropical_fish": { // Do not edit this name "name": "tropical_fish", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 5 } } }, "monster": { // Set the limit per mob within this category "spawns": { "ravager": { // Do not edit this name "name": "ravager", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "zoglin": { // Do not edit this name "name": "zoglin", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "magma_cube": { // Do not edit this name "name": "magma_cube", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "slime": { // Do not edit this name "name": "slime", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "pillager": { // Do not edit this name "name": "pillager", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "skeleton": { // Do not edit this name "name": "skeleton", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "husk": { // Do not edit this name "name": "husk", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "zombified_piglin": { // Do not edit this name "name": "zombified_piglin", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "blaze": { // Do not edit this name "name": "blaze", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "hoglin": { // Do not edit this name "name": "hoglin", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "piglin": { // Do not edit this name "name": "piglin", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "endermite": { // Do not edit this name "name": "endermite", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "silverfish": { // Do not edit this name "name": "silverfish", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "zombie": { // Do not edit this name "name": "zombie", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "giant": { // Do not edit this name "name": "giant", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "drowned": { // Do not edit this name "name": "drowned", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "guardian": { // Do not edit this name "name": "guardian", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "ghast": { // Do not edit this name "name": "ghast", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "illusioner": { // Do not edit this name "name": "illusioner", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "stray": { // Do not edit this name "name": "stray", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "shulker": { // Do not edit this name "name": "shulker", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "vex": { // Do not edit this name "name": "vex", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "wither_skeleton": { // Do not edit this name "name": "wither_skeleton", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "zombie_villager": { // Do not edit this name "name": "zombie_villager", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "piglin_brute": { // Do not edit this name "name": "piglin_brute", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "elder_guardian": { // Do not edit this name "name": "elder_guardian", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "vindicator": { // Do not edit this name "name": "vindicator", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "phantom": { // Do not edit this name "name": "phantom", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "ender_dragon": { // Do not edit this name "name": "ender_dragon", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "evoker": { // Do not edit this name "name": "evoker", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "cave_spider": { // Do not edit this name "name": "cave_spider", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "witch": { // Do not edit this name "name": "witch", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "spider": { // Do not edit this name "name": "spider", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "wither": { // Do not edit this name "name": "wither", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "creeper": { // Do not edit this name "name": "creeper", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 }, "enderman": { // Do not edit this name "name": "enderman", // Maximum amount of this mob that can spawn per chunk "limit": 70 } } } } } }